At this moment, a dozen middle-aged and elderly men gather in a closed conference room in the Arctic human government general military region. The geothermal system of the conference room continuously emits the appropriate temperature to disperse the chill of the Arctic.

However, these more than ten middle-aged and elderly people, who are generally over 50 years old, frown one by one and smoke heavily in the room.

These people, each of whom is the chief leader of each country, stand at the top of power. At ordinary times, their casual words can determine the future of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people, but at this time, they are constantly hesitating and thinking as if they are encountering unsolvable problems.

"Human reinforcements from the other world? What do you think is the probability that what the other person says is true? " In the end, a wise looking black man broke the silence. He lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and sighed, "to be honest, I'd rather believe that they come from the future, as in terminator."

"No matter where they come from, we do see each other's technology." A cold Russian man also said, "at least I can guarantee that there is absolutely no exoskeleton armor in the world that can let people wear it at a speed of more than 100 kilometers, and there is no individual gun that can kill the" Hunter "with a single gun."

The others looked at each other and nodded one after another. Since the virus prototype actively released the virus, New York was the first one to be hit hard. When the virus spread irresistibly across the United States, the U.S. government finally decided to give up its territory and use naval and air formations to transport tens of millions of people to the Arctic. Only after the strategic shift did they escape temporarily The sickle of death.

However, even if the United States failed, the impact of dx-1118 virus on the United States is still too great. Hundreds of millions of people died and countless properties were abandoned. Once the world's strongest overlord, it was completely reduced to the same level as Russia and China.

The reason why Huaxia can retain this part of strength is because of its system superiority. Once it enters an emergency period, Huaxia can carry out the policy at a speed that other countries can't match. Coupled with the wisdom and foresight of its leaders, Huaxia is almost the first country in the world to retreat to the Arctic. If it is not too far away from the Arctic, China can even retain most of its strength and become the strongest force of human civilization.

Russia is undoubtedly the smallest loss, because dx-1118 virus is afraid of cold, and it will lose its activity at minus 40 degrees. Therefore, the virus spreads very slowly in Russia, and Russia only loses half of it and then comes out.

Today, all countries are divided into two parts, one in the north pole and the other in the South Pole. Because the virus is afraid of water, it is not afraid of the spread of the virus across the sea. In addition, the low temperature in the north and south poles has completely blocked the spread of the virus. The Arctic and Antarctic have become the nests for human beings to hide their talents and protect their talents.

However, once the overlord of the earth has been reduced to a corner to survive, which is something that every human being can not tolerate.

In order to eliminate the virus, China, the United States and Russia began to use nuclear weapons on a large scale. They almost ploughed around the earth, but even so, they could not completely kill the virus.

However, human beings did not give up. The military satellite on the top of the head constantly monitors every move of the virus prototype Alex. Once they find an opportunity, they will use nuclear bombs to attack each other, in an attempt to wipe out Alex completely!

Because they know that as long as there is no Alex, no matter how strong those virus organisms on the earth are, they will become rootless trees, and sooner or later the earth will be recaptured.

However, the specific situation disappoints the public. A nuclear bomb is constantly launched, but the other party can always escape from the center of the nuclear explosion at the first time. If it can't escape, it will be pulled into the deep underground by the tentacle monster like Hydra. Every time people think that Alex is dead, but after a few days, the other side still appears alive and kicking.

And as Alex understood the tactics of the crowd, he also began to try not to move in the open, so that military satellites could not locate him and could not use nuclear bombs to attack.

And this nuclear explosion is just a routine human attack.

However, today, the encrypted military radio of the human colonies in the Arctic actually received a strange message. After the Ministry of communications got the information, they were surprised one by one and reported it to the police. Within half an hour, the message appeared on the desks of the top leaders of all countries.

That's why it is now.

At this time, the yellow man, who had never opened his mouth, clapped and said, "yes, I agree with Vladimir. In any case, the other party seems to have much more technology than our time. If we get these technologies, we may even be able to defeat the Moser virus and recapture everything we have lost. Therefore, we must not allow these people to die in the hands of the virus! "

"Yes, they will die in the North Pole even if they want to die!" The Russian man, known as Vladimir, added.

On hearing this, most of them showed a meaningful color. Canada's No. 1 said, "well, what's the other party's requirements?""Sustained nuclear attack." "Half an hour, a million ton nuclear bomb must explode at their designated location, in order to stop the ever chasing virus prototype, Alex Moser," said the refined man

"Yes, the earth is not short of the influence of these nuclear bombs anyway." Canada's number one said with a wry smile.




People have expressed their opinions, and the results of the discussion are surprisingly consistent. In fact, it is also known to all that the leading nuclear powers in the Arctic, namely, the United States, Russia, China, the United Kingdom and France, even the once developed countries, such as Japan and Germany, can only become vassals of these five countries after losing their territory and economy.

"In this case, what about the reserves of resources we consume?" Asked us leader one suddenly.

"As before, each of the five sides has produced the same amount of nuclear weapons, and the results have been shared fairly and justly by the five countries." Said the British Prime Minister.

All of a sudden, the leaders of those small countries turned pale, and some of them were angry. However, no matter what their dissatisfaction, the people did not dare to refute the British Prime Minister's words.

After all, this period is the most influential period of nuclear weapons. If you have nuclear weapons, you will have the right to speak.

"Seconded." The cold man in Russia thought for a moment and then nodded decisively.


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