The cost of a flying stick is more than two million US dollars, one hundred is 200 million US dollars, and one thousand is even more than two billion dollars. This is not burning money, but the rhythm of directly using money as a shell to smash people to death!

The flying stick itself is a kind of intelligent tracking missile. However, due to the Advanced Micro Technology of radiation plane, this kind of missile is only as thick as chopsticks. However, in fact, its power is not inferior to that of high explosive grenade. It is even more powerful when it is detonated after being fired into the enemy's body.

On the battlefront where thousands of flying sticks have been rampant, none of the robots that have not been damaged can be easily destroyed by the rebels. Next, all the rebels cheered and rushed to the Falcon fighter as if they were welcoming their relatives. Zhang Heng didn't show up. He just asked Zhishang to take Irene and Bill's brothers and sisters to send them out. Meanwhile, Zhishang will act as the Oriental National reinforcements, Negotiate with the other party about the technology and drawings of the plane shuttle equipment.

Since the judgment day, it seems that all human beings in every country have been disconnected from each other. Except for the reinforcements sent by Australia, the United States has not contacted any other countries. No one doubts the identity of Zhishang. At the same time, those people are very surprised by the performance of hawk Falcon and the ability of flying sticks. The prepared Zhishang will directly take the hawk falcon And flying stick design data out, and successfully changed to the plane transmission technology.

Finally, Zhishang gives the other party something similar to a USB flash drive, and tells the usage of the USB flash drive in a low voice. When he hears the power of the USB flash drive, the commander of the base suddenly looks shocked and looks at the USB flash drive with unspeakable excitement

Everything went unexpectedly well.

This kind of plane transmission technology has always been called "time shifter" by the American resistance forces.

In their view, this is a machine that can send people back decades, even hundreds of years ago. However, Einstein's "theory of relativity" indicates that time is irreversible, such as the so-called "grandmother paradox", "banana skin theory", "Time Traveler's banquet" and so on. Until the birth of the parallel universe theory, these paradoxes have an acceptable interpretation.

M theory provides a potential opportunity for the development of parallel universe theory. The reason why m theory was first put forward is that physicists hope to find a unified framework of physics, which can include all four kinds of forces in Physics: strong force, weak force, electromagnetic force and gravity force, so string theory was born.

Then, after a period of twists and turns, finally string theory and supersymmetry combined to form the superstring theory which shocked the physics field.

Finally, a scientist named Edward Witton once again confirmed a new dimension in the universe, the 11th dimension, with superstring theory, and M theory was finally born!

The definition of relativity is: human beings live in four-dimensional space-time (three-dimensional space + one-dimensional time), but in the more advanced M-theory, it is generally believed that time is not a dimension at all, and the whole universe is not only composed of three data of length, width and height. In fact, there is a fourth line and a fifth line that can be perpendicular to length, width and height Even the eleventh straight line.

Yes, M theory says that the whole universe is eleven dimensions. In other words, in the highest dimension of the universe, you can find 11 lines that are perpendicular to each other, or you can report your position. You need 11 coordinate points. In addition to longitude, latitude and altitude, you also need eight additional data to express your current position.

After all, it's just as difficult to understand the four dimensions of human life, just as it's hard to understand what the four dimensions of human life are like on a piece of paper.

All the explanations of M theory about the "grandmother paradox" series of paradoxes are actually the existence of the so-called parallel universe!

The universe is pluralistic. The multiverse is composed of numerous parallel universes. The parallel universe refers to other universes that are separated from a certain original universe and exist in parallel with the original universe. It is just like Zhang Heng's reality. The universe where the terminator is located has a common history. However, since 1997, the two universes have gradually become biased Poor, eventually formed two different world situations.

The universe is infinite. There may be similarities or no similarities between any two universes. The multiverse includes all things that exist and may exist, including the differences in physical laws and physical constants that describe them.

Therefore, the so-called "time displacement machine" of the terminator plane is not really able to send people back to the past, but can only send people to another universe which is exactly the same as the original universe. There are Skynet, John Connor, and every human being in your universe. Only the time line of that universe is where you are A decade ago.

This is the truth of the terminator plane's time displacement machine. When the user returns to the past, what he or she has changed is not the history of your own plane, but the history of another universe.

That's why the protagonists have always wanted to change history and prevent judgment day from coming, but they never can.After trading with the other party, Zhang Heng finally got the "plane transmission technology" he had always dreamed of. Not only that, the other side also provided all the technical data of T-800, T-1000 and t-x. Zhang Heng no longer needs to bring these machines back to reality for research.

By the time Zhishang returned to the interior of the Falcon fighter, more than five hours had passed, but just after taking off and entering the stealth state again, Zhang Heng saw a black line slowly moving towards here outside the sunset sky, just like a rain cloud.

"It seems Skynet is really angry." Zhang Heng looked at the sky's black things, with a look of indifference, he turned his head to see the end of the war, "things to them?"

"It has been given and given to them to use." Zhishang nods.

"It's good. We'll be back in half an hour. Let's watch a good play here." Zhang Heng looked at the time, then turned around again and looked at the black rain cloud. With the black line getting closer and closer, everyone could see clearly what the rain cloud was. It was clearly a huge and incalculable army of machines!

Countless aircraft flying in the sky, blocking the sky, like a wave, wrapped in the rolling waves, like the end of the day toward the target!

The distance is very close. Zhang Heng can even see that it is an endless army of aircraft. Not only that, but also on the other side of the land, there is an endless army of robots, which has been under siege for a long time!

The cabin of Zhang Heng's Falcon fighter plane is not closed. Zhang Heng turns his head and looks out of the cabin. The person in charge of the base holds a T-800 with half body and no hands and feet in his hand. With his other hand, he pulls out the chip on the head of the T-800 and inserts a device like a USB flash disk into it

The next second, we can see that in the distance, the army of robots, which were still advancing fiercely, seemed to lose their balance one by one, and fell forward in rows. At the same time, the warships in the sky also lost their power and fell towards the ground like dumplings , the fastest update of the webnovel!