On May 1, in front of the stellar science and technology building, there was a lot of traffic.

It was originally a suburb of Haizhou city. Compared with the urban area, the flow of people here can't be compared with it. But today, there is a sea of people.

At 12:00 p.m., countless news trucks and media from all over the country came in droves and gathered in front of the main gate of the star science and technology building. Many reporters and hosts began to report to the camera in the crowd.

Now you are in front of the people's gate of Haizhou, where you can see our headquarters! In addition to us, there are dozens of media here. Today is a special day, that is, the press conference of new products of star Biotechnology Co., Ltd., the largest biopharmaceutical company in China! "

"As the world's largest biopharmaceutical company, stellar technology can be said to be quite low-key. Since the company appeared in people's eyes, now it is only the second time to hold a press conference. The last time it held the press conference was only five months ago. And that conference was a shock to the world, because human beings officially entered a new era of medicine from that day on, When faced with a terminal illness, people are not completely helpless, but can freeze themselves and wait for the day when this incurable disease can be cured in the future

"This technology is the well-known human body freezing technology. Many experts believe that this is another manifestation of human progress. This technology will make mankind endlessly useful. In the future, medical treatment, aerospace and other fields will use this technology. For example, when performing surgery, you will be in a state of suspended animation in freezing, even if the operation is wrong, It will not endanger your life. Once this technology is developed, it can be said that it can reduce medical accidents by more than 10 times and 100 times... "

The host of Zhongguancun talked with a lot of words. Not far away from Zhongguancun reporters, there are reporters from it home. There is a good saying: where there are people, there are rivers and lakes; where there are computers, mobile phones and tablets, there is an it home.

"Hello everyone, I'm Xiaoliang, the host of it home. Today I stand in front of the Star Technology Building, which is the headquarters of the famous star technology. Speaking of this legendary company, I think as a Chinese, they have invented the drug T-1 to treat cancer, so that cancer is no longer the incurable disease of the century, and they have also created anti freezing sodium This is a star enterprise in the biopharmaceutical industry. It is their appearance that has saved hundreds of millions of lives! "

"But originally, a pharmaceutical company had no connection with our it home, but just a week ago, star technology had a new product to release, and it was this new product that immediately made me unable to sit still. Why? Because this new product is actually related to electronic equipment! It is said by hearsay that star technology has secretly acquired two domestic VR enterprises. Does this mean that star technology will enter the VR industry? And this press conference is the answer. Xiao Liang will come to this press conference today to solve your doubts! "

This scene is constantly happening in front of the star science and technology building. As time gets closer and closer to the afternoon, more and more media reporters come along, and even a lot of foreign media can be seen. Some passers-by who have nothing to do also come here. The onlookers almost block the road.

Finally, in order to maintain order, the police stations in the city sent a group of people to maintain public order. To be honest, even if the government didn't expect the grand event in front of the gate of star technology, it should be said that even if the star technology became famous again, it would not be in the technological circle after all. No matter how famous it was, it could not match the technology companies close to the people's livelihood, such as apple and Xiaomi. But who knows, the press conference has not been held In fact, most of the on-site media came uninvited.

One hour before the opening of the press conference, star technology finally began to arrange the invitees to enter the venue for ticket checking. The uninvited media also expected that the venue would be arranged in the giant venue on the top floor of star technology, which covers an area of more than 3000 square meters, and the grandstand is divided into two floors, which can accommodate hundreds of people, except those invited Those who come can have seats, and the rest can only stand behind and watch from afar.

There is no big difference between the conference hall and other press conferences. In front of the audience, there is a huge platform. In the upper left corner of the platform, there is a platform. Behind the platform, there is a huge 200 inch screen with the size of 3650 * 2750mm. There is nothing special about it.

The most dramatic ones were apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook and other enterprises. These world-famous Internet giants also attended the conference, and they were still at the forefront of the conference, with a dignified look and a formidable enemy.

At this moment, in the backstage of the venue, Li Yiru and several staff stood there. The staff talked about various matters needing attention from time to time, while Li Yiru looked serious and slightly nervous.

Although she has long been used to big scenes, and she has even been received by state leaders, it is really the first time that she has presided over a thousand people's press conference.It's just that it's impossible for Zhang Heng to personally preside over the press conference. Besides Zhang Heng and her general manager, no one is qualified to preside over the conference. Therefore, she can only bite her teeth.

As time went by, soon, it was two o'clock in the afternoon. As time came, the lights on the stage flashed, and Li Yiru strode onto the platform in his black suit.

A burst of applause and whistles came from the audience. Everyone was not unfamiliar with the beautiful president of star technology. Even now, her trivia news is still circulating. After all, she is too young. At the age of 23, she can be called the younger generation in the science and technology circle. When she is young, people will first think about why she can become a family at such a young age A president with assets comparable to the world's top ten groups? With her appearance, there was a bit of news about her.

However, it is also the first time for many people to really see Li Yiru. Li Yiru himself belongs to the type with great momentum. His delicate facial features and light make-up have a kind of arrogant and sexy temperament, giving people a very amazing feeling.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our star biotechnology. I believe you are still unfamiliar with me. I would like to introduce myself. I am Li Yiru, general manager of star technology, and also the host of this conference. In the next one and a half hours, I will lead you into the new product launch of star technology!"

With Li Yiru's voice coming out, the big screen behind her also lights up. The unique logo of star technology appears on the screen, accompanied by the grand piano vocal music BGM, everyone subconsciously applauds.

The press conference officially opened!

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