Chapter 897

Yim's pupils contracted and felt that the rainbow gun had a fatal threat to him, so the two pairs of wings behind him overlapped in front of him.


The two collided, and a terrible fire broke out. IM's body suddenly vibrated and flew out, but the roaring star killing gun didn't stop.

Just at this time, Im felt that a powerful penetrating force came from the star killing gun, as if he was about to tear his chest open. The white armor on his body was also gradually broken under the fierce attack.


"Woo... Poof!"

The blaster went through IM's chest and exploded deep in the sky.

"Good chance!"

Red hair and dorage are happy at the same time. Now, Im, who has just been badly injured, is a time of distraction. For the experts with amazing fighting experience, one second can decide the outcome of a battle.

Boom, boom

Red hair and dorage reached the limit of speed in the air, creating a tsunami like sound.

Two bangs!

Red hair and dorag's attack hit him, and his body in the form of fighting angel appeared a terrible wound, and the golden light gradually faded.

This is from the joint attack of three strong four emperors, and they are all the result of frontal hit.

Reinhardt gasped a little, and could feel the power poured into his body at that moment. It was the nightmare from his left hand. Although he had been familiar with it for a long time, Reinhardt was still surprised. The two energies of one blue and one purple, which had just been integrated into one, were dominated by purple energy.

Relying on the power of Yuzi's transmission, which was like a different dimension, he hit him hard.

Thinking of this, Reinhardt looked over and saw that im smashed into the ground, so he disappeared in the same place.

"Wow... Poof..."

Im spits out a mouthful of blood and is ready to fight back, but he finds that Reinhardt has jumped to himself.

Reinhardt's right leg was raised high, and the terrible blue starlight coagulated on his leg. He smashed the wound on IM's chest.


The sound was as heavy as thunder, and im's body was seriously injured again. The wound that had just gradually recovered was broken again, but it didn't stop. Reinhardt's figure kept jumping in the range of marjoria, and his limbs and double swords danced at the same time, and he fell on him like a storm.

The same is true for redhead and dorage. This is the best time to kill him. At the moment when he was badly hit by Reinhart, he had no time to recover and fell into the crazy attack of the three.

This is often the case in battle. Once you fall into a disadvantage, the disadvantage will get bigger and bigger. Just like the current IM, you can suppress the three strong four emperors with your own strength just now, but in a flash, the situation will be reversed.

Although im has developed the demon fruit of the angel form of the animal phantom to the limit and turned it into a fighting angel, he still can't organize a revolt attack in a short time in the face of the full attack of the three four emperors.

It can be said that the control of the world government and the whole world over the past thousand years has given him the illusion of invincibility. Although he clearly did not show any idea of belittling the enemy, he was still superior and despised from the bottom of his bones. This is instinct.

Im suddenly burst out a huge roar, and the flame on his body burned wildly.

Between battles... Bang!

Reinhardt's chest was beaten in vain, from the angel wings of IM.

He flew out directly, feeling a few broken bones all over his body, and a terrible white inflammation in his chest, as if it could bring trauma to his soul.

The sudden change of apprentice surprised the three people. He had been hit so hard that he had such terrible fighting power.

But Reinhart seemed to be immortal, regardless of the burning white Yan rushed past.


[planetary swirl] the terrible energy was released, the air burst suddenly, and the earth suddenly sank within kilometers around, and a huge pit appeared.

This is the result of the combination of hegemony and repulsion attached to the planetary swirling flow. It not only has the ability of absolute defense, but also takes the initiative to exert, and has a strong repulsion. At the moment when the repulsion is released, everything around it is flying out by the shredded bomb.

Woo... Poof!

Im's face was twisted, his lips were open, and he coughed up a large amount of blood, which fell into the air and was crushed by this force.

His angel form had a huge distortion, and slowly faded down.

Just at this time, Im felt the wind in his ear, and then his pupils shrank. He reluctantly put his golden gun on his chest, ready to resist the coming attack.


Hundred Zhang high in the air, the wind is surging, a wind column condensed by the storm suddenly expanded, and hit him fiercely.


The golden spear in IM's hand cracked, and the white light in Angel form gradually dissipated and changed into human form again.

"Lord im!"

Seeing this scene, the five-star suddenly got angry and rushed to IM, but red hair held Griffin in front of the five-star.

Bang bang!

Several successive crashing sounds made the five old stars unable to break through the blockade of red hair.

"Red hair!"

The old man with white beard, who was fighting in hand, cried angrily.

Boom... At this time, a huge comet fell from the sky, hit the position where the five stars stood, and the energy burst out instantly.

"Go down with Marjorie to the bottom of the sea!"

The roar penetrated into the sky, and there was a loud noise. There was a huge vibration on the ground of marjoria, just like the displacement of the continental plate.

Five old stars are older in grade. Although they have great fighting power when they are young, they are not trained these years, so they don't have much strength.


Two of them were killed by the energy of the comet explosion before they could react. The other three were also very embarrassed to escape from the scope of this momentum explosion.


After seeing such a terrible comet fall down, the remaining three five old stars roared and exerted all their strength to resist the impact of comet energy, but with their combat power, they could not resist at all.

"Ha ha ha, Im, today is the end of you, the end of your world government!"

Reinhardt laughed wildly and waved his weapons.

Im was looking at the gradually disintegrating holy land with an iron face. His eyes seemed to go through the time when the holy land was established 900 years ago.

"Lord im."

"Lord IM, let's help you!"

The remaining three stars, panting, finally escaped from the comet's energy, and then said to im.

"If you leave, today marjoria is destined to sink to the bottom of the sea."