Why did the first second just release the task, and the next second said that he had completed the task?

Zhang Heng was puzzled. In order to get an answer as soon as possible, Zhang Heng could not even wait for the clone army to withdraw from the Dunwich mine. He closed his eyes and called for Urian with his consciousness.

Because there is no Yuehua here, there will be no conflict.

"Host uncle, Ke is always here!"

Zhang Heng just called each other, and you Lian appeared on Zhang Heng's retina. At this time, you Li'an was wearing a light green Octopus shaped coat, with a large number of messy tentacles at the foot and the head of an octopus head on his head. Only a small round face was revealed. In addition, there was a pair of bat wings that were easily made by hand.

With her appearance, a long song with the background of the sea waves rings. It seems to be very suitable for the scene with the modeling of Urian.

Zhang Heng's mouth was uncontrollably drawn. This shape is just the shape of kesulu fabricated in the real world, but it has become a Q version.

"Uncle host, what do you think Urian has in his hand?" Without waiting for Zhang Heng to open his mouth, Urian took the initiative to smile and say, "you guessed the sugar in Youlian's hand and I'll give you to eat it!"

"It should be salt..." Zhang Heng sighed and guessed.

"No, it's sugar!" You Li an showed the arrogant look that you really guessed wrong. She held out her hand like a proud pupil who had got 100 points in the exam. In her hand, she was a round candy, "it's total sugar!"

"I dare not eat the total sugar." Zhang Heng laughed bitterly, "I said you Lian, what happened just now? Why... "

"Urian knows what the host uncle is asking." Urian suddenly spun around in mid air, and the next second he changed into a casual dress. At the same time, he also showed a serious look and asked, "does the host remember the original fev-2 experiment?"

"Remember, what happened?" Zhang Heng's eyes brightened. Today's you Lian is not a good speaker.

"In fact, the situation is very simple. In that FEV forced evolution experiment of virus type 2, you accidentally amplified the communication signal between kesulu and believers, and almost made him wake up. That's all."

"What kind of an answer is that?" Zhang Heng was stunned. The word "believer" has come out. Where is the term "dimensional star" used in the creation of super civilization?

"Kesulu, it does exist." Julian showed a serious expression. "Uncle can think of it as a kind of evil god. After all, it is a kind of life form far beyond human beings, belonging to the neutrino life in the category of unconventional biology."

Julian continued, "because of life forms, time and space have no meaning in front of them. They generally live in the Cauchy horizon outside the black hole, can withstand huge tidal gravitational fluctuations, and can cause energy level transitions. Therefore, they continuously emit a large number of beta, gamma rays, and electromagnetic waves of various frequencies The true face of the "evil god."

"Neutrino life?" Zhang Heng frowned. "Can neutrinos become life?"

"They are also called particle life or energy life, and they are like a set of data, which can only be bound by a certain frequency of magnetic field, so it is very difficult for human beings to eliminate it." Julian continued to explain, "does the host understand that the existence of such a thing as the ghoul also has its electromagnetic wave influence. In this way, the human brain wave can communicate with it. However, due to the different understanding ability of the brain, it is easy to be damaged by the other party's electric wave when communicating, so the so-called" loss of San value "occurs

"As for the believer, just like food, human brain waves can provide it with energy to maintain active thinking. Therefore, he tries to link human brain waves continuously and drive people crazy one after another."

"Then why does it stay on the earth at the radiation plane?" Zhang Heng frowned, "and isn't it for food? Why destroy the earth again? "

"It's on earth, and it's not on earth at the same time." Julian curled his mouth. "I can't explain this physical phenomenon to uncle. You just need to understand that when they treat human beings, they are just like we look at bacteria in culture dishes. Do you care how many bacteria die when you drop a drop of alcohol in the Petri dish?"

You Lian's words made Zhang Heng silent.

"Not only that, it is sleeping deep in the earth's core, and only sporadic signals are sent out. But once it wakes up, the energy tide caused by it is not what the human brain can bear at all. Moreover, at the moment when it wakes up, the gravitational fluctuation caused by it is enough to make the whole solar system collapse completely!"

"In other words, I almost woke up fev-2 when I was experimenting with it?" Zhang Heng is very shy.

You Li'an sighed a sigh of old age and looked at Zhang Heng with pride in his eyes. "Yes, uncle host, you were too careless. But then, the urgent task had already started. Only when Uncle recalled the word" crusu ", could it continue to sleep. Fortunately, you managed to do it."Zhang Heng frowned, "is this a coincidence?"

"Urian also knows that this is a coincidence. Even a cosmic cycle will not happen once, so the only possibility is The curse has already been done

Zhang Heng became extremely serious for a moment. "You have stressed that curse since we met. So, what is that curse?"

"I can't tell you this. I know too much. It's not good for the host uncle!" Urian gave a careless look and said with a smile, "Uncle host, as long as you understand that even the life of kesulu at this level is also used as a tool to kill people by means of the" Curse ". It can be imagined that the" Curse "is not what you can resist now. You have a long way to go."

Speaking of this, Urian stretched out and finally waved to Zhang Heng, "you Li'an is very tired according to the science popularization explanation this time. You Lian is going home. Please remember to continue to refuel

Without waiting for Zhang Heng's objection, you Li'an disappears completely on Zhang Heng's retina.

Only when you Lian disappeared did Zhang Heng smile bitterly. For the universe, human beings were too ignorant and too small. When he heard you Li'an's explanation, Zhang Heng did not feel relieved, but felt a greater crisis.

He couldn't help but sigh deeply. Although he was ready to fight the curse, at this moment, he really had some doubts. Could he really save human beings with his insignificant power?

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