Cyber command is a new generation department under the Ministry of defense, which was established in the last black president's era. Its purpose is to defend the country against possible cyber attacks. Unlike ordinary wars, cyber warfare can not see smoke and fire, but it will still cause huge property losses. Although there are no thousands of troops fighting, but the battle is more intense.

One of the basic characteristics of network warfare is asymmetry. Because the attack cost is too low, the attacker does not have to sacrifice his life, but it can cause military, economic and social paralysis and chaos. Therefore, after 9.11, attacking the national network was advocated by many terrorists.

From the protection of network infrastructure in the Clinton era, to the network anti-terrorism in the Bush era, and the establishment of the cyber command in the Bama era, the national information security strategy of the United States has experienced an evolutionary process from passive prevention to network deterrence. The importance of the network is constantly rising. Once the network information is broken, the economy of the whole country will be severely damaged.

At this time, the United States needs to go through an unprecedented test. A mysterious organization that calls itself "God" claims to use nuclear weapons to attack the United States 24 hours later. This is undoubtedly a breakthrough. Almost immediately, the whole United States is like a high-speed machine running at its maximum power!

The United States, the world's top country, the country with the largest number of nuclear weapons, the world's rich country, the world's most powerful military power, just like a giant animal, began to show its sharp fangs!

At the time when the United States began to operate at full speed and began to spread its vast network, President DT also appeared in front of the U.S. Capitol. This time, he would like to give a global speech on this incident to appease the people

At the same time, we should revitalize the national prestige.

The Capitol building is a 233 meter long building with pure white and marble as its main material. On the top of the central building, there is a highly symbolic dome. On top of the dome stands a bronze statue of liberty, six meters high. The north and South wings on both sides of the dome are the offices of the house of Representatives and the Senate respectively. It is the center of power of the United States of America and the most symbolic building in the world.

At this moment, President DT walked onto the podium with a heavy complexion. At this time, there were countless people and remembered to appear spontaneously under the stage, and the stands were crowded with people.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my dear citizens, our holy United States of America is facing a crisis that has never been seen since the founding of the people's Republic of China, a crisis equivalent to that of 9 / 11 of that year..."

"As you all know, the United States has never compromised with terrorism in the past 15 years, and is not prepared to compromise with terrorism in the future."

"We have always known that we are in crisis, our country is fighting against far-reaching violence and hatred! The country's economy has also been seriously weakened. Although some people are greedy and irresponsible, what is more important is that we, as a whole, have made mistakes in making decisions on some major issues, and at the same time, we have failed to prepare for the new era - the Internet. Our carelessness has created the present situation. Our people are losing their homes, losing their jobs, and there will be many business failures in the future... "

"The challenges we face may be unheard of. For those in the world who are trying to create conflicts and blame their own shortcomings on the United States, we advise you: it is better to stop the attack immediately! For those who rely on cyber violence and other means, we remind you: you are on the wrong side of history, but as long as you give up oppression, we will reach out to help


"Today, I want to say that we are indeed facing many severe challenges. What happened today is only one of them, but we must believe that we will get through the difficulties! We will never appease this terrorist activity. They will bear all consequences for the attack and the loss to the United States. "


"I am here to promise you that we will resolutely crack down on terrorist activities in the world, and I will seize the behind the scenes to give you an account. I hope you will not panic, but you must keep order and keep your sanity, and cooperate with our actions. I have sent the National Guard, which is the strength of our country, to try to get all the people out of the 13 cities in one day Move it out

"God bless America!"


More than 500 million people around the world watched this speech. After the incident, from Canada and Mexico around them, to Australia as far away as overseas, and even Russia and China on the other side of the earth, the whole world focused on this speech. They wanted to see what kind of knot the United States would deal with in this cyber security crisis As a result,

on the other hand, cyber command is running like crazy, trying its best to investigate the behind the scenes of this activity.

You know, there are so many top hackers in the world. If you are a person, you may not be able to find out anything, but it has attacked the network of 13 cities at the same time. They estimate that this behavior needs at least more than 1000 hackers to attack at the same time to reach this level. When the number reaches such a high level, the flaws and clues will be captured. Just like the well-known crime curve, the more people involved in a criminal activity, the less likely the crime will succeed. When there are more than 50 people, the crime rate will be reduced The possibility of success is infinitely close to zero, not to mention crimes committed by more than a thousand people.However, what really upset Netcom was that when he inspected all the attacked networks and forcibly launched several spies who had broken into the dark net, he was stunned by the results.

There is no known hacker involved in the attack on the United States, and no one knows the inside story of the incident. The hacker organization, like it emerged out of thin air, just flashed on the network and left no trace!

"Mr. Minister, there is no record of implementation in the log book." In a secret military base, a group of soldiers in uniform and sitting in front of the computer are constantly busy. In the whole huge room, only the clacking sound of the keyboard can be heard.

This is the cyber command headquarters that Bama once established, which is directly responsible to the US Department of defense. With the increasing role of the Internet, network security has become an indispensable part of national defense.

Most of the people sitting here are a group of young people. Different from the ordinary barracks, the soldiers attached to the cyber command include men and women, and even some international hackers who were once famous in the United States. However, when such a huge force is gathered, there is no trace of each other. This is almost impossible!

"Keep looking!" The head of the headquarters is an old school level officer. He is grim and full of uneasiness at this time, because he knows that if he can't give an account to the president before the end of his speech, I'm afraid this will be the last time he stays in this position. Originally, such a major event happened in the United States, he has an unshirkable responsibility If you can't get a satisfactory answer, then the other party will really send himself to the military court!

Thinking of this, the Minister not only showed a wry smile. He should have retired next year. The post itself belongs to a department with little authority but great responsibility. Many things are thankless, and there is not a lot of oil and water to be harvested like other departments. But now he has such a mess. It seems that God is going to leave him Did you?

He sighed secretly, and he raised his head again. At this time, his expression had recovered his self-confidence as before. "Young people, listen to me. No matter what method you use, you must find out the other party. Otherwise, since there is a first time, then there is a second time, our holy America can no longer withstand such a strong impact The third world country on the opposite side is covetous, and there are countless forces that have been trampled on by us to watch our jokes. Therefore, we should fight a beautiful battle! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!