The tyrant's regenerative ability is very strong, but since it is called regeneration, it represents a strong metabolic capacity.

Even if the tyrant is more powerful, he must obey the conservation of matter and energy. The faster the metabolism is, the more energy is needed to make up for it.

Simply put, that is - tyrants need a lot of energy to supply their bodies while maintaining their strong regenerative capacity, otherwise they will be hollowed out by malnutrition caused by metabolism.

Thompson et al. Found that the tyrant cells can store a lot of energy substances such as ADP and ATP. ATP is a kind of high-energy phosphate compound, which can transform with ADP to achieve energy storage and release, so as to ensure the energy supply of cell life activities.

Thompson was tested, and the subject underwent five minutes of machine gun fire, and then fell into a near death phase of physical failure.

Five minutes doesn't seem to be long, but how many enemies can maintain such high and dense firepower suppression in actual combat? If a tyrant comes close to him, he will die ten times.

Seeing the report in his hand, Zhang Heng's eyes suddenly brightened. He seemed to think of something. He immediately snapped his finger and immediately entered the virtual space. When he came out again, the computer screen beside him was like rain, and a large amount of data stream flowed through in a dense way!

These data are all chemical formulas, which ordinary people can't see. Only experts can see how much impact this code and formula can have on the human world!

Zhang Heng thought that if we use the tyrant's cell energy principle, we can completely create a nutrient solution that can provide energy for living things. This nutrient solution can provide huge energy for the body. In short, it is a kind of nutrition needle, but the energy contained in this kind of nutrition needle is tens of thousands of times of that in the world!

Zhang Heng, relying on Yuehua's simulation and computational power, directly restored this biotechnology, and then he sent this information to several researchers in charge of B6 layer, and ordered them to open a new research project to specifically extract and transform this life energy into a tactical energy supplement agent similar to Red Bull beverage.

On Thompson's side, the success of the tyrant trial type gave them greater enthusiasm and accumulated a lot of experience. In order to continue to improve the ability of tyrants, the organic biological weapons research and development team applied to Zhang Heng, hoping to let the perfect fusion of T virus Zhang Heng clone participate in the test. Only the flesh body of Zhang Heng is the best material for making tyrants.

Zhang Heng agreed to Thompson's request without hesitation, but of course, the experimental subjects were not Ku Zhan and Adam, the clone Legion soldiers. Although these soldiers had no feelings, they had personality and self, and they were real human beings. Of course, Zhang Heng could not sacrifice his own life to study.

So, the only choice is to recreate a batch of clones without self-consciousness. These clones have no self-consciousness because they have no thought implantation technology. Strictly speaking, they are just a piece of meat.

To this end, Zhang Heng simply established a clone production laboratory in the beehive. Unlike India, India produced clone corps, while honeycomb produced clone experimental materials.

Half a month later, a second tyrant was created. The whole body of the new tyrant has no signs of decay. Even the mutated claws and exposed heart have disappeared. Except for the huge body of four meters high, there is no difference between the new tyrant and human beings.

The new tyrant was named T002. After testing, the regeneration ability of T002 was stronger than that of the tyrant trial model. Under the intensive machine gun fire, T002 persisted for 10 minutes, but for Zhang Heng, this level was still not satisfactory.

Because, without IQ and unable to control, T002 can only be a monster, but it is not a weapon. Only a tyrant with a certain degree of command and intelligence to control weapons is Zhang Heng's ideal biological weapon.

But what really surprised everyone was that when Thompson put two tyrants in a separate room, the tyrant trial type and T002 fought like natural enemies!

However, although the trial type has a huge claw as a weapon, it is abused by T002 in terms of strength and regeneration ability. Finally, T002 even devoured the tyrant trial type and ate it into his stomach.

After swallowing the opponent, T002 has also acquired the ability to turn his arm into a giant claw. Not only that, but also the muscle fibers of his whole body have a hardening effect, becoming harder and stronger, but the speed and flexibility are reduced a lot.

People were very shocked. Thompson even tossed T002 for three days. After countless tests, he finally concluded that it was a mutation phenomenon of secondary infection of the virus.

According to this inspiration, Thompson took another week to design a third tyrant. The new tyrant directly upgraded to a large level, named T103!


"In the biochemical crisis, anbrela controlled the tyrant by a parasite called" ne - α parasite ", but we don't have this kind of thing. If we want to control the tyrant's behavior, we have to think of another way."A few days later, Zhang Heng was lying in the bedroom of his hive, looking at a data report on tyrant in his hands. After more than a month of development and experiment, Thompson's organic biological weapons have been developed to the third generation. The fighting power of the tyrant generation is stronger than that of the first generation, but the controllability has not made much progress.

In order to control the tyrant, Zhang Heng also thought of using the technology of "thought implantation", implanting loyal thoughts to Zhang Heng in the period of human cloning.

However, after the clone was bred into a tyrant, the tyrant's brain produced an irreversible and destructive mutation, which led to the failure of thought implantation technology and brain controlled biochip technology, and became the same crazy state as other tyrants.

The operation mode of brain control chip is to interpret and interfere with human brain waves, but it has no function to interpret and interfere with the brain waves of monsters, so does the idea implantation technology.

Therefore, the use of "mind implantation technology" and "brain controlled biochip technology" on experimental subjects that become tyrants is completely ineffective.

The time has reached the end of September, and it is only half a month before the next mission. Although Zhang Heng has identified radiation as a simple eschatological world with one star difficulty in the next mission, if Zhang Heng can directly bring the tyrant into the next mission, it will be two wins with one move.

It can not only test the tyrant's combat effectiveness, but also make the mission more secure.

Therefore, Zhang Heng is in urgent need of Thompson to break through the bottleneck and develop a mass production tyrant that can be completely controlled.

"Commander, are you still bothered by the controllability of tyrants?" Suddenly, Yuehua's figure appeared in the room and said in a coquettish tone, "I think of a way."

"What can I do?" Zhang Heng a Leng, he only then reacts to come over at this time, Yue Hua unexpectedly also played a little clever.

This is almost inconceivable for an artificial intelligence. Only Yuehua, which shuttles through the vast virtual network all day and absorbs countless network knowledge, can do it.

Zhang hengneng feels from her daily conversation that as she absorbs more and more human knowledge, she has become more humanized and vivid. Now, in addition to having no body, she is no different from ordinary human beings.

However, Zhang Heng is not afraid that Yuehua will go wrong. Even if she is intelligent, she is not a program, but a huge statue with a height of 20 meters and a weight of hundreds of tons. It is impossible for her to escape through the network.

As the last line of defense, Zhang Heng even planted a lot of explosives in the bottom of the hive. Once Zhang Heng felt something was wrong, he could directly destroy Yuehua physically.

"In fact, you and Mr. Thompson have both entered into a misunderstanding of consciousness. They think that since the technology of consciousness transplantation and brain control is ineffective, the brain transplantation technology will certainly be ineffective. In fact, you can try brain transplantation." Yuehua promotes narrow road.

"Yuehua, are you serious?" Zhang Heng was stunned. He wanted to say that after becoming a tyrant, he was different from the human brain. This kind of operation could not be successful. However, since Yuehua reminds himself like this, it must not be groundless.

After all, Yuehua is not a human being. If there is no great possibility of success, Yuehua will not make such useless suggestions.

"I know you must think that humans and tyrants have different brains, so this method certainly won't work?"

It's true that brain chips and brain transplants can't work Zhang Heng nodded and said his thoughts.

"But just now, Professor Thompson has dissected the brain of a T103. He found that although the cortex and telencephalon of tyrants are highly variable, the thalamus, brainstem and cerebellum below the telencephalon are almost the same as those of humans, and even the size of the brain is no different from that of humans."

Zhang Heng was stunned. He immediately realized that the human brain is divided into several parts: cerebral cortex, forebrain, brainstem, thalamus and cerebellum. Among them, the forebrain is divided into telencephalon and diencephalon, which is in the outer layer of the brain, while thalamus and brainstem are located in the lower brain. "You mean, tyranny is just a variation of the outer layer of the brain, but the core part still keeps the same shape as human beings What's the status

"That's right. So there's a great possibility of transplanting the tyrant's brain." Yuehua said with a smile.

Yuehua's thinking is very strict. Only after she has confirmed the brain structure of the tyrant can she ask Zhang Heng to do this. If Thompson had not dissected the tyrant, Yuehua would not have thought of this method.

Zhang Heng was so happy that he ran to the B7 floor to explain the possibility to Thompson. Thompson and the three of them also patted their heads. They were all top scientific research scholars. Before, they just went into the wrong thinking area. Once they were awakened, they immediately burst into the top of their heads and began to work out practical plans. , the fastest update of the webnovel!