After three days of mining, two thirds of the trees and plants in the whole island have been leveled, countless timber has been thrown into the garbage carrier as waste, and a large open space has appeared in the center of the island.

In these three days, the freighter was not idle, more materials were transported to the island, a simple wharf was built, large cranes were up and down, boxes of stamping steel plates were transported to the beach through the Caribbean Sea.

The construction efficiency of the clone project team was extremely rapid. The foundation of the human cryobank was dug out on the tenth day of the construction of Star Island.

The depth of the foundation is 40 meters, which is still round, with a bottom area of 50000 square meters. The deeper the structure is, the more resistant it is to natural disasters such as tsunamis and hurricanes.

In Zhang Heng's plan, the structure of the human body freezing center is made of special steel, even the underground structure. Just like building blocks, you just need to build and weld. With five cranes working at the same time, it took only two days to lay a thick steel plate on the basement layer, which is 40 meters deep. However, in the center of the foundation, there is a circular blank with a diameter of 30 meters.

This circular blank area is not for the purpose of placing the moon. After the foundation was laid, whether intentionally or unintentionally, the engineering team suddenly suspended the construction of the foundation, and covered the foundation with a huge curtain, covering the huge pit.

At this moment, in the deep foundation pit, Zhang Heng and the person in charge of the clone engineering team nodded, then suddenly disappeared and went to the radiation plane again. When he came back 24 hours later, there was a huge cylindrical machine with a diameter of 10 meters and a length of 5 meters!

If there are people who have been dealing with tunnel engineering all the year round, I'm afraid they can recognize it at a glance when they see this machine!

full face tunnel boring machine is a combination of rotary cutter head and hob, which cuts soil and rock through rotary extrusion, so as to excavate a tunnel in mountain rock stratum It is generally abbreviated as "TBM". Because the drill bit of this machine is like a round shield, it is called "shield machine".

Obviously, Zhang Heng is going to dig out a secret base under the ground with this tunnel boring machine.

Compared with drilling and other methods, the excavation speed of tunnel boring machine is several times of the conventional drilling speed, and the maximum daily drilling depth can reach 500 meters; it has the advantages of fast, safe, economic, and small interference to the rock layer. Moreover, this tunnel boring machine is the advanced machinery from the radiation level, with faster efficiency, faster speed and higher safety.

The huge volume with a diameter of 10 meters means that the diameter of the tunnel excavated is more than 10 meters. Moreover, this roadheader adopts extrusion tunneling, so there will be no excavated soil. The machinery will directly open up a channel under the ground, and all the soil will be squeezed around and become extremely dense.

With the working efficiency of the tunnel boring machine, which is about 100 years advanced than the reality, it can drill a channel thousands of meters underground on the Star Island in half a month at most.

Yes, this is Zhang Heng's third secret base besides clone production center and beehive. This base will be countless times more secret than honeycomb!

Because in the design, the location of the base will be located in the bottom of the Caribbean Sea, at an altitude of minus 2000 meters. In this case, even if the world has an irreparable disaster, such as sunspot outbreak, nuclear war, etc., it will not affect this submarine base thousands of meters deep, unless the earth is destroyed.

As for the so-called submarine base structure, Zhang Heng is designed to be spherical, which is also the shape most resistant to crustal compression. Zhang Heng wants the base to ensure that even if it encounters crustal movement, it will not damage the submarine base.

As for the soil excavated from the ground, Zhang Heng also has a way to solve it. He directly transported the last molecular conveyor on the radiation plane here, then connected the honeycomb and the Star Island, and directly transported the excavated soil there, which perfectly solved the problem of efficiency and the danger of being discovered.

When the full face tunnel boring machine is drilling to the ground, the human body freezing center on the ground continues to work. The surface engineering covers up the huge movement and stillness of the ground. Even if some travelers with great curiosity drive their boats to the edge of the island to observe secretly, they can not detect the underground of the construction site of this island, and there is a secret that can shock the world!

With the passing of time and the passing of the old year, Zhang Heng's plane has entered a new year, and the development and transformation of Star Island has entered a stable period. The surface can be completed in three or four months, but the underground may also need to be longer.

However, these are not big problems. With the clone army guarding, Zhang Heng doesn't need to stay here. At the beginning of January of the new year, he receives a call from Yuehua again.

"Sir, there is good news that the US FDA has officially announced that the" anti freezing nano drug "has passed the clinical trial and new drug application, reaching the certification standard, and you are ready to manufacture cryoprotectants."

"Very good, those consortia are really quick to contribute. If it is put in normal times, it will take at least two to three years for the antifreeze to pass the application?" Zhang Heng relaxed his airway."Yes, if Williams and other American consortia did not put pressure on the authorities, it would take about five years for the antifreeze to be approved. Unlike now, it takes only half a year to pass the certification, which is ten times faster." Yuehua Xingfen road.

"It seems that India's human body freezing center is ready to open. Yuehua, you can select a public relations team from the company. I need to spread advertisements all over the world, especially online publicity. I can buy hot search entries from Google and Baidu to inform them of the existence of India's human body freezing center and the Virgin Islands human body freezing center!" Zhang Heng ordered.


"Also, the company's pharmaceutical plant has been completed, can we start manufacturing antifreeze?"

"Sir, I'm afraid not yet." Yuehua suddenly stammered, "we have obtained the international GMP certification certificate and passed the certification of the provincial food and drug administration. But because we are injections, we have to pass the national certification to be qualified. However, the country has not let us pass the certification for a long time. The reason is that our factory has quality problems and refuses to issue us the" drug manufacturing enterprise license ". ”

when Zhang Heng heard the speech, he suddenly looked cold. "In this case, we don't want to buy a pharmaceutical factory directly in India. We need to start the production of antifreeze before the end of the month!"

"But what about Huaxia?" Yuehua is a bit of a pity. "If a large pharmaceutical factory with an investment of 300 million dollars can't start, isn't it a pity?"

"It's going to be solved sooner or later, but not now. What we need to do now is to set up a human body freezing center as quickly as possible." "The earlier we open it, the better it will be for us," Zhang said


After telling Yuehua, Zhang Heng hung up the phone in silence. Suddenly he frowned and murmured in a low voice, "sure enough, is the state dissatisfied with me because the anti refrigerant has not been reviewed in China?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!