On September 1, two days after Zhang Heng attended the 80th birthday of father Li, Zhang Heng's Star building was also completed. After more than half a year's construction, the star building has become a landmark building in the southern suburbs of Haizhou.

Almost at the same time, construction began on several pieces of land near the Star Tower. Zhang Heng and Li Yiru planned to build the nearby area into a unique industrial park and processing factory of star technology. The construction speed of the factory is much faster than that of the building, and the construction of the factory is expected to be completed in three months.

After the completion of the star building, Zhang Heng began to ask for packaging design, which will take more than two months. It is estimated that the star building will not officially open until the factory is completed.

Zhang Xin started school completely, and female clone fighters also came to Haizhou from India on this day. After Zhang Heng's arrangement, they lived near Fudan University. As long as Zhang Xin left the school, they would quietly follow behind to protect.

Moreover, in addition to these female clones, Zhang Heng also asked India to create a new clone. When the clone came to Zhang Heng's villa, even Zhang Heng's own look was a little strange.

"Your Excellency the commander." The clone bowed his head and saluted.

Zhang Heng didn't answer. He just squinted and walked around the clone. The clone didn't respond at all.

"What food do you like to eat?"

"Commander, I can do anything."

"Do you have any music you like to listen to?"

"Commander, I have never heard music."

"What is your mission?"

"Instead of you in Haizhou, shift the national attention."

Zhang Heng then nodded and handed a bunch of keys to each other, "very good. From now on, you are me. Remember, don't make any mistakes."

"Yes, sir." At this point, as like as two peas of a clone, the head of a clone slowly rises. If someone sees it at this time, it will be shocked to find that this person is exactly the same as Zhang Heng.

Eyes can be practiced slowly, and in order to suppress the breath, Zhang Heng's eyes are very peaceful. Only when they are solemn, people will find the sharp edge like a sharp knife in his eyes.

After that, Zhang Heng called his parents again as usual, persuading them to come to Haizhou. Zhang Heng had advised them many times before, but his parents had been reluctant to part with their neighbors and relatives. However, today's situation was very smooth. From his father's mouth, Zhang Heng learned that his mother wanted his sister, so he drove hot to iron, and let the old couple agree to settle in Haizhou.

When he hung up the phone, half an hour later, Zhang Heng gave a bitter smile. As long as his parents came to live in Haizhou, his only weakness was completely disappeared. In the place covered by Yuehua magnetic field, Zhang Heng was omnipotent.

After finishing the decoration of the building, the construction of the factory and all the tasks, Zhang Heng can finally relax for a while. Except that he can't go abroad because of spiritual training, the rest has been arranged.

Zhang Heng walked out of the villa bedroom, and Thompson was sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"Mr. Thompson, I've been waiting." Zhang Heng said.

Thompson looked helpless. "Isn't it just a spinal operation? As long as there is automatic surgical equipment, even a person who knows nothing about medicine can also complete the operation. "

"Because I need you, Mr. Thompson." Zhang Heng poured a glass of water for Thompson on the water dispenser. "I have a task with heavy workload and high difficulty here. Are you interested?"

"I don't know all the technology in the Indian clone lab. I'm not interested in anything else." Thompson said mercilessly.

Zhang Heng smiles bitterly. Thompson can be said to be the ugliest old man he has ever met. The key is that it is useless to scold him. He is not the kind of person who wrongs himself in order to please the boss. The key is that Thompson is very capable. Although he is not better than the four people in Shanghai, he is also the first level below the four in Haizhou. Moreover, Zhang Heng is very early with Zhang Heng It's reassuring.

"Mr. Thompson, I won't talk about anything else. How about you go to the lab with me and decide?" Zhang Heng had no choice but to pull Thompson to the car and drive toward the beehive.

Soon, Zhang Heng returned to the honeycomb underground laboratory again.

"Sir, laboratory B7-2 has been renovated. I will use it as the Research Laboratory of T virus. Feng Lun, a professor of biological virology, is personally responsible for the research and development of b.o.w (organic biological weapons)."

Zhang Heng dropped to the B1 layer of the beehive and walked towards the laser channel. Without any detection, every time Zhang Heng goes to a door, the door will open in response to the sound, all the way green.

After Zhang Heng, Thompson was still a little impatient at first, but when he entered the hive, his eyes were all round.

"Is there any result?" Zhang Heng walked into the laser channel, and the Ar ion laser generators on both sides of the glass wall kept flashing. It seemed that the creatures in front of him were a little abnormal, which would release hundreds of thousands of degrees of mesh ultra-high field laser cutting all materials in the channel. But Zhang Heng turned a blind eye and walked directly through the passage. The isolation door at the end of the passage opened with a sound, but behind the isolation door, it was not the passage but a wall."According to your T-Virus data, we have successfully developed a licker eater biological weapon. Now we are debugging the tyrant. It is expected to be completed in half a month."

Zhang Heng nodded, as if he didn't see it. He walked directly to the wall. When he saw that he was about to hit the wall, the wall automatically cracked and turned into several hundred and thousands of cube squares. These squares were constantly reorganized and deformed, and then a road leading to B2 layer was revealed.

Down to the B2 floor, two clone soldiers were standing in front of the gate in heavy infantry armor. When they saw Zhang Heng, they immediately saluted with their feet, and the past researchers also nodded.

On the B2 floor, Zhang Heng takes the elevator directly to the deepest B7 floor, and only the tightest B7 floor can be used to study T virus and alien monsters.

"By the way, the lickers I remember were bred by humans. It seems that there are no humans to experiment with in the hive." Zhang Heng has a wonderful way.

"I'm sorry, half a month ago, I brought in some prisoners with suspended death sentence in Haizhou prison, and then carried out the experiment. At that time, you were conducting mental training, so I didn't tell you." Yuehua said.

"It doesn't matter. You've done a good job. You don't have to tell me about such small things." Zhang Heng said with a smile.


When the elevator descended to the B7 floor, Zhang Heng led Thompson along the way to B7-2 laboratory. Since it was damaged by the alien queen last time, B7-2 has been repaired for a long time, and now it is finally put into use again.

At present, dx-1118 virus is stored in No.1 Laboratory of B7 layer, biological weapon experiment of T virus is carried out in No.2 laboratory, No.3 laboratory is hosting alien queen and a number of small aliens, and only b7-4 laboratory is available.

Zhang Heng thought about it for a while and thought that it was necessary to expand the scale of the hive in the near future. Although the total area of seven floors reached 70000 square meters, which was larger than many experimental centers, it still needed to be larger.

Zhang Heng thought, opened the isolation door of No. 2 laboratory, and after a series of tedious disinfection work, finally entered the laboratory half an hour later.

"Director Zhang, why are you here?" As soon as he entered the door, Feng Lun's shiny forehead came into view.

"Professor Feng and Professor Kong, you are all here." Zhang Heng nodded, "just now, I'd like to introduce a friend who studies biology to you." Then he looked at Thompson behind him.

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