“RODS?” Zhang Heng frowned, "what is that?"

"Rhods, also known as flying rods, is a mysterious object that can be captured with a camera." "It's a long strip with three or more pairs of membranous wings on its body. It's generally considered to be an undiscovered insect in the last century."

"But, because nature has never seen the corpse of this creature, some people think that this creature does not exist, and think that rods is actually a micro UAV, or UFO."

"Flying stick?" Zhang Heng said subconsciously.

"Yes, that's what you call it in China." Lewis said with a smile, "but the final guess is that this kind of flying stick is actually a flying insect. Because the camera shutter speed is too slow, the exposure delay effect will be produced, and the so-called flying stick is formed."

"But..." Lewis continued, "I designed this drone from the idea of flying sticks. It is like a flying stick. It flies on three pairs of wide and short membranous wings. The wing material is specially made of artificial nano cuticle, which is hundreds of times higher than that of ordinary insects. The frequency of wing fluttering is 1500 times per second. In fact, the three pairs of membranous wings are connected together. Therefore, the wings fluctuate like waves when flying. This way of flapping wings can make it more flexible than dragonflies It makes less noise than mosquitoes

"Inside, I try my best to reduce its weight. Its internal structure has only three devices, one is a miniature nuclear fusion battery half the size of No. 7 battery, one is a pinhole HD camera on the head, and one is a micro intelligent core. Powered by fusion batteries, with cameras as eyes and smart cores as brains, it can easily travel 50 kilometers an hour through dense jungle without hitting any obstacles. "

Zhang Heng's eyes brightened. This flying stick is much more practical than nano mosquito. Of course, if the speed and energy of nano mosquito can reach the level of flying stick, it will naturally be said otherwise.

In summary, nano mosquitoes are dozens of times more invisible than flying sticks. However, due to the nuclear energy supply, the speed and endurance of flying sticks have completely exploded the former.

"And more importantly." Louis even continued to say, "its endurance is three months, and the flying stick itself is a ramjet engine with wings. If it is not afraid of exposure, it can be accelerated to the speed of bullets to carry out suicide attacks on the enemy, or used to speed up the road!"

Zhang Heng's eyes show a shock color, this flying stick is simply a miniature cruise missile, which is specially designed for himself and d.s.f! It is no exaggeration to say that with the flying stick this tactical reconnaissance UAV, directly let their own strength hundreds of times!

Zhang Heng's eyes are hot, he slightly dignified out of this flying stick, asked, "how to control it?"

"It can be connected to the intelligent core of exoskeleton armor made by the foundation and then give three instructions." Lewis held up three fingers. "The first is cruise command, which can conduct free cruise missions within a range of one kilometer to one hundred kilometers. This data user can adjust according to the situation."

"The second is to explore the terrain. As I said earlier, it can be connected to the exoskeleton armor intelligent core, so that the driver can see all the pictures seen by the flying stick, and can also record all the scenes the flying stick experiences, and then map the surrounding environment. Therefore, exploring unknown terrain is the second ability of the flying stick."

"The last one is the alert mode. Once a threat is found during patrol and exploration, they will secretly monitor and inform the user, and then choose to give up, track or attack under the command of the user!"

"Of course, it can be manipulated without exoskeleton armor, as long as you confirm your fingerprints and have a remote control." Said Louis, pointing to the belly of the flying stick.

Zhang Heng turned the flying stick over, and he saw a smooth place in his abdomen. He pressed his thumb on it. The next moment, the camera of the flying stick flashed twice, and its wings fluttered. Suddenly, it flew up. It kept circling around Zhang Heng, just like a cute pet attached to its owner.

"Good. Next, you can give it your orders at will." Louis stretched out his hand and laughed.

Zhang Heng nodded, took out a remote control disguised as a mobile phone from the iron box containing the flying stick, and pressed the first mode at the same time.

Suddenly, the remote control detected the same fingerprint, and sent the command to the flying stick within a few milliseconds. The next second, the flying stick flew forward!

The flying stick is very fast, but it flies to the edge of the laboratory in an instant. But when it is about to hit the wall, the intelligent immediately adjusts the angle and rubs against the wall in an extremely dangerous way and turns over!

Zhang Heng listened carefully. With his hearing, he could only hear very small wing vibration. You know, his hearing was enhanced by T virus, which was more than ten times that of ordinary people. He could only hear slight vibration. For ordinary people, unless flying sticks fly to their ears, they would never hear.

After the experiment was completed, Zhang Heng took the flying stick back into the iron box again, showing a feeling of emotion. He always preferred biotechnology, but he forgot that electronic technology could also bring him great improvement. For example, the flying stick played a greater role than clone soldiers in some cases. With the help of exoskeleton armor, Zhang Heng's shortcomings in investigation were immediately made up."Mr. Zhang, are you satisfied with our team's research?" See Zhang Heng test completed, although from Zhang Heng's face can see that the other side is very satisfied, but Louis is still careful to ask.

Zhang Heng frowned. He didn't cover up his emotions in front of his subordinates. He liked it or didn't like it. He was very satisfied with the product, which can be seen at a glance. Lewis asked at this time, it was nothing more than reminding Zhang Heng to give himself good. This kind of careful thinking may have worked well in the past, but now, suddenly Let Zhang Heng's liking to Lewis drop by more than half.

Zhang Heng looked at Louis coldly, and Lewis immediately felt that his ideas and small abacus had been seen through by Zhang Heng. He lowered his head in a hurry, his forehead was cold and sweaty, and he did not dare to look at Zhang Heng's eyes again.

"you and your team have done very well." However, although the impression of Louis is not good, but the reward or to reward, can not chill the hearts of the people, so said, "Yuehua."

"Your Excellency the commander." Suddenly, the voice of Yuehua came from the speaker in the laboratory.

"Give Lewis group an overall promotion of 0.5 level of authority and treatment of 1 level of authority."

"Yes, your excellency."

Everyone's eyes lit up, showing the color of surprise.

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