Chapter 1000

The rubber giant, 35 meters high, is only five meters shorter than the king controlled by Yim, so from the physical point of view, the difference between them is not big.

When he saw the changes in Luffy's body, Im was stunned. Then he noticed the iron sea dragon in the sky, and his pupils shrank in shock.

There were slight vibrations on the surface of the heavenly king's body, as if they were caused by fear.

But in this world, what kind of existence can make him fear.

"Are you out?"

Im incredible said a, huge head slightly looked up, looking at the sky of Joey Boye.

Joey Boyle turns the mechanical head and looks down at him who controls the heavenly king. There's a mechanical vibration coming from his neck.

"IM, long time no see."

Hearing this, Im roared angrily: "how can it be!"

"How could you escape from that place..."

Im seems to have gone to reason and trapped the iron gate of Joey Boyle, but it was made with the highest technology of the universe. He firmly believes that the power in the world can never be broken.

What's more, in the past thousand years, he has already destroyed the technology left over by most cosmonauts, and absolutely no one can unlock the iron door.

But the scene in front of him forced him to believe that in some parts of the world, there are still many backers left by the cosmonauts.

"Surprised, em?"

Joey Boyle smiles.

The people next to them were a little confused about their simple conversation, but they didn't ask too much. They were both ancient people thousands of years ago, and there were too many secrets between them.

"Are you coming to end my reign?"

All of a sudden, Im said that he has always been very afraid of the robot standing on the tap, and the body that carries the robot is from the body of his young companion.

"You are wrong."

Joey Boyle shook his head. "This era doesn't need me to end, because before long, the whole world will be changed. I just came here to tell them the secret of that year, and then work together to study plans for dealing with more enemies in the future“

"Future plans for dealing with the enemy?"

Im was stunned. "You mean..."

If there are enemies in the world, then the enemies only come from the outer universe.

It suddenly occurred to him that Joey Boyle had said that to him.

"That's what I told you, but you never believed it. Now, all my words should have come true?"

"You should know that I'm not the guy you know for a long time," he continued

"Although the body is transformed from the body of your companion, the soul is not Joey Boyle."

Hearing this, Im sneered: "when you took Joey Boyle's body away, and transformed his body into this shape, and re implanted the soul of people in your world, it was just to disintegrate the Allied forces of our 20 kingdoms from the inside."

"But you never dreamt that in our 20 kingdoms, from beginning to end, we are all monolithic, and you can't break us down from the inside."

Joey Boye said with a smile: "so, what do you spend so much energy on? Only force is the key to solve all problems."

"Just like what you're doing now."

Im looked at Joey Boyle, but sneered again: "Zhang Zhi, do you think you must be able to get out of trouble now?"

"You'll be stuck in that machine forever."

Im's words shocked Reinhardt.

What did he say... Zhang Zhi?

That name is so familiar... Is it the same name or

Reinhardt didn't dare to think about it, because it was too ridiculous, but he also knew that even things like crossing time and space could happen in a real way. What else could not happen?

In this mysterious universe, absurdity may be truth.

Reinhardt immediately rushed into the sky and came to the robot, which was called both Joey Boyle and Zhang Zhi.

They stood face to face, with Reinhardt's eyes fixed on Joey Boye.

"Who are you..."

Why did he call it that?

This name is very familiar in my memory.

Reinhardt asked after all.

The opposite Joey Boye moved for a moment, raised a huge mechanical palm, and a blue light ball appeared in the palm.

The sphere of light expanded and covered the whole sky.

"This is... Planet!"

Everyone has seen this. It's the ability that Reinhardt developed, planet.

But why did Joey Boyle use it?

It's an unimaginable mystery.

"See clearly?"

Joey Boye said suddenly, "is that familiar?"

Reinhardt had an incredible look in his eyes, and then he raised his hand. A piece of starlight energy gathered in the palm, and the energy changed into a transparent ball, which was covered with the expanding star just now.

"Why did you... Do the same thing?"

Reinhardt murmured, his eyes filled with shock.

He never dreamed that someone in the world would use the same fruit power as him.

"Because this is my ability, the celestial power developed in the clock and the celestial dial."

Said Joey Boyle in a deep voice.

As if with a sense of incomparable sob, voice line is like a desolation across countless time and space, like a wanderer wandering outside, unable to return home all year round.

Looking at Reinhardt's eyes, Joey Boye continued with a faint smile: "have you forgotten the scene when you got the fruit of the clock?"

After that, he raised his huge mechanical hand, a deep mechanical finger, and gently pressed it on his temple. The other hand spread out, and a ray of light projected into the air.

A huge screen appeared in the air. The picture on the screen was the scene of Reinhardt's killing shawen in the North Sea to get the famous sword [Garo Chizun] and the fruit of the clock.

All the scenes have been completely restored, and there is no difference from that year.

This is the technology of soul memory reading, information reading from consciousness, and imaging through the transformation of technology.

Among other things, they were shocked by the power of this technology.

Especially Frankie from the straw hat pirates.

But for Reinhardt, the most amazing thing about this is that he can actually know everything about eating the fruit of the clock.

Even Reinhardt himself, if he recalled the scene more than ten years ago, his memory would be biased.

Who the hell is he?

Reinhardt's doubts deepened.