On that night, not only amub and Zhao Qing, but also Mumbai, India, even the branch office in Singapore, Zhang Heng and Li Yiru from Haizhou, China, and even several senior officials were kidnapped by SOG forces

In the early morning of the next day, Zhang Heng appeared on the B7 floor of the beehive with a look of stopping the war. In addition to the four most rigorous biological laboratories in the world, Zhang Heng also specially developed a row of cages specially used to hold human experimental materials. Some of these people were smuggled out of Haizhou prison, some were spies from various countries who had infiltrated star technology, and others, just like last night's Some military personnel who are against star technology.

There were five action teams in Haizhou last night, each with its own division of labor. One group was the one who kidnapped Zhang Heng, with the largest number of more than 30 people. Ten people kidnapped Li Yiru, and the rest were a personnel manager and a security manager for star technology.

All these are nothing. What really makes Zhang Heng angry is that the other party even tries to beat his parents' ideas

Fortunately, the place covered by Yuehua's mental magnetic field is Zhang Heng's omnipotence. These people just entered the scope of Yuehua's level 2 magnetic field, they were immediately discovered, and then without disturbing anyone, these SOG special soldiers were all captured alive by clone soldiers.

Until they were locked up here, these people didn't understand what happened.

The cages for these people are all located under the B7 floor. There are walls on all sides, no more than 10 square meters. Only the ceiling is made of toughened glass with a thickness of half a meter. Besides a damp and hard wooden bed and a toilet, the cages have no living facilities, and only two meals a day are nutritious and half dead.

"Your Excellency the commander." Seeing Zhang Heng appear in the cell, two clone soldiers salute immediately.

"How many people were caught yesterday?" Zhang Heng frowned and asked. He hadn't twisted his eyebrows since he heard that a large number of troops were attacking him last night.

"Sixty three. "The clone warrior did not hesitate to report," all male, no one was injured. "

"What about identity?"

"Member of the special operations team of the CIA's secret service." Yuehua's voice sounded directly from behind Zhang Heng. Zhang Heng looked back and saw Yuehua, who used t-x as his body, hopped over and laughed, "it's obvious that you are a must kill person on the CIA blacklist of the United States."

"Has it come to this point?" Zhang Heng frowned again, and suddenly sneered, "it seems that the president is very far sighted."

"A little wiser senior management will understand your importance." Yue Huali of course said, "with several cross era drugs, companies with great wealth, and even VR technology, which leaves the United States far behind, anyone will have a strong interest in you. If you can't get talents like you, in order to protect the status of the country, it's the best way to get rid of you, isn't it?"

"That's right." Zhang Heng nodded, but his expression was extremely cold. "His behavior is very reasonable. First, he kidnapped me. If I could not be kidnapped, I would kill him on the spot, and then get what he wanted from the mouth of other senior managers of the company."

"Our side is better, these people just infiltrated through customs, and India has even sent out a new type of helicopter." "I used my spare time to break into the U.S. network and have a look. It's a helicopter with ultra-low noise, and it's coated with advanced stealth coating. It can achieve primary radar stealth and radiation stealth. Although it can't avoid China's air defense identification signal, it's more than enough to mix into India."

"So, we didn't meet that new helicopter here, but we did in Mumbai?" Zhang Heng suddenly.

"Yes, no matter how bold the United States is, it does not dare to enter armed helicopters into China's airspace. It is easy to start a war. What's more, Haizhou is an international metropolis. "

Zhang Hengli naturally nodded. Although the United States has repeatedly challenged China's airspace in history, it can only be regarded as a quarrel. If military weapons are used to open fire in China's metropolis, even if China does not want to fight this war, it will be totally impossible.

Every country has its own bottom line. Huaxia is like a gentle lion. Although many countries are provoked by the United States, people who understand the current news will understand that no one has ever dared to challenge China's bottom line. Even if the United States does not have the courage, unless it wants to launch a third World War.

Zhang Heng was silent and walked slowly over the heads of the prisoners. After they were captured, they were all taken off their camouflage clothes and all their weapons. At this time, only a pair of bare shorts was left. Seeing Zhang Heng and other people passing by, some cried out for human rights, and some simply swore. Everyone looked like they had no fear.

Why? Because they are Americans.

However, from the moment they failed, they no longer belong to the United States. The United States will never admit that this terrorist attack was launched by itself. Otherwise, let alone the impeachment of the cabinet, the world's public opinion alone can make the United States the target of public opinion."These people, don't let them die too easily." Zhang Heng turned his head and looked at these people. The cold in his eyes could almost freeze the world. Any prisoner who was fixed by Zhang Heng's eyes automatically lowered his head. However, there was a middle-aged man with strong military breath who was very similar to Stallone in appearance and stature. He gritted his teeth and met Zhang Heng's eyes with inner tremor.

He had never met such a terrible sight, just like the sight of the devil, giving people a feeling of incomparable evil. In his eyes, he seemed to see the doomsday scene that the earth was collapsing and the sky was breaking. It was an indescribable destruction of everything!

How terrible

He only felt the whole body's soul shudder, he wanted to avoid the sight, but the pride in his heart made him stop the action. With a stubborn and tenacious will, he suddenly looked at Zhang Heng's eyes, just like an ant bravely facing the trampling of human beings, he raised his never yielding claw

However, just when he didn't admit defeat, he suddenly felt Zhang Heng's pupil flash. The next second, he felt a pain in front of his eyes. The sharp pain immediately spread to his brain. The next moment, there was only a piece of darkness left in front of him

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