How could Xiao xuanran not like it? It's just that happiness came so suddenly that he didn't react for a moment.

"Yes, of course I do! But... "Do you really want to marry me?

There is no doubt that he loves Jiang Sicun very much.

It is also this point that he will take her feelings into consideration before doing anything.

Over the years, he did not want to marry her. On the contrary, he even dreamed of marrying her. But he could feel that she didn't really want to marry him. At least not as much as he does!

He knew that she had more important things to accomplish, so he was willing to wait for her until the day when she was willing to marry him. Even if that day may not come!

Now that day has finally arrived, in such a sudden situation. He could not help feeling like a dream but not a dream and doubting whether all this was true.

Jiang Sicun saw that he wanted to say nothing and asked, "but what?"

Xiao Xuan ran stares at her, seems to be hesitant for a while, after all still asked a mouth.

"Do you really want to marry me?"

Jiang Sicun shook his head and said, "it's inevitable for me to marry you. Don't think about it."

Xiao xuanran didn't understand what she said. He frowned and asked, "why do you want to marry me? Because of love? Or something else? "

"I married you because I love you. Do you think I'm the kind of person who can sacrifice his life happiness to achieve his goal? " Jiang Sicun had a cool face and a bad tone.

Hearing this, Xiao xuanran quickly vetoed: "no, I didn't think so. I'm just worried that you are wronging yourself and helping me! "

"Anyone will hurt me, including myself. Only you won't! I will never be wronged to marry you. Xuanran, I didn't marry you three years ago, not because I didn't love you. I just want to deal with everything before I raise my eyebrows with you. Now... "I don't have much time“ Now I've dealt with all the things that should be dealt with. It's urgent to marry you. " Jiang Sicun raised the corner of his mouth and gave a smile.

Xiao xuanran also laughed. Because the reason why she married him was that she loved him, because he didn't know the bitterness she was deeply buried in his heart. He was very happy with her smile!

Jiang Sicun likes to see him smile. His smile is the cleanest thing in the world for her. She wanted him to be so clean all the time, so she did all the dirty, cruel, bloody things.

She didn't want to marry him until the dust settled.

Because she was afraid that if she was careless, she would become his stain.

But now her time is running out, and she can't be with him forever. The only thing he can do is to help himself, become his first wife, and then die as his first wife. It's not a waste of her life to do it again.

She didn't blame the person who caused all this, because without him, she couldn't do it again.

Yes, that's right.

She is Ye Ning, the spiritual envoy of the nether world.

From the return of the sword spirit of Yin Yang Sword, the memory of her as a spirit envoy of Youming clan has been awakened. It's her duty to carry out the punishment. If she doesn't carry out her duty, the person who bears the punishment will become herself.

Mu Qianxun continued his life with her life. Once she died of natural calamity, he would surely die.

Heaven and hell.

Finally, she chose hell to complete herself and mu Qianxun.

"Go back! I'm sleepy. "

"Good." Xiao xuanran answered the voice heartily, holding her hand to go back.