Chapter 760

"Kid, can you just hide?" Blood diamond gave a sneer and cut it with two knives.


Blatter's axe was used as a chest block, and the huge impact formed a roar like a tsunami. At the moment when the spark flashed, the long knife of blood drill's left hand moved to the side, and the long knife of his right hand pressed down, and the force came.

Blatter's pupil shrinks, and he tries to shift the axe. But the axe is held by the knife on his opponent's right hand, so he turns quickly, but... Hiss!

Blatter felt a pain in his waist and the blood flowed down. The blade of the blood drill cut a wound about 8 cm on his right waist. Although the wound was very big, it was not a fatal wound for Blatter whose body was more than 6 meters tall.

Blatter's face was slightly pale, and he immediately backed away from the blood drill.

"If my eternity hadn't been taken away by the Navy, you would have been dead with that knife." Diamond looked at Blatter with a cold smile.

Blatter took a deep breath, stifled the pain, and gazed at diamond, but he did not speak.

"But you are proud enough to fight me day and night without losing."

"Next I'll get rid of you."

Diamond's cold eyes continued to gaze at Blatter.

"You can't kill me." Blatter whispered back, the wound on his waist recovering slowly.

"Who gave you the confidence to have such an idea?" Diamond gave a sneer, and his double knives seemed to be whispering. He continued to look at Blatter and said, "I came out of the undersea prison recently and found out that the evil spirit actually died in your boss's hands a few years ago. Although I have no intention of avenging the evil spirit, I am now a member of the Blackbeard Pirate Group, By the way, I'll help the evil spirit to avenge that year. "

"Big brother, just use one finger to kill you. You don't need a knife at all." Blatter sneered and rushed over like a howitzer.

"Then try. I'll kill you first, and then Reinhardt." Diamond clenched the blade, swept the two knives fiercely in the air, and the huge chopping was like the roar of the waves, which directly hit Blatter.

Blatter was shocked in his heart. His fast body didn't stop at all. The muscles on his arms soared a circle, and he chopped down with a huge axe.


The air flow on the edge of the axe, which was armed and domineering, was sharp, and the whistling sound was loud. When the two came into contact, a terrible low sound broke out. The sound wave reverberated, and the chopping gradually dissipated. But Blatter noticed that diamond's double swords were chopping from two directions.

This guy's attack is really hard to defend.

Blatter thought that he felt more and more pressure on his body, so he turned the axe and stepped on the air with the soles of his feet to avoid the past.

It's time to implement the idea of war in your heart.

With that in mind, Blatter adjusted his position holding the axe to block diamond's attack again.

"Dodge, Dodge, I'll see how you dodge later, asshole."

As if he was very impatient, diamond let out a roar, crossed his swords into a cross, and slashed Blatter.

Ceremony · blood star of the cross!

All of a sudden, a cross shaped blood chopping shot came out of diamond's double swords. This chopping shot was like a meteor falling in the sky, across a distance of hundreds of meters, and rushed to the front in a blink.

Blatter's body was slightly shocked. The chopping came too fast. It broke out in the middle of diamond's continuous rain like attacks. There was no time for him to evade at all. Moreover, Blatter was not an outstanding person, so he could not evade in advance.

If we block this attack, we will launch a counterattack.

Thinking of this, Blatter took a long breath, lifted the huge axe in his hand, and then poured all his strength, and the huge axe turned fiercely.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.

Tomahawk air cannon!


The huge noise broke through the sky, and the air cannon triggered by the force collided with diamond's bloody chop.

Blatter didn't stop after all this. He stepped on the air and rose to the sky. He watched diamond's position and distance. He held his axe high and threw it out.

Diamond, who is watching the collision of the two energies, hears the roar from the sky. He looks up and his eyes are stunned.

This is the guy's weapon, which was thrown out by him as a means of attack... Is it the end of the crossbow, or is there a new battle plan?

Diamond had no idea that he would not despise the enemy because Blatter had thrown away his weapon. Instead, he attached great importance to this situation.

In general, there are only two results when this happens. Either the enemy is at the end of a desperate struggle, or there are new means of fighting.

But Blatter obviously doesn't look like the end of the storm, so that's the latter situation.

The speed of the falling axe was too fast. Just as diamond raised his head, the axe was in front of him. The huge wind was shaking like a wave.

In a hurry, diamond can only lift his knife to block it. Only in this way can he have the information to block the rapid axe. But what he doesn't know is that this kind of action just falls into the trap set by Blatter.


Huge metal sound sounded, sound waves in the air into waves, roaring in all directions.

Diamond's hands were shocked, and a piece of blood burst out of the tiger's mouth. Then his body stepped back five steps in a row, and the ground within 100 meters of his feet cracked instantly.

At this moment, diamond could no longer see Blatter's figure in his sight. He was so flustered that he immediately moved his hands, which were shocked out of huge wounds, to search for Blatter's figure, but behind him came a ferocious breath.

He's in the back!

When did he come behind him?

They were very close, only a few meters away, but it was too late for diamond to react. Blatter, who was a human beast, was more than six meters tall at this time. The tiger's tail, which was more than three meters long, was like a flexible steel whip, which directly tied diamond's arms, so a pair of tiger fists broke out with a crackling sound and stuck to diamond's back.

Tiger pattern · wave!


This is the sonic boom of the surrounding air squeezed by the force, and the shock wave formed by the force driving the air, which directly penetrated diamond's back.
