The other side even sent out a helicopter!

Amub's heart felt cold. Although in the strong light, he could not see the structure of the helicopter, but a military blind could detect it. When this helicopter was flying, there was no high decibel propeller sound of those helicopters in the TV and film. Only the violent wind indicated that the suspended vehicle was a helicopter, and A new helicopter that has never been exposed!

Just silent this point, has already exploded the American Apache series and China's Wuzhi series!

The significance of this kind of helicopter is too great. It's overqualified to use it to capture himself. If he can make the other side send out this kind of lineup, he can't remember when he committed such a terrible crime!

Just when amub was about to fall into despair, the bodyguard who had been trying to protect him suddenly flashed his eyes twice and flicked his coat slightly. The next second, a tiny insect like a mosquito crawled directly onto amub's body. At the same time, he directly abandoned amub and turned to run towards the depth of the rice field!

Gan! No one is reliable at the critical time!

Amub gritted his teeth and looked at the bodyguard who left in a rage. Although he knew that the bodyguard was more involved in monitoring himself than protecting himself, he abandoned himself to escape. It was impossible for him to be comfortable with this behavior.

Behind him came dozens of footfalls. The pursuers with tactical helmets and armed to the teeth had arrived behind him. With a bitter smile, amub finally gave up the resistance and slowly raised his hands in the strong light, making an internationally accepted gesture of surrender.

In the last consciousness of amub, he only saw a butt of a gun attacking his eyes. However, this scene made him feel a sigh of relief. It was obvious that the other party did not intend to kill himself immediately. Immediately, he felt a pain in his head and completely lost consciousness.


"Flying eagle, flying eagle, has successfully captured target 2 alive." A middle-aged man with a cold face and vicissitudes put his night vision device together and reported to the wireless wire transfer, "there is also a fugitive, suspected target No. 2 bodyguard. Do you need to adjust the priority?"

"Roger, according to the mission code, target 2 must not be lost, and all witnesses must be eliminated." On the radio, a cold voice answered.

"Yes." The man nodded and gestured to the helicopter. Then he pointed to several people and said in a loud voice, "how many of you get on the helicopter and take target No.2 back to the stronghold. The rest of the people will pursue the escaped personnel with me. He can't run far away!"

"Head, it's the best choice to let the helicopter go after it?" One of the young people couldn't help frowning.

"It's a pity that goal 2 can't be lost. The first time I asked for a priority adjustment." The middle-aged man explained, "the order from above is to let us chase down the fugitive in person. Who can blow his head off first? I will ask him to go to the city twice!"

With that, the middle-aged man turned around and said in a loud voice, "please remember to be careful. The escaped personnel are the bodyguards of the No. 2 target. From the information, the opponent's skill is extremely strong. There was a record of killing 31 gangsters with a single person and a gun. I don't want to see anyone here because of the light enemy!"

"I'll put my gun in his penis." One of the men, as thin as a monkey, grinned triumphantly.

"Anyone can say the witticism, it's better to see the battle field," the man coldly glanced at the skinny monkey, turned to chase the other party's escape direction, and in the blink of an eye, he integrated into the night.

Shortly after they left, the prepared time bomb exploded completely in the car left by amub, sending the driver's body and all the evidence to hell.

According to legend, the CIA has a secret force called "special operations group", abbreviated as SOG. They carry out a series of dirty activities in hostile countries, such as conspiracy and assassination. Their main tasks are: investigation, rescue of prisoners, rescue of the shot down pilots, psychological warfare, black propaganda, assassination, kidnapping, guided bombing, etc.

This is an unconventional combat force more mysterious than the special forces. It was founded on January 24, 1964. It was born in response to the Vietnam War and was disbanded on May 1, 1972. Until 9 / 11, this force was rebuilt again, specifically for the United States to assassinate and eradicate hostile forces and personnel overseas.

The soldiers who attacked amub came to India by various secret means. Their mission is to uncover the secrets of Star Technology from the important personnel closely related to star technology such as amub.

At almost the same time, at the location of the human body freezing center of star technology, another silent helicopter was hovering at a height of more than 1000 meters. In the cabin, there were eight well-equipped SOG teams eyeing the huge human body freezing center under their feet. Next to the human body freezing center, several tall research buildings were brightly lit, even though they had already In the middle of the night, there was no sign of extinction.

"Boss, do you think target 1 will appear tonight?" I don't know how long, the young soldier next to him could not help complaining."I can't say I'm 100% sure, but from the information provided by the above, he usually leaves the company every Friday night and goes home to get together with his wife." Another soldier immediately replied, "this is our only chance. We can learn from those agents who died before. Those security guards from Star River international are not easy to offend. The other side has heavy weapons and is well equipped. We'd better not fight them directly."

"It's just a group of security guards. We've carefully selected from the major U.S. special forces. Which one is not the elite? Let's do the fact that it's overkill. " The other one disagreed.

"The gold medal agent C, known as the real James Bond, was found dead in a gutter in Mumbai a month ago. I think he should have thought the same as you before he died?"

"Enough, no more noise." At this time, the team leader, who had never spoken, suddenly opened his mouth. The electronic night vision device on his tactical helmet turned automatically, adjusting the focal length with the target on the ground. His voice was full of cold and resolute. "The target's vehicle has started, and the other party is driving away from the field. Our goal is to capture target 1 alive and kill all irrelevant personnel. Do you have any questions?"

"No, chief

"Good, you have to remember that we are the best team of SOG. If anyone dares to screw up this mission, you are going to get out of the team and go home to play with the mare!"


With the captain's command, the huge silent helicopter suddenly began to change its angle, heading for a black limousine , the fastest update of the webnovel!