Chapter 802

The news that the Navy launched a series of killing orders to the sphere of influence of the black Duke pirate regiment and failed immediately spread all over the world. Therefore, while setting off an uproar, this incident also made countless pirates feel great pressure. Thinking that the Navy had put its headquarters in a new world, it also showed the determination of the world government to fight against pirates in the future.

Holy land, marjoria, the highest power center of the world government, the five-star conference hall.

"Why did the news of the order of killing demons leak ahead of time?" The old man with short blonde hair patted the table angrily. His eyes looked at the phone bug in front of him.

"Saakashi, what do you want to say about the failure of the demon killing order this time?" The old man with the samurai sword frowned and said to the influence picture in the hall.

At this time, the five old stars are holding a video conference with marshal saakashi of the new world Navy headquarters.

"Failure is failure." Sakasky said with no care, and then saw the expression of five old stars at this time. There was a flash of anger in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "do you suspect it's the information leaked by the Navy?"

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is not the time to shirk responsibility. We need to find out all this as soon as possible."

See the new marshal and five stars angry confrontation, the army commander-in-chief empty said a word.

After listening to the empty words, marshal saakashi in the video just snorted and said in a deep voice: "except for Marshal I, only two naval generals who participated in the killing of demons knew the news in advance."

"Do you suspect that the general leaked the secret?"

"Don't be kidding, saakashi." Kong frowned, looked at saakashi and continued, "Tenghu and lvniu are the talents selected by our world government and finally recruited after many levels of assessment. Therefore, they are promoted to the rank of Navy General. If they leak the secret, I don't believe them first."

In other words, if these two navy generals really leak secrets, it means that one of them is an undercover agent of the black Duke Pirate Group or the revolutionary army. If so, the matter will be too serious to imagine.

Of course, the air force will never doubt this. If the Navy generals are undercover, the whole world will be crazy.

It was because of his confidence that he had no doubt about it.

After listening to commander-in-chief Kong's words, saakashi turned to the five old stars and continued: "is there no doubt in the world government?"

"No way, CP0 can't leak." The old man with a long beard immediately shook his head. CP0 is the most loyal department in the world government. For so many years, there has never been any person who opposes the verdict. The five old stars obviously have full confidence in CP0.

Moreover, the promotion of CP0 has gone through numerous levels of screening, and each member is the elite of other CP organizations, and those CP members are specially trained by orphans searched by the world government all over the world.

There is no doubt about loyalty.

"In addition to the Navy and CP0, there should be others who know in advance that we are about to launch the killing order, right?"

A moment later, he said in a deep voice.

"There is no doubt about the loyalty of the Navy General and CP0, but those officials of the world government, I have heard a lot of rumors, and those officials have more or less close cooperative relations with many joining countries and Wang Xiaqi Wuhai."

After the empty words, the five stars were stunned. The empty words seemed to wake them up. Indeed, as he said, the Navy General and CP0 are absolutely loyal organizations, and there is no possibility of leakage, but those officials are different.

Those guys, who are not greedy people who try their best to collect money, don't feel strange even if it turns out that these officials have close contact with the fourth emperor or the revolutionary army one day.

"Empty, you have a point." The old man, clutching his cane, whispered, and then set his eyes on the other four companions.

Seeing his companion's eyes, the four old men nodded one after another, and one of them said, "then check“

"Start with the records of their phone bug messages“

"In private, in secret“

One of the old men picked up the phone bug and dialed for a while. After the phone bug got through, he said, "let Brady come right here“

Then he hung up.

"Is it Brady's business“ The old man holding the sword was slightly shocked and asked.

"He has a lot of experience in doing this, and it's the most suitable choice to give him“

Brady's intelligence ability is among the best in the whole CP system, and he also has a strong body skill. If he comes to investigate this matter, it will be clear.

After hearing this, the other four old people didn't, so they nodded and continued: "everyone, the killing order failed. Think about how to deal with the black Duke Pirate Group. After this incident, it's inevitable that Reinhardt will become the fourth emperor“

"Although I don't want to admit it, I have to admit that Reinhardt has enough strength and qualification to become the fourth emperor. Now the situation has not reached the worst step“

"After all, the current situation is just a return to the scene before white beard survived. He became the fourth emperor, and the situation in the new world can be kept in balance for the time being“

"Ladies and gentlemen“

After listening to the five-star's words, saakashi said, "you forget that Reinhardt is only 32 years old this year. He will surpass shanks with red hair and become the youngest four emperors in the history of pirates. He was as strong as shanks with red hair at that time. He only became the fourth emperor at the age of 33, but now this record will be broken“

"Do you know what that means“

"I don't need to remind you, saakashi. Of course I know“ Said the old man clutching his palm.

"If we just let it go, he will be more troublesome than the red hair Pirate Group in the future“ Kongfu understood saakashi's words.

"And the most crucial point is what kind of role Reinhardt plays in the revolutionary army."

At this point, the blonde suddenly heard the information reported by caliander, the leader of CP8 many years ago. Dorag once appeared in the kingdom of polkalia on the island of Gadan in the North Sea... No, it was not called the kingdom of polkalia at that time. It should be the kingdom of polkalia, bell tower village.

It coincides with the time when Reinhardt launched the refugee riot in polkaya. At that time, caliander's intelligence also mentioned that dorag had been in the refugee camp.

Has Reinhardt been a member of the revolutionary army since then?

Over the years, Reinhart has been able to develop so fast and crazily. Is dorag behind it?