Chapter 868

"Jack, stop the Admiral quickly. I've arranged for someone to go in, and I'm going to be Alfred Domingo!"

Blatter roared in the form of man and beast, then stepped on the deck with his strong legs, and the whole deck was cracked. Blatter's axe in both hands was hurling towards the Warring States period.

At the moment, the Warring States period was surprised at Blatter's ferocious posture. He was only thirty-three years old, and he had such powerful strength. He could feel that Blatter's strength was much stronger than Jack's, so he didn't have any heart of contempt. In a word, he became a golden Buddha.

Suddenly, the Golden Buddha occupied the whole deck, and the giant hand of the Buddha slapped Blatter with all his strength.


There was a wavy air flow in the air, which rolled down directly.

What a terrible force, this old man

Blatter looked at the scene with his mouth open. He took a cool breath. He couldn't help but wonder that even though he was nearly 80 years old, he was able to break out this terrible strength, which was definitely not inferior to the general level.

Thinking of this, Blatter didn't choose to avoid. In fact, he couldn't avoid either, so he gathered all his strength in his arms and waved his axe crazily.

He wants to try, this time he put out his strength, can the current shock wave of the Warring States period.

Tiger · thunderflow!

It seems that the roar of the fierce tiger and the thunderbolt of thunder are fused together, and the sound waves carry through the sky in an instant, and the white air flow all over the sky converges, forming a scene like thunder rushing.

The thunder like air flow is the wind pressure caused by the huge axe crushing the air, accompanied by the tiger roaring sound wave in the sky, which finally formed such a terrible scene.

Boom... Boom!

When the two collided, the surrounding space seemed to be slightly distorted, the sound waves spread, and the sea began to rise and fall.

However, after this move, rath's attack did not stop. Instead, he followed him with a huge axe, followed by the surging thunder stream, and bombarded the other side of the shock wave with both hands.

Blatter is very confident in such a double strike. Since he learned how to be aggressive with high-level weapons, he has improved the move of fierce tiger · benleiliu. In the past, he used to hold an axe with one hand and use the blade of the axe to rub the air to create a violent airflow. But now he holds an axe with both hands, which is different in strength and speed. In addition, he also has a high-level armed color.

After two successive earth shaking impacts, Blatter began to smile, but the next second, his smile suddenly stopped, because the shock wave of the Buddha completely crushed his two successive attacks.

The Golden Palm blots out the sun.

Damn... Blatter vomited blood and felt the muscles and bones of his whole body in a strong shudder. Then the pain spread to his whole body. His huge body directly broke the three big sails of the navy ship and fell into the sea.

The only good thing is that half of the power of the shock wave of the Warring States period was offset by his double attacks. Although the remaining power is powerful, it only makes him suffer heavy losses, but it can't directly kill him.

But he had been prepared for a long time. Before he fell into the sea, he quickly took out his bubble diving suit and put it on his body.

A burst of waves broke out on the sea, and Blatter breathed a sigh of relief when he fell into the sea. Fortunately, his elder brother reminded him in advance that he must prepare bubble diving suit.

Although he was defeated by the Warring States, but just a short stop, the probability of gaith's success will be much higher. No matter what, it is in this matter that he has done his best. Next, it depends on the fate of Alfred Domingo.

More than 20 seconds ago, just diving into the cabin, Gus, dressed in Mafia's unique clothes, with a cigar in his mouth, ran quickly towards the bottom of the cabin.

There were a lot of navy soldiers stationed in the cabin, but Gus didn't care. He ran into the cabin directly with his shaver. The navy soldiers didn't find him for the first time. They just felt a dark shadow floating in front of him.

With gaith's current strength, after using the shaver, it is impossible for the ordinary navy to find him.

But ten seconds later, Gus came to the cabin, found the place where he was holding dorfermingo, and knocked out the navy of the two guards.

A slight voice startled the lying dorfermingo.

Naturally, he could hear the huge noise outside the cabin, but when he saw Gus break in, he still showed a surprised expression. Of course, he is very familiar with Gus, a member of the black Duke Pirate Group.

When he saw gaith, he immediately understood that Blatter was probably the one who was fighting with Tenghu and the Warring States on the deck. Unexpectedly, Reinhart would send Blatter to save himself.

Don't rush to open his mouth, just look at him.

After gesturing with Alfred Domingo, Gus went over and tried to break the iron rope of the prison door. However, after thinking about it, he gave up immediately, so he moved to the side and twisted a gap in the prison door made of iron bars, which was enough for an adult over three meters to pass.

Gus went in.

Domenico was lying on the ground, looking at Gus and laughing: "it really broke in."

"This is not the time to discuss this." Gus said quickly, "I think you know what I'm here for."

After that, gaith took out the key to the stone and directly untied the stone handcuffs and foot cuffs. At the moment of release, he didn't believe it. How could he save himself under the guard of the navy general, the former marshal and the Navy staff?

It seems too simple to imagine.

Of course, he thought it was very simple, but behind the simplicity, he didn't know how many complicated plans had been arranged.

With his trademark smile, he stood up and moved.

"When we get out of the cabin, we jump directly into the sea. There are people in the sea who have been arranged in advance. We must not try to escape by the way of the sky and the sea."

Gaith spoke fast, but his voice was low, and he continued to observe the sea soldiers nearby.

Just then, a Navy rushed in.


Naval gunfire.

"Exposed... Go, they're coming." Gaith dodged the Navy's bullet, ignored the Navy, and rushed straight to the top of the cabin, with dorfermingo following quickly.

A few seconds later, the two men came to the top cabin, and then heard the voice of sergeant crane: "don't try to escape, dorfermingo!"

The crane blocked their way.

"To jump into the sea?" He asked in a low voice.