The terminator plane was once a plane similar to the history of the earth.

However, later, an enterprise named Cybernet was established quietly and produced a defense system called Skynet. This system is highly intelligent and has much stronger logic and analysis ability than human beings. Finally, it was used by the US Air Force and became the weapon system to take over the US war.

To put it bluntly, Skynet is an automated war machine. After taking over the U.S. defense system, the U.S. military tried to power it off after it got out of control. Skynet concluded that humans are a threat to themselves, and they are adversaries in war, leading to Skynet launching trial day.

In this year, the trajectory of history began to deviate from the rest of the human world, and then gradually declined. Human beings at the top of the food chain fell into the dust and could only turn into underground war under the pressure of the army of robots.

In 2018, more than 10 years have passed since the judgment day. In the underground struggle day after day, the fighting spirit of human beings has been gradually smoothed. In the years of fighting, human beings can not see the slightest light of hope, and internal differences begin to emerge.

Everything seems to be falling towards the worst.

This is the history of the terminator plane. At this time, Zhang Heng sat in the hawk Falcon and looked at the screen on the wall of the warehouse. On the screen, the world outside was projected. It was a wasteland world that was more cruel than the end of the world.

Zhang Heng's goal this time is to get plane shuttle technology from the rebel army. Skynet and human beings have this technology. It is hundreds of times simpler to get this technology from human hands than from Skynet.

Of course, the only difficulty is to find human rebel bases. No one knows where the rebel bases are. These are not mentioned in the film. There are even rumors that the headquarters of the rebels are actually in nuclear submarines. As for the truth, only God knows.

Ten hawks and falcons skimmed over 3000 meters. This is the limit of visibility. The visibility on the terminator plane is very poor. If you fly higher, you can't see anything clearly, let alone search for human survivors.

The stealth technology on the fighter plane has been opened. Zhang Heng doesn't know whether this kind of stealth function can avoid Skynet's detection. However, Skynet can't even eliminate the human's remaining evils, which have lost most of the land, industry and agriculture, and their detection ability should not be strong. Zhang Heng is more confident about the stealth technology of hawk and Falcon fighters.

The Falcon fighter cruises at high altitude at Mach 5, and the terrain rendering technology is constantly scanning. By comparing with the real terrain, we can quickly compare the position at this time.

Today, Zhang Heng is in the middle of Texas, Louisiana and the Strait of Mexico to the East, and is now heading northwest to New Mexico.

Knowing where it is, the Falcon will launch a higher speed cruise, and then carpet scan the United States, searching for human survivors.

If you find the survivors, you should be able to find the human rebel headquarters.

With the Falcon speeding up its voyage, a small number of humanoid objects were found in front of the fighter's scanning system. As the scanning lock was strengthened, dozens of human skeleton like robots appeared on the camera. These robots were incomplete and lying there quietly without any sign of activity.

"All fighters stay here and remain invisible and hovering. Let's go down and get those robots up and have a look." Zhang Heng ordered.

The performance of hawk Falcon fighter is very strong. With Zhang Heng's order, the high-speed fighter plane immediately decelerates and lowers its altitude, and hovers at a low altitude of 100 meters. However, Zhang Heng's fighter plane continues to descend and finally stops at the position of the robot remains.


The tail of the Falcon opened the cabin door, and ten clone fighters stepped down vigilantly. Although the scanning equipment inside the armor and the scanning of the fighter didn't find the enemy nearby, they still didn't relax.

When it was confirmed that the outside world was safe, Zhang Heng got off the plane and saw him squatting down and gently touching the remains of these robots.

The remains of these robots seem to have been damaged for a short time, with only a thin layer of radioactive dust on the surface, and the red light in their eyes has been extinguished. Their limbs are somewhat incomplete, and the fracture is twisted and torn, which seems to be caused by the shooting of some powerful weapon.

On the robot's body, there are dense craters. These robots don't know what alloy they are made of. From the craters, we can see that the robot's body is extremely tough. Ordinary gunpowder weapons don't want to penetrate the armor and cause effective damage to the robot.

Zhang Heng wanted to find out how these robots were destroyed, but after searching for a long time, he could not find any clue. If the only clue, it was probably a black bullet hole in the chest of the robot.

Zhang Heng looked at other robots, and sure enough, he found the same bullet hole in the chest of other robots.

Zhang Heng's arm was slightly forced, only heard a click, the high-frequency electromagnetic blade was ejected, Zhang Heng made a stroke on the chest of the robot, only heard the harsh noise, a large number of sparks were splashed, Zhang Heng directly cut a thick gap in the hard metal shell of the robot.Looking at the gap, Zhang Hengchao saw that all kinds of equipment inside the robot were burned to the black. Some high-precision parts were even deformed and melted. The short circuit of the circuit caused these robots to be completely damaged and shut down. It seems that this is the reason for the damage of these robots.

Zhang Heng saw a fragment inside, and suddenly moved in his heart. He gently twisted up the fragment, observed it slightly, and suddenly showed a clear color.

It's a fragment of a uranium alloy.

Obviously, in the battle at that time, there was a man who acted like a sniper - the man had a high-power rifle with depleted uranium as the bullet core. With this kind of depleted uranium armour piercing bullet, it broke through the opponent's alloy armor, sent the bullet into the robot's body, and then the bullet triggered the fuse, exploded in the robot's chest, and finally reached the target To the end of the robot.

"Take these robot fragments to the cabin. Stop the war. Take a few people to search around and see if there are other useful clues." Zhang Heng stood up and gave the order.

"Yes." Zhishang nodded and scattered in all directions with a few fingers. The remaining clone fighters transported the remains of the robots into the cabin of the fighter.

In the past ten minutes or so, Zhishang took people back. "Commander, human footprints were found in the East. The time is about a few days ago. Do you need to trace them?"

"Let's go and have a look." Zhang Heng nodded, and everyone returned to the cabin. The Falcon fighter plane was as invisible as a cloud of gas floating in the air. However, the intelligent scanning device on the fighter immediately found the footprints in front of them, then compared each other and flew forward along the footprints. , the fastest update of the webnovel!