There was a popular saying on the Internet about the brain, which said that only about 10% of the human brain has been developed, and the remaining 90% is not developed. If it is developed, human beings can obtain the power of God.

Most people think that it comes from William James, the father of American psychology. James said, "ten percent of his potential intelligence is in one of his books."

At the beginning, this statement was only spread in the American medical community. Because it was in line with the human heart, it was published by many newspapers and magazines, and even spread to all parts of the world through the Internet.

Even, many film and television works and even fantasy literature have expressed this view, such as the film "super body".

However, the cruel facts tell us that this so-called statement is just a rumor without scientific basis.

From an evolutionary point of view, it is impossible for the brain to evolve 90% of its useless parts. From a developmental point of view, 10% brain utilization is also untenable - if 90% of the brain is not used, then many neural pathways will degenerate.

Ten percent also indicates that most of the brain's "unused" parts occupy space. According to this theory, the effect of removing or damaging "useless" parts on the brain should be negligible. However, we now know that even small areas of the human brain can be behaviorally devastating.

And it's easy to see that even the simplest behavior involves multiple parts of the brain. For example, when we get up in the morning and pour water, we need to go to the table, pick up the kettle, pour the water into the cup, and then give the order to drink. All these involve the following brain regions: occipital lobe, parietal lobe, motor sensory and sensory motor cortex, basal ganglia, cerebellum and frontal lobe. In just a few seconds, a big storm of neural activity has swept the whole brain.

At this time, about 15 hours have passed, and the experiments in the operating room are still going on. However, from the observation of the electron microscope, the situation is not optimistic. Even after the sorting and repair of automatic surgical equipment, Luo Jincheng's brain EEG is still disordered, unable to form a normal thinking personality.

Thompson looked grim. Although he took t-2.1 all year round and his physical fitness improved greatly, he remained tense for more than ten hours, which still filled him with fatigue, and his eyes became red. Just standing in front of Luo Jincheng for more than ten hours will be unbearable, let alone keep focused.

Those assistants have already changed two batches, this is the third batch of assistants, but they are also sweating in high-intensity work, and they will not be able to hold on.

"How much progress has been made?" Suddenly, Zhang Heng, who is resting in the room, suddenly opens his eyes and looks at the monitoring screen on the wall and asks.

"About two-thirds." Thompson's voice was a little hoarse, but he couldn't drink and eat in the sterile operating room, so he had to bear with it, "the area of his cerebral cortex damage is too large, I'm afraid it will take another four or five hours to repair."

"What happens after the repair?"

"Look at fortune." Thompson shook his head. "Judging from the current state, the repair rate of nerve bundles and brain cells is only 20% to 30%. Even if the repair is completed, it is estimated that there is no difference between now and now."

"But there may be miracles." Finally, Thompson added again.

Zhang Heng shakes his head and stops talking. At this stage, he has tried his best. If Luo Jincheng can not be cured, there is no way.

All of a sudden, Zhang Heng felt a little dull. He turned and walked out of the room. As soon as he opened the door, he was stunned because he found Yuehua standing outside his door.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Heng doesn't know why.

"Guess what's the difference between me and the original?" Yuehua is full of excitement, jumping in front of Zhang Heng.

Zhang Heng picked up her eyebrows and looked at Yuehua carefully. At this time, her soft hair was draped on her shoulders at will. Her slanting bangs crossed her eyelids. Her long eyelashes blinked. Her watery eyes seemed to be talking. Her small nose was of moderate height. Her pink face and moist lips made me want to take a bite. And the body is covered with a white dress, without any decoration, but wearing on the body but did not feel ordinary.

Yuehua's appearance has always imitated the appearance of Japanese national group idol. The girl's appearance is very beautiful, but now Yuehua's appearance is even more beautiful than that girl. After all, as a virtual image, her image lacks a lot of flaws inherent in her skin. In addition, Yuehua's unique breath like fireworks is not close to the world. At this time, you can see that However, some of them are ethereal and uncertain, as if they were people in the painting.

However, Zhang Heng, after all, is a person who has experienced countless times of life and death. He just takes a close look, then turns his mind and shows a clear color, "you are not a virtual image created by my brain senses, but a complete physical state."

"It can be seen so quickly." Yuehua chuckled, "do you know where my body comes from?""Either the T-1000 or the t-x." Zhang Heng helplessly said, "if you pursue perfection, I think the possibility of t-x is greater."

"Yes, it was Louis. He had already built the first t-x, so I immediately changed this t-x into my image." Yuehua explained.

"So the bottleneck of liquid metals and nanorobots has also been broken?" Zhang Heng chuckled.

"The bottleneck of liquid metal has indeed broken through, but in fact, liquid metal is a very chicken bone thing, and it has no great use except for deformation and turning into soft cold weapons." Yuehua turned her lips. "T-1000 robot, which is made of liquid metal, can only engage in assassination at most. In the battlefield, the high temperature of ion gun can easily destroy it. T-x only uses liquid metal to form human shape, and its core is still super alloy."

"And the bottleneck of nanorobots has not broken through." Yuehua continued, "manufacturing cost is a big problem. Our technological processing capacity can indeed make nano robots, but the cost is too high and the speed is too slow. I'm afraid it will take some time for technology accumulation to reach the level of manufacturing nano robots."

"So how much combat power can the t-x retain now?" Zhang Heng asked.

"It's OK to keep 90 percent. The only thing t-x lacks today is to use nanorobots to transform machines." With that, Yuehua raised his right hand, and his right hand suddenly changed. Under Zhang Heng's gaze, Yuehua directly turned into a complex and precise gun tube, and there was a blue light in the middle of the gun tube. "The micro plasma gun uses laser to heat hydrogen to 5000 degrees high temperature to make it plasma state, and then uses electromagnetic technology to wrap this charged particle into a ball and finally launch Go out and destroy the target , the fastest update of the webnovel!