Zhang Heng narrowed his eyes, regardless of his own nosebleed, the killing opportunity in his eyes flashed by!

"What's the matter with you, commander?" At this time, Yuehua was in the state of three-level mental scan. She found that Zhang Heng, who was in a calm state, suddenly shivered at the moment when he saw Fang Liwei. Then his heart rate and blood pressure rose rapidly, and adrenaline began to secrete in large quantities, as if Fang Liwei was some kind of horrible monster!

Zhang Heng doesn't pay any attention to Yuehua's inquiry. He just stares at Fang Liwei, who is in a hypnotic state. With a slight shake of his right hand, the sharp army thorn falls directly from the cuff and is held in his hand!

"Your honor? Are you going to kill him? " Yuehua is very puzzled. Didn't Zhang Heng say he wanted to recruit these talents before? Why did you suddenly change your attention?

"Don't say anything. Don't stop me. For some reason, my mental strength will be exhausted. It will last for about four or five seconds. After that, I will be completely in a coma." Zhang Heng said solemnly, but the meaning of killing in the tone is clearly visible!

Zhang Heng looks extremely dignified. He has a feeling that if he doesn't kill the young man in front of him now, he will have no chance to kill the other party again! Until one day in the future, the other party will kill himself as he saw just now!

In the dark, Zhang Heng felt that, just for some reason, he had unintentionally communicated with the future! This feeling is not the first time. It happened once when he went to see stanni to buy the Virgin Islands in London, England. At that time, Zhang Heng only saw a vague future. Besides feeling that the curse was coming, he had no prediction.

At that time, Zhang Heng didn't care, thinking it was just an illusion, but now this feeling has hit again. Not only that, because his spiritual strength is more powerful, so Zhang Heng directly foresees a more specific picture. Although there is only a scale to grasp, Zhang Heng instantly understands what he sees!

Fang Liwei, the future is his enemy!

From Zhang Heng to the present, Zhang Heng was able to clear his mind in a second or so after seeing the future. He didn't want to think about it. The army stab in his hand was like a black lightning bolt. In an instant, it pierced Fang Liwei's ears and directly into the other party's brain!

Even so, Zhang Heng is not at ease. He grabs the army thorn and twists Fang Liwei's brain into a paste. Until then, Zhang Heng looks relieved. A strong dizziness hits his head. The next second, Zhang Heng completely loses consciousness


By the time Zhang Heng woke up again, his face was covered with blood scabs, and by this time he had returned to the beehive and lay in the hospital bed on the B2 floor.

"Commander, you are awake!" Yuehua has been paying close attention to Zhang Heng's mental state. At this time, seeing Zhang Heng wake up, her projection immediately appears in front of Zhang Heng. She worries, "according to the doctor's diagnosis, the pineal gland in your brain has just had some unknown mutation. How do you feel now?"

"I've never felt better." Zhang Heng answered faintly, and narrowed his eyes slightly at the same time. The next second, dozens of advanced medical instruments in the whole room floated slowly into the air, just like the weightlessness in the universe!

Not only that, Zhang Heng tried to look at the void in front of him. The next second, the void seemed to be flowing water. A whirlpool emerged from his eyes. In an instant, the bedding and some small objects on the bed were rolled into the whirlpool and kept spinning!

Tornado spirit!

A surprise flashed in Zhang Heng's eyes, and his heart moved. In an instant, the tornado dissipated. With his spiritual power, Zhang Heng transformed into transparent blades, and then quickly cut it on the metal door!


A low metal distortion sound sounded, in front of the metal gate was instantly torn open, a half meter long crack, like a monster's mouth, ferocious horizontal in front of you!

After all this, Zhang Heng slowly drifted down from the air. He was glad to see everything in front of him. He didn't know that his mental strength, which had already been in the bottleneck, had broken through again. Now he can control the air like an arm's command!

"Congratulations, commander, on your great mental progress." Yuehua was also surprised.

Zhang Heng a faint smile, and then turned to see the moon, "how do I come back?"

"I told Zhishang to bring you back with the Falcon." Yuehua replied.

Zhang Heng was silent for a moment, and suddenly said cautiously, "are you sure Fang Liwei is dead?"

"He's dead, his brain is fatally damaged, even the gods can't save it." Yuehua li of course nodded, "but I still don't understand why you want to kill him."

Zhang Heng smelled the speech and immediately laughed bitterly, "you should know deja vu?"

"Seeing already?" Yuehua was stunned.

"Yes, it's like seeing. When you see someone or a scene, you suddenly have a sense of deja vu. It seems that you have seen the same scene in the past." Zhang Heng explained silently, "this is the sense of seeing, but what I encountered is different. When I saw Fang Liwei, I had a situation that I would encounter with him in the future...""One is feeling the past, the other is feeling the future?" Yuehua frowned and guessed silently, "so you have the power of a prophet?"

"Yes, that's about it." Zhang Heng nodded, showing a confused look, "the future I see is the scene of my death, and I was killed by Fang Liwei..."

"So you killed Fang Liwei immediately." Yuehua suddenly realized, "you are right. Even if there is only one percent possibility, you should eliminate the danger in the bud."

"It's not a one percent chance." Zhang Heng shook his head. "At least 50 percent, I have a premonition that if I didn't kill Fang Liwei at that time, I would probably die in his hands at least 50 percent in the future! It's hard for me to be safe with this son. "

Zhang Heng can't help but smile bitterly. This kind of feeling is like that he is an evil big boss, while Fang Liwei is a righteous hero who is destined to be loved by heaven and earth. The purpose of his existence is to kill the big boss and return heaven and earth a bright future!

In fact, what Zhang Heng has done is really what the villains would do: human experiments, research on biological and chemical weapons, organization of illegal armed forces, and all sorts of means. He has the ambition and desire to dominate the world.

It's a pity that Zhang Heng is no ordinary boss. He has communicated with the future by mental strength and gradually acquired a little bit of ability to predict the future. Although this ability is still very weak now, it also makes Zhang Heng change his destiny in an instant!

"Yes." Zhang Heng seems to suddenly think of something, "Yuehua, you check, can Fang Liwei have a twin brother or something, or he looks like the kind of relatives." Life is like a dog blood drama, Zhang Heng had to guard against this kind of situation.

"No Yuehua just stopped for a moment and then replied. "I have intruded into the network of the National Civil Affairs Bureau. Fang Liwei is an only child, and his cousins and cousins do not have men of his age, let alone people who look like him."

"That's good." Zhang Heng breathed a sigh of relief, and gradually showed the color of thinking. It seems that the magic of spiritual power is not only to affect the reality, it seems that spiritual power has a more powerful use. If it is used well, he may really be able to help human beings through difficulties by virtue of spiritual power

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