Chapter 713

After leaving, huangape immediately dialed the office of the marshal of the Warring States period in the Navy headquarters.

At this time, in Marshal Malin Fando's office of the Navy headquarters, marshal of the Warring States period was discussing important matters with general saakashi, chief staff officer he, and several veteran generals. At this time, he heard the telephone on his desk ring, and immediately went to answer it.

"Marshal of the Warring States period."

A lazy voice came from the phone bug. As soon as the Warring States heard it, they knew who it was, so they asked, "polusalino, is the matter of shampooland islands solved?"

Though frustrated by the five stars, it would be better if Reinhart could be caught or even killed.

"No, Harry the underworld suddenly stepped in." "The Yellow ape said," considering that the fight might destroy the shampooland islands, it stopped after Raleigh appeared

"You did the right thing, polusalino." The Warring States continued. After pondering for a moment, he asked, "don't let people disturb you. We shouldn't set up too many enemies now. What's more, he has retired for many years. As long as he doesn't care about the pirates, there's no need to care about him."

Over the past few years, with more and more pirates, the navy has been too busy. If the old guys are provoked, the pressure on the Navy will be increased. Anyway, those people have already retired.

"I know the marshal of the Warring States period." The Yellow ape nodded and said, of course, he was not interested in going to the trouble of the underworld Raleigh.

After all, this time, the underworld Raleigh only wanted to stop them from fighting and prevent the shampooland islands from being destroyed.

"Kuzan should be in the shampooland islands soon. After you meet him, you can go back to our headquarters."

Hearing this, Huang ape was slightly stunned, and seemed to feel a very dignified tone from the mouth of the Warring States period.

"I see, marshal of the Warring States period." Huang ape replied, but he didn't hang up. Instead, he said, "marshal of the Warring States period, I propose to immediately propose to the world government that King Reinhardt's status as king qiwuhai be abolished."

"Well, I have reported this matter to the world government before, and I also personally talked with the five old stars, but the five old stars refused this proposal."

Huang ape was stunned by the response of the Warring States period, but he could understand that the five old stars needed the powerful strength of qiwuhai to deter the pirates, and also needed the combat power he provided to achieve the balance of the sea. The charge of Reinhart trying to kill a Navy Lieutenant was not a big deal to them, as long as Reinhart was not defeated by others, There will be enough strength to deter the pirates in this sea.

"What do you mean, marshal of the Warring States period?" The Yellow ape replied casually.

"Reinhardt's status as the king's subordinate qiwuhai can not be cancelled for the time being." The marshal of the Warring States period replied.

Huang ape was puzzled. He believed that the marshal of the Warring States period could not have said this without any reason, so he asked, "what happened?"

"Next, we have a more important thing to do. We need the fighting power of King qiwuhai. Moreover, Reinhart has always been the easiest to recruit and the main force to defeat the pirates for many times. We need his fighting power for the time being." In the telephone bug, the Warring States simply analyzed the advantages of Reinhardt's fighting power.

The more he heard that, the more he felt that it was extraordinary.

"However, although the five old stars did not agree to my proposal, they agreed that after this plan, they would immediately cancel Reinhardt's status as king's seven armed men."

It's necessary to recruit Wang xiaqiwuhai. It seems that this time is very important.

"Good." The Yellow ape replied in a low voice that the cancellation of King Reinhardt's identity as king qiwuhai would be a little later, but it had little impact.

"What's the event of calling up the king to go to qiwuhai this time?" It suddenly occurred to him that the grand plan just mentioned by the marshal of the Warring States period, so he couldn't help but ask again.

"It's a plan to eradicate the white bearded Pirate Group completely, and at the same time fight against the pirates all over the world." Said the Warring States.

"What do you mean?" The Yellow ape didn't seem to understand.

"We caught the son of Roger the pirate king and executed him in public."

Huang ape immediately understood the meaning of the marshal of the Warring States period, so he couldn't help asking: "who is the son of the pirate king?"

"The captain of the second time team of the white bearded Pirate Group, fire fist ace!"

Huang ape was shocked. He didn't expect that the son of Roger, the pirate king, was fire fist ace, the captain of the second time team of the white beard Pirate Group. This was unexpected.

So the Yellow ape squinted and said, "it's him. No wonder he has such a high talent. In just three years, he became the captain of the second team of the white bearded Pirate Group. Now think about it, the son of the Pirate Group, who has the same talent as the monster, should be a matter of course."

At that time, the white beard Pirate Group will certainly come to rescue us. We can take advantage of this opportunity to not only kill the son of the pirate king and destroy the white beard Pirate Group at one stroke, but also spread the scene of execution to the whole world by means of video phone worm live broadcast. In this way, we will be able to attack the pirates all over the world and establish the prestige of the Navy.

"It seems that this time it's still the old rival, the white beard Pirate Group, but the attack and defense have changed."

Think of here, yellow ape laughed, although he was a little surprised, but the expression is still as usual.

"Yes, the morality flattered by white beard will surely come to save his son."

After listening to the words of the marshal of the Warring States period, Huang ape has made it very clear that with the fetters of the adopted son between the white bearded Pirate Group and the behavior style of white bearded, after ace was publicly executed, he would certainly gather the strength of the whole regiment to come to the Navy headquarters to save ace. White bearded could not have a second choice, because it was the foundation of white bearded for decades.

"It's worthy of being a" wise general ". In this way, our navy will be ready to make all-out plans and wait for the white bearded Pirate Group to come to our headquarters."

Once the white bearded pirate regiment comes to the Navy headquarters, it will enter the encirclement of the Navy. The general of the Navy headquarters, marshal, hero of the Navy, Wang Xia, Qi Wu Hai, and lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters, together with these forces, the white bearded pirate regiment will never come back.

"I see. I'll join kuzan and go back to the headquarters immediately."

The Yellow ape nodded, and the communication between them ended, so he hung up.

After putting down the phone bug, the marshal said to others, "we are studying the details of this plan."

When the Yellow ape returned to the naval base No. 62, he found that half of the naval base in this area had been destroyed, but the naval base could still operate normally, so he went to the medical room of the naval base.