After fooling the two people into joining, Zhang Heng asked them to live here first. Loyalty is not his consideration. Biochip will automatically teach a lesson to those with different ideas.

After they left, Zhang Heng stopped Gu Siyi, who was also going out.

"In the past two months, you've trained almost as well. I'm going to arrange for you to do things." Zhang Heng said lightly.

"Really?" Gu Siyi's eyes suddenly brightened, "I didn't want to continue training for a long time. You don't know, training in the reincarnation space is even more painful than doing tasks in the samsara space!"

Gu Siyi didn't know that the reincarnation space was set up by Yuehua. In her opinion, virtual space and samsara space are the same, only one will die and the other will not die. Although she won't die now, the training she needs to bear is much more painful. Several times, she almost couldn't hold on. Let's see Zhang Heng's first training.

"You're still in college." Zhang Heng nodded, "the university can still learn a lot of knowledge. I will use my relationship to transfer you to Fudan and share a class with my sister. Your task is to protect my sister on campus. Although I have arranged protection personnel outside the school, there are no staff in the school. You can make up for this blind area."

"Ah, going to school again..." Gu Siyi suddenly bitter face, "but I want to do other things, such as give me a company's general manager pawn what."

"When you graduate from college." Zhang Heng nodded, "after graduating from University, you will definitely be assigned a senior position."

"Well, it's a deal!" Gu Siyi broke her tears into a smile.

After everything was arranged, Zhang Heng sat alone in the conference room, silently thinking about the future development direction. Now the company's development in biopharmaceuticals is very gratifying, accounting for 10% of the shares of the world's top five pharmaceutical giants. Relying on this, star technology has been able to walk horizontally in the pharmaceutical industry, as long as waiting for half a year to five antibiotics and two kinds of diseases Miao passed the drug test, and it is inevitable that the star technology will be expanded to the whole world.

At that time, star technology will officially enter the status of an unprecedented world-class pharmaceutical monopoly group. Even the superpowers such as China, the United States and Russia, if they want to move star technology, they must join hands with more than a dozen countries.

However, according to the Convention, when the star technology reaches that level, it will basically reach the limit. It is impossible to continue to grow, for example, to reach the third level of viland Tanggu company. After all, the potential of a single industry is limited. Even if the global pharmaceutical industry is united, it will not be able to compete with the governments all over the world If you want to go further, there is only one choice.

That is - crossover!

Star Biotechnology Co., Ltd. must actively extend its hand into other fields, and then become the top in other fields. This is the way to the development of imperial enterprises!

What is enterprise Empire? It is because this enterprise has the characteristics of imperialism. It does not do business in accordance with the economic laws. It has its own unique means of doing things. Any action it takes can cause a sensation in the world. Its political influence is no less than that of superpowers like China, the United States and Russia!

Even if the state's control over such a super monopoly is very low, the goal of star technology is to achieve this level of company.

It's just that it's not easy to cross-border. There's no inside information, no technology, or even no talent. Everything has to start from scratch, just like rebuilding a company.

However, for ordinary companies, cross-border is indeed an extremely dangerous move, and may even lead to the bankruptcy of the company, but for Zhang Heng, it is not a problem at all! The technology he scrapes in every plane is enough to make him stand at the top of any field: energy, electronics, Internet, industry, even aerospace and military industry! As long as Zhang Heng is given time and cautious, he is confident that star technology will reach the level of viland Tanggu in the next two years!

Thinking of this, Zhang Heng only felt his blood boiling. He looked at the roof and said, "Yuehua, which direction do you think the company should go in the next step?"

"I think it's best to move towards the Internet." Yuehua's projection appears directly in front of Zhang Heng. She sits in the seat next to Zhang Heng, holding her face in one hand and making a thoughtful expression, "um The network itself is my strong point, the programming ah and so on for me is again simple, soon we can develop a network Empire, not inferior to TX what kind of Finally, Yuehua's eyes flashed with excitement. As she absorbed more and more human cultures and habits on the Internet, she has become more and more personified.

Looking at Yuehua, who is more and more like a girl, Zhang Heng couldn't help patting her head. "Your idea is very good. The Internet is one of the most popular and easy to make money industries in the world, which is not inferior to biopharmaceutical industry. However, the network also has defects, that is, the influence is insufficient. After all, all walks of life of the network can be replaced, far less popular with industry."

"So what should we do?" Yuehua couldn't help but toot her mouth.

"The network is certainly to enter, but this time, I do not intend to only put my hand into a single industry, I want to diversified development." Zhang Heng held out four fingers. "The network industry and the electronics industry are two of the fields I want to enter first. Not only that, but also energy and aerospace.""How to operate it?" Yuehua this just before the eyes of a bright, their most interested in the network industry has, is equal to have their own use of space.

"The last two fields are not urgent for the time being. Star technology can first take a foothold in the field of network and electronics." Zhang Heng thought, "I plan to acquire several virtual reality companies to start a cross-border business. Otherwise, if I come up with technology for no reason, it will be doubted again."

Speaking of this, Zhang Heng can't help but smile. In fact, which country in the world has not doubted the source of his technology? It's just because the technology of moving star is too powerful, and it is backed by China, the superpower, that no one dares to do it. Even in this way, the spies in the company are not poor.

What about patents Yuehua also knew the situation, so she chuckled, "you have perfect AR and VR technology, but these patents have been applied for by companies all over the world for a long time?"

Zhang Heng got a headache when he heard the speech. Yes, the development of human science and technology is indeed making progress, and the catalyst of progress is the protection of rights and law. If the technology that he has painstakingly invented is used by other people without any cost and becomes the wedding dress of others, who else is willing to innovate? Who else wants to climb the technology tree?

Therefore, in order to protect those who are the first to eat crabs, there is a kind of law called patent law in the world, which is to protect the new technology that innovators produce from being stolen by others.

It's just that the original intention of this law is good, but there are gaps in any law, and patent law is full of loopholes. Therefore, there is a situation that many people do not invent any patents. They just imagine a feasible and promising technology concept based on the assumption, and then apply for a patent for this conceptual thing. Finally, the patent law is full of loopholes, It's enough to wait for the money.

Yes, it's so simple. For example, the US airline Airbus has applied for a VR helmet patent, which allows users to isolate themselves. In the description of the patent, their VR helmets are connected to the top of the seat. If passengers need to get out of the reality, they can pull the helmet out to cover their sight. It is equipped with headphones and a screen to provide users with sensory independence.

However, in fact, their company does not have this kind of device at present, because it is impossible to realize this device by many technical problems. However, because it was first put forward by them, they can apply for a patent with this concept.

If there is a company that has spent tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars to realize this technology in the future, it should be said that the technology is obviously invented by others, and has nothing to do with airbus company. But in fact, if it is really invented, the invented company will have to pay the company profits with different costs OK, otherwise, Airbus has every reason to take this company to court, and the probability of winning is as high as 80%!

In short, Airbus basically pays nothing, and can get profits that others can only get at a huge cost. It can be said that it is a big profit.

This is a strange circle in the patent industry, and it is also something that many technical companies can't say for their dumb eating of Coptis chinensis.

Therefore, if Zhang Heng wants to take those technologies out of his hands, he will probably receive a court summons from dozens of companies staring at this cake in an instant, which makes Zhang Heng headache. , the fastest update of the webnovel!