The sales volume of helmet VR has attracted the attention of every regime in the world.

Two hundred and sixty million helmets were sold in the first day.

The next day, 3.0 million units were sold.

On the third day, the sales volume soared to 5 million units. Basically, all sales orders were sold out, and more orders fell like rain and snow. The whole Hengxing building was in unprecedented busy.

On the fourth day, the second batch of helmet VR was sold out on the market!

In four days, 13 million sets have been consumed in Asia alone. It has to be said that the Internet has become the largest advertising place for star technology. As long as people on the Internet do not know about the star helmet VR, although it is more expensive, this technology product is cost-effective. Compared with the performance of stellar helmet VR, the price is much higher Within the acceptable range of several people.

At this time, Zhang Heng stood under a big screen without expression, and on the big screen in front of him, a number was rising, one million, two million 10 million, 11 million Mobile phone ID number mobile phone, mail list,

name, date of birth, ID card number are displayed on the screen. If these people's mobile phones and helmets are connected, then the number of their mobile phones and phone records, address book, QQ, Helmet-VR WeChat and other chat records, even Alipay transfer records, photo albums and other data will be kept in the hive's information base. Under the secret extraction of helmets, these data will become archived backup in the honeycomb, and eventually become the backup database of Yuehua.

"I don't know how long Europe and America can support it." Zhang Heng looks at these people's various privacy, suddenly light way.

"No more than three months at the most, they will be lifted under the pressure of the people." Yuehua said with a bad smile, "obviously, they still underestimate the influence of our star technology. I guess they must be trying to copy our technology immediately after we sell it, and then make new products, which makes us lose a lot. I don't know what expression they will have when they find it takes six or seven years to crack our technology."

Finally, Yuehua added, "of course, if we give them steps and sell them a technology, they will lift the ban immediately."

"I have to say that there are more consumer markets in Europe and America than in Asia." Zhang Heng nodded, "Yuehua, when do you think ar glasses will go on sale?"

"In fact, I think that AR glasses are also related to military tactics. If we want to produce ar glasses, we don't need to put forward too high technology at all. As long as we are one to two years ahead of reality, with the heat effect of VR helmets, the sales of AR glasses will only be more than that of VR helmets, absolutely not less."

"I know what you think. It's like an Apple phone. If you have several generations and add more features to each generation, you'll make more profits than throwing out all the technology at once." Zhang Heng couldn't help provoking a smile. "Moreover, many countries are willing to cooperate with our company again to develop the military version of AR glasses, which will pave the way for our future military industry."

"Yes, it is."

"Good, then do as you say." Zhang Heng said in silence, "but the faster we develop, the more vigilant the state will be on us. When it reaches a certain level, the state will begin to suppress us and even use means to split our company From now on, because we have not involved military industry, although the state has already been vigilant, it has not made any action. However, if we wait until the day when we are really involved in military industry, I am afraid it will be the time for China to start against us... "

"I can understand that." "Huaxia is, after all, a centralized country. If you want to keep the company from being split up and suppressed, there is only one way, that is to turn the company into a state-owned enterprise or even a central enterprise, and completely stand in the position of Huaxia."

"Yes, but it means that I will sell at least 50% of the shares, which I can't promise." Zhang Heng shook his head and sighed, "therefore, transnational development is the only way for us. Our company must set up hundreds of branches around the world. Only in this way can we not be threatened by any country. And want to do this, only rely on AIDS treatment drugs and rabies treatment drugs.

"So before the two drugs are approved, I will not come up with any new products. At most, I will add some charging software." Speaking of the end, Zhang Heng looked up at Yuehua, "this point, Yuehua, you need to work hard."

"I see. I'll take care of that." Yuehua nodded, "I'm preparing to design an online game for the star helmet VR, a" large-scale online role-playing game "similar to" world of Warcraft ". After all, the birth of star helmet VR needs to be accompanied by a landmark game. Before that, those single-computer games could only be regarded as small games. This game is the real theme.""The idea is very good," Zhang Heng's eyes brightened and he couldn't help nodding. "Have you thought about the theme of the game? If not, I don't mind being a game developer. "

"It's just that I have this idea. I haven't decided on the theme yet." Yuehua shook her head. "I'm thinking about whether the background is ancient or modern, or the future."

"Why not combine the ancient with the future?" Zhang Heng asked, "I remember you had a game that used that theme for reference before? As long as we buy that company, the wargame has the potential to sell well, but there has been a lack of opportunity to rise. "

"You mean Warhammer 40K."

Yuehua immediately responded. She used the "chaos" setting in "the shine of the stars". This setting comes from Warhammer 40K, while Warhammer 40K comes from games workshop, a British company, which also owns another game called "medieval Warhammer".

At the beginning, Blizzard wanted to make a video game similar to Warhammer 40K and medieval Warhammer when it was not very famous. So, Blizzard came to discuss with Games Workshop company, but it did not reach an agreement in the end. Therefore, according to these two games, Blizzard designed two low configuration versions of new games from the power system to the game structure and character image, which were almost plagiarized In the future, the two games have become popular all over the world and become the classics that will never be forgotten in the history of E-sports. They are

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