Chapter 857

Although Saab's body is small, his momentum at this time is as heavy as a mountain. He looks around and shows a warm but firm smile under the shocked eyes of the Navy: "everyone, this road is blocked. Let's change the way."

After that, Saab held the hat on his head, and the steel water pipe in his right hand was hanging at his waist, waiting for the battle at any time.

All the navies present, except for the life of general Teng Hu, were stunned. First, they didn't expect that the chief of general staff of the revolutionary army would appear here. Second, they didn't expect that the chief of general staff of the revolutionary army would dare to stop the way of the Navy General.

The second point is what shocked them most. Although Saab's strength is strong, in the Navy's mind, the Navy General is the absolute reliable pronoun and the highest combat power in the world. Any arrest mission, as long as the general comes out, will surely succeed.

But in front of this young chief of staff, in the end, what kind of confidence in a one-man manner, facing the Navy General?

Is it because he ate the fruits of nature's shaoshao

Many people have this idea in mind.

Just a few steps back, lieutenant general bastiyu suddenly felt a strong palpitation in his heart, but she forced him down in a moment, so he took a step forward and said coldly: "is Saab, chief of general staff of the revolutionary army, coming to save your brother again?"

"You three brothers are always haunted. This time, you have to experience the pain of losing your brother again."

After lieutenant general bastieu finished, Saab's eyebrows suddenly picked, and his warm smile instantly disappeared. The Navy suddenly felt that the flame in front of them was severely twisted, and then a sense of suffocation hit all over their bodies, as if the air in this space had been drained.

"If you say that, you will pay for your life."

Saab's eyes swept across Tenghu's life, and then he placed them on lieutenant general bastiyu, who was huge and wearing a shark mask.

Bang bang!

Just at this time, the continuous gunfire started. The Navy around bastiyu suddenly attacked Saab with weapons. But after the gunfire, there were countless holes in Saab's body, but the people were intact. After a moment, the holes made by these guns were restored to their original state.

This is the natural system, which can never be defeated by the weak.

Seeing this behind the scenes, bastieu immediately roared: "didn't he tell you to stop? Why are you still rushing up? That guy is now a natural ability."

With a smile, Saab stepped forward and grabbed a navy gun barrel with his flaming palm. He pinched the gun barrel and twisted it into scrap iron.

"This is... What a terrible force..."

Seeing the completely deformed steel barrel, the Navy fell to the ground in shock.

"Stand down, you can't deal with him." Bastiyu continued to roar, holding the chopper in both hands, gathering all his strength and waving it at Saab.

Looking at the sharp and powerful chopper, the half flame Saab laughs. The empty five fingers of Jackie Chan's claw posture of his left hand gently probes into the air, and the surrounding air suddenly changes!

"My ten fingers are the claws of the dragon! It's for the purpose of breaking up the superior Tianlong people.... "


Bastieu's scalpel, with a surge of momentum, cuts toward Saab, but the next second, bastieu's eyes have an incredible look... What?

The dragon claw formed by Saab's five fingers easily grasped the blade of the chopper, as if it had been completed without any effort. Without a sound, bastieu's chopper stopped. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't make it shake.

How could he not be surprised? In terms of strength, he was also an old lieutenant general in the Navy headquarters. In terms of strength, he was absolutely powerful. However, he never thought that the young man in the opposite side could catch his attack with five fingers.

No... it should be called rolling.

In this moment of thinking, there was a hoarse and crisp sound in bastieu's ear. He was stunned for a moment, and then found that the sound came from the chopper.


The chopper shivered violently and broke into more than ten pieces under his eyes.

"Lieutenant general bastiyu's chopping knife..."

"Crushed easily?"

The navy was shocked.

It's not worth mentioning to Saab, who is now the chief of the general staff of the revolutionary army, that he mercilessly and easily blows up the admiral of the Navy headquarters face to face. In the future, he will be the commander of the Navy.

"Asshole!" Bastieu immediately became angry, but before he could react, Saab's dragon claw grabbed his head covered with a shark mask.

Boom, boom

But at this time, a violent sound came from the sky. Saab, who held bastiyu's head, was slightly stunned. He saw a huge meteorite burning in the sky smashed down. However, when the meteorite passed through the birdcage, it was divided into countless flaming boulders.

"Run, the meteorite is coming down." The Navy immediately began to flee.

Saab smiles and looks at the meteorite fragments. He knows that this is the fruit ability of Navy General Tenghu, and the target of launching is himself.


The fragments of the meteorite fall, completely wrapping Saab, and his five claws exert a little force, and bastieu's head splits.

The next second, the flame broke out. In the area where the meteorite and the flame interweaved, a flame rushed out like a torrent, forming a two meter high corridor. Saab came out with a shark mask and a smile on his face.

"Ah... Lieutenant general Bastille." After seeing the mask, the Navy roared with surprise. It was obvious that lieutenant general Bastille was killed by him.

"I've just got this ability, and I forget that there's still element, but I'm subconsciously avoiding it."

After years of physical training, it has become instinctive, so the first thing I think about is not elementalization, but avoiding it with my body. However, it's a good habit. Elementalization is not invincible. In the face of the strong, elementalization is meaningful only by using the power of seeing and hearing to avoid in advance.

The situation changed very quickly. Tenghu came out with a stick knife and said with a smile, "ha ha... It seems that it's not easy for me to rush through this sea of fire today."

"Of course, there's my brother there." Saab said with a smile.

After hearing this, Teng Hu didn't answer. He took out the stick and knife in his hand and stepped on the wooden shoes.


When the staff knife collided with the water pipe, the terrible momentum broke out, the surrounding navy was blown away by the waves, the flames on the ground were twisted wildly, and the gravel was crushed into powder.

"Spread out, you'll die."