Nanxing was embarrassed and said, "Miss Biao wants to see Wang Ye. Let her subordinates come back and tell Wang Ye."

When Xiao Yunhan heard the speech, he had a strange expression on his face. "Why does Ann suddenly want to see me?" she asked

Nanxing hesitated for a moment, but said truthfully: "Miss Biao wants to go to the mansion, but the second master doesn't agree. So miss Biao asked her subordinates to come back and ask the Lord for help. "

Xiao Yunhan frowned. After a bloody lesson, he did not dare to disobey anything that was labeled "the second master did not agree".

However, the other side is his favorite cousin. That's another matter.

The problem is that it's hard for him to go out, let alone help her.

Thinking of this, he said: "you let Ann endure for a few days, and then go to find her when the poison on my body is removed."

"Yes, I'm leaving."

Nanxing saluted him, but he stopped him.

"Wait a minute, Nanxing. When you go back to Lord Mu's house, please help me to beg my second brother. Tell him I know it's wrong. Ask him to give me the antidote. " Xiao Yunhan said pitifully.

Nanxing could see that he was in great pain. Although he knew that he would not give the antidote even if he asked mu Qianxun, he should give it.


Muwangfu, qingzhuju.

After Nanxing left, song Shiyu was idle and bored by himself, so he strolled around qingzhuju with a knife.

Thinking, as long as Xiao Yunhan comes, she will have a chance to go out of the house. I'm in a good mood!

When I feel relaxed, a breeze suddenly rises and falls in my ear, and the sound of Qin comes from afar.

Leisurely, graceful and continuous. Such as the spring breeze green over the field, and like rain bamboo shoots falling shell bamboo forest. It's like the sound of the surf and the roar of the pine wind, and it's like the mountain spring winding from the valley.

Although she doesn't know the piano, she is also deeply attracted. I can't help but go in the direction of the piano sound.

Soon, she came to a courtyard called wangmeiju.

The courtyard is surrounded by a faint aroma of plum blossom, coupled with the exciting sound of the piano, its artistic conception can be called excellent.

As the name suggests, this courtyard should have planted a lot of plum trees just like qingzhuju has planted a lot of bamboo.

Meilan bamboo chrysanthemum has always been known as "four gentlemen in flowers", which is also her preferred flower.

For her growing up in the south, only the proud plum blossom is rare.

Now it's plum blossom season, she and Merlin have only one door apart, how can not want to push the door in.

But when she tried to push the door with her hand, she found that it was locked from inside.

I want to knock on the door for someone to open it, but I'm afraid it will disturb the sound of the piano.

When she was in trouble, her sight just touched a big tree not far away.

The courtyard wall of wangmeiju is not particularly high, and tree climbing is her strong point. Although the image is a little unsightly, it's worth it for the sake of seeing it. In addition, there are few people around here, so they should not be seen.

After she decided to climb a tree and peep, she let the knife float up to see if there was anyone near the wall. Making sure there was no one nearby, she began to climb the tree.

It took her a little bit to climb the tree in her ancient clothes, but she managed to climb it.

As she expected, it was a beautiful plum forest. But she didn't see where the player was after watching it for a long time. Just as I was about to go over the courtyard wall to have a look, a cold voice came from under the tree, and the piano in the courtyard stopped at the right time.

"What are you doing there?"