Zhang Heng was not some idiot who let his emotions do the talking. In fact, he had an IQ and EQ that scored higher than the average person. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been able to survive in the missions issued by the Dimensional Star twice.

Regardless of why Li Yiru decided to get near him—be it due to some kind of conspiracy or she was simply doing something out of her own volition—Zhang Heng hardly cared. He was not afraid of the Li Group trying to scheme against him and the possibility of them trying to undermine him wasn’t high enough to begin with.

Zhang Heng saw that a fiery red supercar appeared at his door from the CCTV less than 20 minutes after that call. While he wasn’t familiar with the brand of that car, he was definitely able to tell that the car at his door was something far more expensive than his Audi A8. The supercar parked quickly, and Li Yiru and a skinny young man walked out of the car and headed straight for the door of the warehouse.

Zhang Heng covered the massive Black Marker with a massive piece of white cloth casually after seeing the two of them show up at his door before heading out to open the door for them.

Li Yiru was dressed in black professional attire and wore sunglasses, with the scent of branded, expensive perfume about her. She had her arms crossed in front of her chest and said nothing after seeing Zhang Heng open the door.

Zhang Heng took note of her displeasure and felt his head start to ache. He simply grinned and said, “So, I guess someone has ticked off our class rep here?”

“Yeah, I just happened to run into some ingrate, that’s all.” Li Yiru snorted and walked through the door. That young man behind her followed sheepishly after her without saying a word before grabbing Zhang Heng’s hands and shook them furiously. “Oh, my lord savior, I’ve been looking all over the place for you! It took me a lot of trouble to get into contact with Ms. Li and getting to know that you live here.”

“You’re… Fang Hao?” Zhang Heng was stunned for a bit before realizing that the pale-looking young man who appeared to have recovered from a serious disease not so long ago was that patient named Fang Hao who had been cured by T-1 a little more than a month ago.

When Zhang Heng first met Fang Hao, the latter looked so skinny and frail that he practically looked like he was all bones and had lost all of his hair due to the chemotherapy treatments. Things have gotten a lot better for him since, and despite still looking a little sickly at the moment, he appeared far better than he was back then.

“Thank goodness my lord savior still remembers me! Hehe, sorry for suddenly dropping by today.” Fang Hao clapped Zhang Heng’s shoulder like they had been buddies for a very long time, before going through the door as he chuckled, taking an uninvited tour around the place.

The warehouse given by Li Jianguo had an area size of seven to eight hundred square meters, which made it look like a miniature plaza. The roofing was constructed of steel and plastic. The building looked empty with only a bed and a computer table around, as well as the mysterious pillar covered with a white cloth before the computer table.

“Where’s your team?” Li Yiru took a glance at the building before turning around to look at him. “Didn’t you say that you have an R&D team? Why are you the only one around here?”

“Well, can’t my team just be on vacation?” Zhang Heng rolled his eyes. While he did owe Li Yiru a favor, he also remembered that she wasn’t the type to put up airs back then. Both of them had gotten considerably closer due to their respective relationship with Li Jianguo, but he nonetheless wondered why she seemed to put up more airs after getting to know her better.

While Zhang Heng was still feeling exasperated about her behavior, Li Yiru added, “I don’t think your team is on vacation. The way I see it, you’re the only member in your so-called team.”

Li Yiru stood at his side and took an interrogative stance at him. “Three months ago, you rented the fifth lab in our school’s lab building and went on to do experiments for over two months, but no one knew what kind of experiments you were doing. When the experiments were done, you announced at the party that your team developed that T-1 Biopharmaceutical all of sudden. If I’m not mistaken, you were the one who single-handedly developed the T-1, right?”

Zhang Heng spread his arms, shrugged, and didn’t say anything. He knew that he couldn’t keep that a secret for long. There was simply no way a regular person like him would be able to hide secrets from those who were out to look for it after all. Then again, it was not like knowing that he was working all alone mattered. The fact would only boost his value without affecting him in any other ways.

“Really? Did you develop something so miraculous like the T-1 all on your own, lord savior? I’ve never been impressed by anyone in my life, but you can color me impressed today!” Fang Hao heard all of what Li Yiru said and thumbed up at Zhang Heng, being completely oblivious to the rising unfriendly tension between the two.

“Well, do you mind telling me what you’re here for today? If you want to join my company, I’ll gladly welcome you with open arms. But if you’re here to persuade me to join the Li Group, I’ll say save your breath.” Zhang Heng didn’t pay any heed to Fang Hao and simply rolled his eyes, not bothering to play any games with Li Yiru.

“Do you seriously have any idea how precious my time is? I have to put up with a life-and-death mission once every three months, and an impending disaster that is about to hit god-knows-when, you know?” Zhang Heng thought to himself. It could be said that Zhang Heng was racing against time and his chances of winning were utterly negligible. He wasn’t able to spare more than just a few days to visit his parents and getting into some love affair was definitely out of the question, given that he had no time to waste.

Judging from Li Yiru’s actions as she stood before him, she looked like a girl who came to him and said she wanted to play simply because she was bored. Zhang Heng was in no mood to entertain someone with such intentions.

Li Yiru frowned after hearing what he said. What Zhang Heng said gave her no face at all. She wanted to show him goodwill, yet she was unable to lower herself enough to do so. She eventually ended up just saying, “Boy, you’re putting up quite a defense. As I said before, I’m here to join your company. Is this how you treat someone who comes to join your side?”

“Well, that settles it then.” Zhang Heng clapped his hand and thought that the deal was easily sealed. He needed Li Yiru’s capabilities and she needed to get on his good side. It was an obvious win-win situation for both parties.

Then again, he wasn’t going to say it out loud like that, or she might have wanted to kill him. As such, he simply sighed before continuing, “I’m truly glad to have someone as gracious as you, Ms. Li, joining the company. You shall serve as the head of the human resource department for the time being. Any requests regarding your pay?”

“A monthly salary of at least 10,000 yuan a month, with two days off a week, and overtime pay for any overtime work incurred.” Li Yiru finally showed signs of glee after seeing Zhang Heng relenting.

“You have a deal!” Zhang Heng’s eyes lit up. He was confident of her abilities as she was the daughter of a president of a massive company to begin with, which meant that she was several hundred times more versed in managing a company than he was. He would be able to rest easy with her joining his company.

“Woah woah woah, what about me?” Fang Hao had gotten anxious after seeing the two sealing the deal so easily. “My lord savior, I too am here to serve by your side. You gave Ms. Li a position as the head of a department, shouldn’t I get a position as well?”

“Well then, what could you do?” Zhang Heng chuckled and asked in return.

“I umm… I could be your secretary. I could run errands for you, bring you tea, and the likes.” Fang Hao scratched his head and chuckled. “I don’t need that much of a pay. 8,000 a month would be enough.”

Zhang Heng rolled his eyes and put five fingers up in front of Fang Hao. “5,000 a month and I don’t need you to run errands for me. Just follow her wherever she goes. I just made her a department head and she won’t be a department head without someone working under her, wouldn’t she?”

“Oh, sure, so long as there is something out there for me to do, I’d be most grateful, lord savior,” Fang Hao continued chuckling as he answered, not minding the arrangement at all.

The first batch of people joining Zhang Heng’s company was formed just like that and the deals were sealed in such a laughable meeting between those involved.