Chapter 585

"I'm going to set up the heroic white distillery branch in reading." Said Reinhart slowly.

This idea has been carefully considered. The winery of clock port has been expanded to the largest one, and now it can't be expanded. He thought about opening up a new winery in polkalia before, but later rejected it and planned to place the winery in reading.

In the future, the hero white produced by Leiting is responsible for the new world market, while the wine produced by clock port distillery is responsible for the four seas sea area and the first half of the great route market. However, the only difficulty lies in the need to transport raw materials from polkalia in the North Sea. These raw materials are the specialty of polkalia, and the most important are maple leaf and spring.

"If you can eat the whole market of the new world, my winery will be built on the largest scale this time."

Reinhart went on to say that the only distributor of hero white in the great route is Alfred Domingo. However, it is obvious that Alfred Domingo's development of the new world market is not smooth, and the sales volume is still the first half of the great route.

"I can eat as much as you have, and you don't care about the rest." Do franmingo slightly Leng for a while, then full of confidence said.

"I'm relieved to have you."

The winery built by leighting is only for dorfermingo and tezolo. If other people want to represent the hero white, they have to start with dorfermingo. In this way, Reinhardt can save a lot of trouble, and only need to have peace of mind in production.

"I didn't expect that your business, power and strength have changed dramatically in just seven years. It's really amazing." Don't mention how surprised he was when he learned that Reinhart had become king qiwuhai. A few years ago, Reinhart was just a weak guy, but he turned around a few years ago and became a qiwuhai in the same line with him.

Reinhardt laughed. "I'm just lucky."

Dorfermingo would not believe that a guy with no identity background and weak fighting power grew up to this point in a few years by "luck".

"You've got reading. What's your next plan?" Asked dorfermingo.

"Plan?" Reinhart said with a smile, "of course, I hope my business map will be further expanded."

Dorfmingo will not believe him. Business is important, but it does not play a decisive role in this sea. The illegal trade in the dark world that he has been doing all the time is far less than the smile project that he cooperated with KEDO.

Thinking of this, he had another thought: "how about an alliance between our two countries?"

"An alliance between the two countries?" Reinhardt was stunned for a moment and didn't understand what his alliance represented.

"Offensive and defensive aid has made our business relationship closer."

Offensive and defensive assistance... That is to say, when attacked by a powerful external force, we should send troops to help... This is a good choice. In the process of accumulating strength in the new world, there is a further security guarantee, but he still asked: "if attacked by the four emperors?"

"Don't be kidding, the four emperors are not in the agreement," he said

Although he dared to follow the navy to encircle and suppress the four emperors, he did not dare to face them alone.

"What's the point of this alliance?" Reinhardt shook his head with a smile. "I'm enough to deal with the attackers under the fourth emperor."

Moreover, the target of his next stage plan is Sihuang.

"Take it as if I didn't say it."

Commercial alliances are enough. Why should there be too much involvement? Reinhart shook his head.

A few days later, on the vast sea, a group of 15 ships with dense giant sails were sailing fast. The sails were designed by the Navy headquarters. After three days of sailing, they were very close to the old nest of the white beard Pirate Group. Along the way, they walked in a remote channel and met more than 10 pirate groups.

These pirates were wiped out by the navy in an instant.

In order to exterminate the white bearded Pirate Group, the Navy headquarters has expended a lot of money this time. In addition to the combat power above major general level, it has also dispatched 100 school level officers and 12000 ordinary Marines.

In addition, Wang xiaqiwuhai's first full deployment made the Navy full of confidence in the encirclement and suppression plan.

It's an extremely powerful force, and the white beard pirate group can't defend it.

Soon after.

"There seems to be something wrong." The crane looked at the sea for a long time with a telescope, then said to the Yellow ape and Green Pheasant nearby.

Green Pheasant Leng for a while, casually asked: "what's the matter?"

"This sea area is too quiet. Normally, there is no problem, but this is the sea area ruled by the white beard Pirate Group. It is very abnormal to show such calm."

In the past, within 20 nautical miles of the old nest of the white beard Pirate Group, we would arrange for its Pirate Group to guard.

The crane said slowly, and then he continued to observe for a moment with his eyes in the telescope. Suddenly, he was stunned. A huge tsunami appeared on the sea surface in his eyes. The tsunami began to rise and fall like a torrent. The sea water rose more than 100 meters and roared.

too bad!

Seeing this behind the scenes, crane seems to understand something. So he said to the Yellow ape and the Green Pheasant, "the plan to encircle and suppress the white bearded Pirate Group is likely to be leaked."

The tsunami was definitely caused by white beard using the fruits of the earthquake. He wanted to destroy the navy in this area.

The Yellow ape and the Green Pheasant were stunned for a moment. The white bearded Pirate Group had strong intelligence ability, which they knew. But because of this, they kept the plan strictly secret, but they didn't expect that it was leaked out eventually.

"Let's get through the crisis." He quickly said, and then issued a combat command.

The tsunami ahead is getting closer and closer. The huge tsunami with a height of more than 100 meters stunned everyone. Is this the strength of the most powerful man in the world? It's just nature's angry roar.

Fifteen warships of the Navy swayed wildly on the sea, three of which were overturned directly, and the sea soldiers cried out in horror.

Everyone looked at the scene in surprise.

"Is this white beard?" The eagle's eyes were calm, but he couldn't help looking surprised.

"The strongest old guy in the world." The empress looked up at the tsunami in the sky.

"Daddy's angry." He thought.

"Oh, hee hee, the Navy pissed off white beard."

"See how the navy can solve this crisis."

"A bunch of smug Marines. He's got a white beard."

"If face to face with white beard, how long can I hold on?"

At this time, the seven people had different ideas, and were shocked by the huge tsunami like the astronomical phenomena.