Chapter 933

In the sea area near the ghost island, the roar of huge waves sounded on the sea at this time. Five naval warships came riding the wind and waves, and their target was Ghost Island.

Five naval warships represent at least five admirals. However, it is obviously impossible for five admirals to board Ghost Island.

Therefore, there must be a Navy General on the five warships that ride the wind and waves. In addition to the navy general, there are also two Navy General candidates.

"General polusalino, lieutenant general Valdo."

At this time, a beautiful woman in a pink Navy coat with a beautiful samurai sword hanging around her waist came up.

She's a Navy Lieutenant General, an alternate general, and a general named taotu.

"Oh..." the Yellow ape asked lazily, "what did he say?"

In fact, Huang ape attaches great importance to this young man who has been promoted by himself. This young Navy has a kind of staff ability that the general Navy does not have, and its strength is still very strong. He is a great general when he is young.

"He said he had successfully sneaked into ghost island with some members of the sword force, but Drake seemed to disappear suddenly."

Only garden frowned and said in a deep voice.

"Suddenly disappeared?" The ape was silent for a moment, then said, "it seems that his identity may have been exposed. Did Reinhardt do it?"

He seemed to be talking to himself. Although there was no evidence to show this, the Yellow ape thought that Drake's identity was probably discovered by Reinhardt.

At this point, the Yellow ape asked the only garden admiral: "what else can admiral Waldo say?"

"Let's wait for further information and hide in the sea area beyond the sight of ghost island for the time being."

Only garden slowly said that she agreed with Waldo's suggestion. Now the Navy should not press in so fast. When Waldo has further information, she can arrive at Ghost Island at any time when making decisions.

In particular, the fruit ability of the great yellow ape general will soon be able to reach the ghost island.

"Then do as Lieutenant General Waldo says."

The Yellow ape said casually, looking at the shadowed island in the distance for a while, and finally took it back.

He felt that there were three breath of terror spreading over the ghost island, two of which were almost the same, while the other one was much stronger than the other two.

He knew that the owner of that breath must be Reinhardt, the black Duke.

"General polusarinu“

Another voice came over. This man was also a lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters, an alternate general, code named as the addition of the tea dolphin.

The Yellow ape turned his head and saw Cha Cha Jia Ji. They looked at each other, and Jia Ji said: "this time in Ghost Island, there are three four emperors, especially the black Duke Reinhardt, who can fight with IM for five days and nights without being killed“

"The purpose of his coming to ghost island this time is by no means simple“

They all saw that scene, especially after the exposure of sister galmero, which set off a very big wave all over the world.

"You go on." The Yellow ape frowned and had a bad premonition in his heart. The closer the premonition was to the ghost island, the stronger it was.

"After the destruction of the Holy Land marjoria some time ago, Mr. bergaponk disappeared for no reason, and no one found his trace“

"We have reason to suspect that Mr. Berger punk was captured by Reinhart and is now working for Reinhart."

"After all, Reinhardt, the black Duke, has never acted rashly. Everything has a detailed and well planned plan. Marjorie's fight can not be an encounter. It must be a planned and purposeful fight. One of its goals is likely to be Beja punk."

Although it's speculation, it's close to the truth.

"Berger punk has been studying the bloodline factor technology for many years. If we connect the bloodline factor technology studied by Berger punk with the artificial demon fruit factory that Reinhardt now lets dorfmingo take charge of, we may be able to find the traces of the spider“

Jiaji said slowly that this was his guess after many analyses.

"He is for..." Huang ape was stunned.

"Yes, I think Reinhardt's visit to ghost island is for the soul fruit of BigMom and the demon fruit of kaedo's animal series, which is in the form of dragon“

"Not long ago, Musketeer used black cloth to cover bigom, in order to activate the equipment that Berger punk made for him to absorb the fruit of demons“

"If that's the case, then we can't wait for kador to land on the island when he fails completely“

After listening to Jiaji's analysis, the Yellow ape's manner became dignified.

"It's a very reasonable analysis“

Next to the only garden will also whisper.

"I'll report it to marshal saakashi“

After thinking about it, the Yellow ape finally walked into the cabin. Although this is only a guess, it is related to the future battle between the pirates and the Navy. If Reinhardt's real purpose is like this, then the future black Duke Pirate Group will surely increase the fighting power of two extremely terrible pirates.

Even though these two men may not be as powerful as BigMom and Kato, even if they become the strength of katakuri and Jin, it is enough for the navy to have a headache, not to mention the strength of Reinhardt now, which is superior to all the pirates.

Even if im does not change into a Fighting Angel form and merge with the heavenly king, he may not be Reinhardt's opponent.

"Hello, Zhiyuan“

Looking at the only garden turned to the other side to walk, Jia Ji couldn't help but cry.

"What's the matter, lieutenant general“

Only garden doubts of looking at him.

"Can you go to the cinema with me after the matter of Ghost Island is settled“

Only garden turned to look at him, then shook his head: "No“

"Is it because of Waldo's little white face“

Jiaji couldn't help saying.

"Yes... No“

Only garden to him smile, this let add calculate some Leng Shen.

"What do you mean“

Jiaji doesn't understand. He doesn't know much about Waldo roentgen, code named Honghu, who is also an alternate of the Navy General. However, since Zhiyuan met roentgen, it seems that he often mentioned him.

"That is... Even without roentgen, we couldn't have“

Peach rabbit said, turned away.

"So... I failed again“

Jiaji thought of it silently. He couldn't remember how many times he had confessed to taotu. It seemed that he had 100 times. Without exception, all of them failed.

Man is really a beauty animal.

Jiaji shakes his head helplessly. Like himself, Honghu, who is also a candidate of the general, does have a very attractive and handsome face, and looks more heroic than himself.