If you can't hide your mind in front of your opponent, you can only be honest. Be honest enough to let your opponent down all your guard!

"Yes, my soul does not belong to this world. At the same time, it does not belong to the past or the future. The star continent is just an unknown world for me. I am very strange to everything here. Fortunately, in Song Dynasty, Yu's life experience is good. He has a father who loves his daughter and a cousin who controls his sister. Now he has another intimate husband

"I've been dead once. I cherish my life more than anyone else. I can't and I don't want to do the things that fight for power and intrigue each other. I just want to live a carefree life with my beloved. So, my existence is no threat to you. Unless... You like my husband, too. "

There's another reason why she's so detailed.

Although Ye Ning is a reborn daughter, she is only an ancient woman. She has no concept of crossing, and it is even more impossible for her to know everything after her previous life and death.

For her, the biggest threat is to be reborn like her and live longer than her previous life.

Therefore, she was eager to know where her ghost came from.

In Song Dynasty, Yu's death was expected by her, while her resurrection was unexpected.

Her existence is not inevitable, but it will change some of the original trajectory of the world.

The biggest advantage of rebirth is to know what will happen in the future. If ye Ning wants to maintain the original track, she will definitely kill the person who should not exist.

But she didn't.

The reason is simple, that is, the value of her life is far greater than that of her death.

To sum up, she is absolutely confident that ye Ning will not kill her.

The premise, of course, is that her presence is not a threat to her. Or the advantages outweigh the disadvantages!

She doesn't know where her existence is for ye Ning's interests. She can't negotiate with her. She can only remove her vigilance for the time being.

Ye Ning was very satisfied with the answer she gave, but he didn't mean to believe it all. With a low smile, he said, "you are very smart. I don't like mu Qianxun. On the contrary, he is my enemy. If you like him so much, you will be my enemy for him. You say... What should I do with a clever enemy? "

In Song Dynasty, Yu expected that ye Ning was not the one she could cheat with just a few words, so he had already made a long speech in his heart to persuade her.

"There are no forever friends in this world, only forever interests. Mu Qianxun is your enemy now, not always. It's easy for you to kill me, and my existence is no threat to you. There's no reason for you to wipe me out, so as to force mu Qianxun into the path of your eternal enemy. Including my father, my cousin, and those who care about me. "

"Although I don't have the ability to attract countless heroes, I'm not a nobody. My father holds the heavy soldiers of the southern Qin Dynasty, and my husband is the favorite Minister of the emperor. They are all my backing. As the saying goes, one more enemy is better than one more friend. Today, Lord Ye has given her a way to live, and in the future, she will not take revenge on Lord Ye. "

"Lord Ye is a wise man. He can distinguish the advantages from the disadvantages. He should not kill me like this

When he said these words, song Shiyu tried his best to make his eyes clear, and his tone was calm and not haughty.

But the sweat in the palm betrayed her!

Fortunately, ye Ning can't come here to check whether her palms are sweating.