The old snake head amub is a well-known human trafficker in Mumbai.

At the age of 40, amub is still in his prime. His signature dress is a big Indian beard, which is dark and shiny, showing a strong masculine flavor. Always wearing a navy blue shirt, do not like to button, revealing a strong and greasy chest and poor quality tattoos.

With a relatively high caste class, amub took over the work of trafficking in human beings from his father in his early years. Up to now, he has successfully entered the upper class of India by virtue of this profession. He has a number of subordinates under his command, controlling several slums in Mumbai and making contact with the government of Maharashtra.

However, the Indian's character of being willing to the status quo is not suitable for amub. In his idea, becoming a member of Parliament or even chief minister is his ultimate goal.

A few days ago, his subordinate, little Jacob, suddenly reported a clue. He said that a Chinese boss of a foreign enterprise in Mumbai had bought a large factory in the suburbs for 200 million US dollars and brought over hundreds of millions of US dollars of scientific equipment. He did not know what secret things he was doing.

After hearing the news, amub's heart itched.

In these years of hard work, amub has also accumulated a lot of rupees, but the money is basically used to support the government's gang of damned vampires.

This group of greedy politicians, their official position is always proportional to their appetite, no matter how many rupees can not satisfy their growing appetite.

In order to make himself go further and let his gang have more territory, amub decided to gamble to see if he could take away the equipment worth hundreds of millions of dollars and kidnap the rich Chinese businessman to extort ransom.

This is not the first time that amub has done such a thing. As long as he does it cleanly and cleanly without leaving any trace, and he takes care of it afterwards, there will be no trouble.

Of course, amub would not be stupid enough to do these things with his true colors. He made a special investigation. The other party's company belongs to British Bermuda, which is a serious foreign-funded enterprise, and the boss is still a Chinese. If it is not done well, there will be a diplomatic accident, and even more rupees will not be able to save him.

However, it is not that there is no way out. At least he has a method that has been tried and tested repeatedly, that is, to pretend to be a local armed force.

The local armed forces in India are always a pain in the heart of the government. There are about 20 armed forces that are not part of the government in India, which are distributed in the inaccessible jungle. The Indian government calls them terrorists. The Indian people call them bandits, bandits and so on.

As long as you do everything cleanly, and then push this matter to the head of any local rebel, then you can rest assured.

At the thought of this, amub began to gather people with enthusiasm, and finally spent three days to bring in a team of more than 100 people. Besides some of them were their own, the rest were mostly local ruffians in the slums. Although they were mobs, they were also good to be used as cannon fodder.

At this time, under the cover of the night, amub quietly came to the so-called foreign enterprise factory with his subordinates who were not much better dressed than the refugees.

After the acquisition of this factory by the Chinese, it has been officially renamed "star Biotechnology Co., Ltd.", which amub has specially investigated. This company is just an ordinary company that is not well-known, and it is not the pharmaceutical giant with deep background.

In recent years, countless foreigners have paid great attention to India's drug manufacturing industry, which is a lucrative industry, and they have come to take a share of it. However, they have never thought that pharmaceutical industry, which is a deep-seated industry, can be controlled by ordinary people without contacts and relationships?

As for amub himself, he has heard that numerous rich businessmen came to the scene with great enthusiasm and eventually lost their fortune. Some even lost their lives here.

At this time, more than 100 people have quietly stopped outside the factory. Under the moonlight, only seven or eight high-rise factory buildings can be seen, as well as the black factory area. The whole factory is like a huge disordered cemetery without any light.

"Jacob, are you sure the owner of the factory lives here even at night?" Amub asked with a dignified look.

It was early in the morning, and even if someone was watching, he should have gone to bed. However, in order not to be busy in vain, amub still wanted to make sure.

"Sir, you can rest assured that my younger brother is an employee of this factory. He has known the factory thoroughly for a long time." With that, Jacob quickly pulled out a 16-7-year-old dark boy from behind.

The young man nodded in fear and pointed to the highest corridor in front of him. "That building is where our boss and foreign researchers study things. That day, I personally went to the wharf to carry a large number of machines. Those machines are very exquisite. I had never seen anything so exquisite. I wanted to steal some decoration rooms, but the other side was watching closely, In the end, it didn't work. "

"That is to say, the big boss and the goods are in that building?" Amub squinted and asked.

"Yes, the building has been specially reinforced with steel, the windows have been sealed, and the gate is very thick and thick, so it can't be pierced even with a gun." The young man said and looked at the AK47 in the hand of amub, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva in fear but envy."It doesn't matter. There's no door in the world that can't be opened by one kilogram of dynamite. If there is one, two kilos will be used." Amub nodded with satisfaction and looked at the two brothers with fierce eyes. "If this time is successful, Jacob, you and your brother should be the first one."

"No, it's our duty to serve you." A surprise flashed in Jacob's eyes, and he quickly bowed down to show his humility.

"Well, there's nothing to be afraid of." Amubu said with a smile. Suddenly he turned his head and looked at the people behind him. "Brothers, we've been making small troubles all the time, but this time we're going to do a big business. If we succeed, we'll have to be popular in the future. But if we fail, do you know what will happen?"

All the people were stunned to look at amub. Only some of the people who had followed him for many years responded. One of them said, "if you fail, everyone will go to their own places, but no one is allowed to disclose the Lord amub, otherwise be careful of your wife and daughter!"

Amub looked at the clever little brother with admiration, and said to the crowd, "yes, you remember, we went to kidnap the rich Chinese businessman in the name of the rebel army. You just need to remember that. If anyone divulges my name, even Vishnu will not protect you!"

The people just shrunk their heads and nodded one after another. These people are the local ruffians in the slums. They are brave and ruthless, but they dare not make mistakes in the face of the real Mafia like amub.

Then, under the direction of amub's eyes, one of his men handed a weapon to the people. Most of the weapons were cold weapons such as machetes. Real hot weapons, such as pistols and rifles, could only be possessed by amub and his more than 40 hands.

Then, they cut off the barbed wire around the factory and rushed into the factory like a swarm, heading for the building in the distance!

However, these people did not expect that from the moment they entered the factory, their every move had already been exposed in front of each other , the fastest update of the webnovel!