Only Skynet's machine Corps can fly in the sky.

For human beings, fighters need pilots, and these pilots need to receive extremely strict training. Sometimes, a pilot is more valuable than a fighter.

The robot army is different. Robots have more exquisite technology than human beings, more rigorous logical judgment, and even do not need anyone to drive, because every fighter plane is a robot. Therefore, in the case of the same technology, it is doomed that human beings can not gain advantages in the air force.

Zhang Heng's technology is far more advanced than Skynet. The suppression of this technology is extremely amazing. Even if the technology of spacecraft controlled by machines is stronger, it can not change the suppression of power level. Therefore, Zhang Heng is not afraid to play air combat with the machine Corps.

While thinking about all kinds of clues about the terminator plane, Zhang Heng looks at the huge aircraft ahead. He doesn't know where the aircraft is going to fly. If the other party wants to fly for more than ten hours, it will be very embarrassing. Zhang Heng has only 12 hours, but he has no time to spend with the other party. Thinking of this, he simply ordered the other nine fighters to return to the air and build one in front of him In order to ambush this aircraft, you must smash the other party immediately and obtain the effective information of the other party.

"Ten is in position."

"Eight is in position."

"No. 6 is in position. You can attack now."


Like a ghost, without a sound, ten fighters ambush, the huge aircraft in front of them is still quietly sailing, not knowing that they have entered the trap under Zhang hengbu.

When the last Falcon fighter was in place, Zhang Heng gave an order, and ten air-to-air missiles appeared out of thin air, like arrows from all directions at the same time!

These air-to-air missiles use micro nuclear fuel equipment to supply energy. They can accelerate to the speed of sound within 100 meters, and to three times the speed of sound within 500 meters. Because the internal space is very small, a missile is only 10 cm thick and 40 cm long. In terms of speed and flexibility, it is far more powerful than ordinary missiles. However, it can explode several times as much as an ordinary missile!

At this critical juncture, the precise control advantage of the robot Corps is finally reflected. At the moment when ten hawk fighters fire missiles, the huge and bulky aircraft react immediately, and countless small sun like infrared jammers are sprayed like fireworks, illuminating the whole night in a flash! At the same time, the aircraft deflected and broke out towards the lower right. The reaction speed was far faster than that of human beings, almost reaching the perfect point!

Unfortunately, the robot's aircraft did not encounter other people, but the special operation forces that suppressed them in all aspects. Those missiles did not look at the jammer at all, and they blasted on the shell of the huge aircraft with the momentum of destroying and decaying!

The next second, the whole ship was blasted ten holes in a row, staggering to the ground.

However, Zhang Heng jumped in front of his eyes. In addition to mining information from the huge aircraft, he also wanted to test the strength of the terminator plane robot army. Just now, each of those missiles was enough to blow half a football field into the sky, but he only opened a hole about 10 meters in that aircraft? In this way, the defense of the aircraft has exceeded that of heavy tank armor.

At this time, the huge aircraft in the sky across a thick smoke, rolling toward the ground, falling straight down, after hitting the ground, continue to roll forward, plowing the ground into a deep gully!

"Commander, do you want us to send someone in to investigate?" Zhishang asked, looking at the crashed aircraft.

"No need." Zhang Heng shook his head. "Skynet should have been aware when we attacked them. At this time, reinforcements may attack us at any time. We must be vigilant and send some flying sticks in to check. If it is confirmed that there is no danger, we will go down again."


At the same time, Zhang Heng ordered, at the bottom of the fuselage of the Falcon fighter, four or five chopsticks thick, with a long strip-shaped fuselage, flew out. This is what Lewis, the scientific genius, invented. The flying sticks made a spin in the air, and flew to the crashed aircraft in the distance with a brush, and then they went into it soundlessly.

The screen in the cabin automatically turns into a flying stick perspective. It seems that the robot itself does not need lighting. Zhang Heng can only see the darkness in the cabin. The next second, the flying stick automatically turns on the night vision perspective, and constantly shuttles around the aircraft to explore.

Soon, the flying stick found a huge warehouse carrying the secret hemp terminator Corps. At first glance, most of them are the most popular T-800 models, and there are also a small number of T-850 and 888 models, that is, the governor models of the terminator series 12-3.

As for the more advanced T-1000 and t-x, nothing is seen.

However, at this time, a few small holes suddenly popped out of the huge aircraft. In the next second, more than a dozen aircrafts, many times smaller in size, shot out of these holes like lightning. As soon as they flew out, they searched for the location of Zhang Heng and others.

Not only that, the eyes of the rows of t-800s also began to light up. The fixed bases of a group of robots were automatically ejected. These robots were like blowout, and they were constantly ejected from the cabin door and fell from the air like dumplings. In a blink of an eye, thousands of robots emerged outside the giant aircraft!Even Zhang Heng saw that two reapers were walking slowly down from the aircraft. The so-called reaper is a kind of giant robot with a height of 25 meters and two motorcycle type terminators on its legs. It looks very huge!

Even Zhang Heng felt cold in his heart. It turned out that such a huge aircraft was a troop carrier of Skynet. If one of them was knocked out, it was equivalent to poking a leech hive, which was extremely difficult to entangle.

At this time, the last robot came out and saw the appearance of the robot. Zhang Heng suddenly saw that the robot was quite different from the other T-800. If the T-800 was a rigid man made of straight lines, then this robot was a secret killer made of arc bars. The robot was too small in size, only 1.7 meters Right and left, and the twinkle of eyes is not red light, but blue light, slender limbs, like a woman in general, whether it is beautiful or its own material, far better than the T-800!

This special robot is the t-x that Zhang Heng wants most. It is a near perfect machine killer, known as the terminator among terminators!

According to the data found by Zhang Heng from the network, the t-x body surface adopts the virtual skin of liquid metal, which can be transformed into any human being, while the internal body is made of super cutting-edge alloy, and it also has super fine local deformation ability.

Unlike the T-1000 liquid metal robot, which can only be transformed into cutting tools, it can really deform into a thermal weapon. What it is good at is to turn the arm into a plasma gun. Its attack has electromagnetic effect, which can paralyze electronic instruments, and can produce explosive damage effect on most of the attacking objects!

In addition, t-x can copy the program of any system, and also can invade other computer systems. It can input virus and tamper program with nano syringe to achieve the purpose of domination and control. Faster, more powerful and more intelligent than the average terminator. In the man-machine battlefield, the positioning of t-x is also the role of commander and hacker.

At this time, all the machine armies were in the face of the enemy, flying in the sky and running on the ground, constantly searching for Zhang Heng's position. However, no matter how they searched, they could not find the hawk Falcon hidden in the air of several hundred meters.

"Let the flying stick go and test it. I want to see how powerful the t-x is." Zhang Heng looked at the t-x on the screen. His eyes were burning. Zhishang immediately passed the command. Soon, a flying stick flew out of the cabin of the huge aircraft. At this time, the t-x just turned back to the flying stick. It seemed that he saw the opportunity. The flying stick immediately accelerated to exceed the speed of sound and rushed towards t-x in the posture of suicide attack !

This is another ability of the flying stick, just like a miniature missile. The inside of the flying stick is equipped with a nuclear fusion core. Once detonated, its power is comparable to tens of kilograms of T.N.T. explosive. Even a chariot can explode into a ball of fire in an instant! , the fastest update of the webnovel!