It's close to the early hours of the morning. Even Singapore, as a city that never sleeps, is not so crowded with pedestrians.

At this time, Ella, who is carrying the task of tracking, takes Anderson's arm and is as intimate as a couple. Sometimes she whispers in each other's ears, sometimes a touch of charm flashes in her eyes, and slowly hangs behind the target 20 or 30 meters away.

Acting like the Oscar winner is almost flawless.

On the road 30 or 40 meters behind them, a Mercedes Benz was moving slowly with a low tremor.

Instead of turning on the lights, Mercedes hung behind them at a very slow speed. It's obvious that Hades often does this kind of thing. He's very skilled at driving. Under his control, Benz didn't make a sound. If you didn't pay special attention to it, it would be very difficult to find that the car was moving forward.

"Head, there are too few pedestrians. If you continue to track, you will be easily detected by the other party."

Suddenly, Ella's voice came from the headset, and Hades in the car frowned.

Indeed, the target they are following is always consciously or unconsciously choosing a place with few people, rather than going to bars, dance halls and other places for fun.

In fact, a few people would rather target that kind of place than walk aimlessly now.

Hades thought about it a little, and then he said, "in this case, you can follow for another ten minutes. If there is nothing wrong with the other party, you can get on the bus temporarily and change your clothes to follow in turn."


Ella and Anderson have nothing to complain about. In fact, compared with fighting on the battlefield, this kind of tracking and adjusting task is very leisure. At least, they don't have to worry about being hit by a bullet from the dark.

Next, the two continue to follow, while Hades in the vehicle frequently looks around.

For some reason, Hades felt uneasy again. He couldn't help looking at the open street outside the window. The sidewalk was almost invisible. Even the road was extremely empty. Occasionally, a car passed by in a hurry, but he couldn't take away the silence in the wind.

In this silence, even the dim street lights become strange.

"It's not right!" Hades was on the alert immediately. He couldn't tell what was wrong. However, after 30 years in the battlefield, he had developed an instinct almost like a beast. He could only foretell that if he continued to do so, he would surely expose himself to danger!

"Ella, Anderson, come back first." Hades whispered, "get ready to change and follow up."

"All right, head What about the target person Anderson's voice came from the headset. He had just said it, but suddenly it was replaced by a voice of surprise.

"What do you say?" Hades quickly looked into the distance. Sure enough, there was no one in front except Ella and Anderson. It was as if their goal had melted into the night and evaporated out of thin air!

"The other party is not disappeared, but into the side of the lane, quickly chase!" Ella's voice followed. The next second, Hades saw Ella take Anderson's arm, and they ran quickly into an alley without any street lights!

"Wait!" "Watch out for the trap!" hadith said

"Chief, since the follow-up investigation can't find anything, we have to force the confession. This mission has three million dollars!" As she ran, Ella said, "if we let him escape, we'll lose all our efforts."

Hearing this, Hades's eyes also flashed a flicker of hesitation.

Chase or not?

In this moment of choice, Hades's eyes showed a trace of struggle. In fact, if not for years of intuition told him that there was a certain danger in this action, I am afraid he would not hesitate to rush forward to tie the other party, and then use countless cruel means to force the other party to tell all the secrets!

"Chase!" In the end, Hades didn't resist the temptation of money. Instead of hiring on a daily basis, he paid three million dollars in a lump sum!

Three million!

According to their daily salary of $1000, three million, they need to work without food or drink for nearly ten years!

Besides, the other side is just an ordinary Chinese, who has never been to the battlefield. There are three people on his side. Although ashey and Anderson are not strong, they are also compared with their own top mercenaries. If they are ordinary soldiers, they can easily kill more than four or five people alone!

Thinking of this, Hades felt more and more that he was more and more considerate. He saw a flash in his eyes and suddenly stepped on the gas pedal! All of a sudden, Mercedes Benz issued a Savage Roar, at the same time, there was a violent friction sound from the wheels, and the whole car directly rushed out like an arrow from the string!

At a speed of less than 50 meters, Hades suddenly pulled the handbrake and hit the steering wheel hard. Hearing only the harsh friction sound, the car body made a beautiful lateral movement and ran directly into the dark and narrow lane on the right!


The sharp brake sound sounded, Hades steadily blocked the entrance of the lane!By the light of the lamp, at this time he saw that their target was standing in the same place, as if frightened, motionless!

In front of them, Anderson and Ella are like cheetahs. They rush to the prey at the speed of 100 meters, and capture the target in the blink of an eye!

This is what Hades saw!

However, just before Anderson rushed to the other side, and was about to clasp his hands to capture him, the latter suddenly moved!

The target's left hand suddenly swung, like lightning on Anderson's face, fast and accurate!


a crisp sound of the whip on the object came out. Anderson, a white man, who was 1.85 meters tall and weighed 90 kilograms, jumped into the air and spun around in the air. Then he fell down to the ground and made a heavy crash!

What kind of strength can a 90 kilogram adult man fly with one slap?

There was a flash of shock in Ella's eyes, but there was no time to step back. She had to jump up in front of her opponent and lock her legs to each other's throat with her own inertia weight!

This move is not only a move to win the strong by the weak in Sanda, but also a very powerful move. It relies on the flexibility and coordination of the user. The master can even throw the opponent three or four meters away, giving the enemy a double blow in the body and throat!

Obviously, Ella is one of the real masters, the general opponent encountered this move, must be in a hurry, do not know how to stop, unfortunately, this time Ella chose the wrong opponent!


A slight friction sound made the opponent react immediately. It was just a gliding step under his feet, which flashed to Ella's side like a shadow. At the same time, his right arm and elbow were slightly raised, and with the help of the other side's body's momentum, the opponent fiercely stabbed Ella's abdomen!


In the middle of the air, Ella let out a dull hum and fell to the ground heavily. After a little struggle, she was completely motionless!

In less than two seconds, Anderson and Ella lost their fighting power in succession. With their speed and simplicity, even Hades looked dull, like an illusion! , the fastest update of the webnovel!