The last sentence, uttered from a terrorist who claimed to bring the United States to peace, was full of a different kind of irony.

The spectators from all over the world are more lively and bustling on the Internet. In some countries that have been invaded by the United States, such as Iraq, their people are even shooting guns in the street to celebrate, a scene of jubilation.

Russia and China, which have long been unhappy with the United States, have been fighting for this issue on the Internet of China. A group of people think that this matter is a vicious gas for human civilization. The United States always takes charge of heaven and earth, and always likes to bring itself into the position of the world's police. In other countries' internal affairs, it is unnecessary to say much about the suppression and provocation of China It is the small countries of Japan and South Korea under the flag of the United States, which have caused countless troubles to China. Now, when we see the United States for the first time, we can not mention how happy the Internet is.

Of course, some people celebrate, and naturally some people object to it. Seeing people's finger pointing at the United States on the Internet, some cents and the Virgin Mary can't sit still immediately. They quickly jump out of the height of human beings to prove how hateful and damned God is, and how the holy America must be.

In the end, the debate between the two sides will go up to the comparison of the national strength of China and the United States, and then continue to evolve into an unchanging friendly exchange of greetings to their biological parents and specific descriptions of their organs.

And those brats are even more reluctant to be lonely. They are springing up like bamboo shoots, publicizing their own conjectures about the mysterious organization God and explaining why the U.S. cyber command is so vulnerable that it produces countless versions. These explanations are strange, but at first glance, they are full of discussion on human nature and ethics. Even the netizens can't help laughing.

The United States has once again become the focus of global attention. In the midst of people's talk and quarrel about the United States, time goes by. Soon, 12 hours pass by. In 24 hours, the United States has experienced the impact and discussion of global public opinion, and finally comes to the time of dust settling.

"Your Excellency, the twenty-four hours have arrived."

On the B8 floor of the beehive, Yuehua once again said, "today, the evacuation of the population from 13 cities in the United States has only completed 80%, and about six million people still choose to stay in their own cities. Joshua and several members of the Council of the United States have also called, hoping that we can be merciful and not hit the United States too badly."

"Tell them to stop talking nonsense and do your own thing well enough." Zhang Heng said faintly, "they wish I could launch a nuclear bomb soon? Otherwise, they will not immediately take advantage of our warning to stir up trouble in the stock market. If I don't launch a nuclear bomb, they will lose a lot. "

"That's what hypocrites are like." Yuehua will smile.

"Hypocrite? No, I'm just thinking about the archway while I'm in front of a whore. " Zhang Heng's eyes were slightly closed. When he opened them again, his eyes had lost all his emotions, leaving only endless indifference and reason. "Yuehua, launch now, and at the same time prepare to assist the United States after nuclear attack in the name of star technology, so as to facilitate us to open up the American market."

"Yes, please wait for my good news." Yuehua smiles, raises her head, closes her eyes slightly, and begins to invade the military satellites of the United States quietly


Missouri, in the central part of the United States, is about 100 kilometers west of St. Louis. On a 100 meter high hill along the Mississippi River, there is a very secret and deep military tunnel. If anyone comes here, you will find that the tunnel is extremely dark. There are sentries and armed soldiers hidden in the corner nearby.

Anyone who finds out here, intentionally or unintentionally, will be politely invited to the base for investigation. This is a secret nuclear base of the United States, which was built during the cold war period after World War II. In the 30-year arms race with Russia, 20 extremely secret missile silos have been built here, which is an extremely powerful nuclear counterattack force.

At this time, the inside of the top secret military base built since the cold war to prevent nuclear attack has already been disturbed. More than 100 security and technical personnel are running around in a panic, while the general leader of the base, an old man with a golden beard, is constantly roaring.

Standing on the observation platform in the half empty of the launch shaft of the nuclear bomb, he watched the intercontinental missile, which had to be verified by the key and password, was igniting as if no one was there. At the top of his head, the manhole cover with a thickness of several meters at the outlet of the launching shaft also exploded with a heavy metal roar, which automatically moved away a little bit unstoppable, revealing the gray The haze of the sky!

"No! God, please don't make such a big joke on me. Who can turn off this damn thing for me? Who will help me! " The old man roared and watched the orange flame from the tail of the huge missile with a diameter of more than two meters. At the same time, the whole launch shaft began to emit a low roar!

"It's too late, sir. It starts so suddenly that we can't stop it!" An adjutant rushed out of the iron door behind the balcony and pulled the old man back to the control room without saying a word. "Sir, you can't stay there. You'll be scorched by the solid fuel engine!""Do you think I can survive in America after this nuclear bomb is launched?" The old man was so miserable that he was finally pulled back to the control room. Then they watched the huge missile fly out of the launch well without any hesitation. Then they quickly took off and finally disappeared in the vast sky.

They were silent for a long time.

For a long time, it seems that the man who is over ten years old seems to think of something. He turns his head and asks, "its goal Where is it? "

"Sir, it's New York..." The adjutant also turned pale. He shook his head and said with a wry smile, "I don't know what happened. Not only this silo, but also more than a dozen other silos were launched out automatically. It was so sudden that there was no sign. I swear, no one touched them!"

More than a dozen nuclear bombs have been launched?

The old man was completely in the dark and lost consciousness

Thirteen "peacekeepers" were launched completely. This fourth generation intercontinental missile is one of the most advanced strategic missiles of the United States. It is 21 meters long and 2.3 meters wide, and has a range of 11000 kilometers. It uses three solid fuels and a storable liquid data spontaneous combustion propulsion system. It has a throwing weight of 3175 kg and uses inertial guidance. It can carry 10 W-87 nuclear bombs with an equivalent of 300000 tons Head.

Although the single equivalent of a nuclear warhead is not large, the equivalent and destructive power of nuclear weapons do not increase in proportion. The greater the equivalent, the smaller the destructive power per unit equivalent.

With the simplest logic, the radius of a ball increases to ten times, and its volume increases to 1000 times, but its cross-sectional area only increases to 100 times. If three 200000 tons warheads strike three targets arranged in a zigzag pattern, the total lethality can be equivalent to a single warhead of 1 million tons.

These missiles will first fly out of the atmosphere, then accelerate to a speed above Mach 10, and then re-enter the atmosphere. When they are about to attack their targets, they can even exceed Mach 20!

When President DT received the news that the bomb had been launched, the bomb had returned to the atmosphere, only half a minute away from the major cities.

On June 9, thirteen mushroom clouds rose from the sky without warning. In an instant, the world fell into a dead silence , the fastest update of the webnovel!