Chapter 580

In more than two months, the reconstruction of Budapest has come to an end. The whole city has taken on a new look, and Budapest has regained its former prosperity.

This day.

Reading, in the palace.

Reinhardt, mester, Blatter, Moselle, bander, and enilu gathered.

"Brother, some businesses in Beihai have been transferred one after another." "The business of the dark world is not moving for the time being," Mosel said

The transfer of business from Beihai is a plan made before. However, for the first time in the new world, many businesses have to start from scratch, and new business channels need to be re opened up. At present, the business transferred from Beihai is all legal business, and the business in the dark world has not been transferred yet. We need to find suitable opportunities.

"If it's all arranged in Beihai, let sake come first." Reinhardt said with a smile that sake is a rare commercial talent. It is not only outstanding in financial ability, but also excellent in overall planning, management and operation. At present, many businesses in the family are managed by sake.

As soon as he was in charge of reading, he needed sake's help. Sake could be said to be the Chief CEO or manager of Reinhardt's work agency. With his help, Reinhardt could set up a combat team with ease.

Moser nodded: "he has been informed that the North Sea side has been completely stabilized, or a few days will start from the North Sea."

"Then you and Blatter will go to the upside down mountain to meet you."

After thinking about it, Reinhardt decided to let Blatter take over. After all, the new world is full of danger. If there is no strong escort, he will surely be attacked by pirates. Even if he hangs the flag of qiwuhai, he may not be able to avoid danger.

Mozier answered, Blatter nodded, and he agreed. Then he asked, "big brother, when are you going to start for the call of qiwuhai?"

"Start tomorrow."

"If you hadn't brought me with you, I would have wanted to see Holy Mary Gioia for a long time." Moselle was laughing.

Reinhardt shook his head. "You can't leave for a while. We've just taken control of reading. All of you can't leave. There are a lot of things you need to do here."

He was not worried about the internal problems of reading when he left, but worried that reading would be attacked by the Pirate Group of the new world. After all, the news of his joining reading had been passed to the whole world through the world economic journal. It is not sure that some unknown pirate groups would have other ideas about reading.

"The new world is different from the North Sea. It may be attacked by powerful pirates at any time. Even if we are now qiwuhai, we can't take it lightly, otherwise we will suffer a great loss."

Said Reinhart slowly.

He was also worried about the big · mom Pirate Group he had offended before. He was afraid that when he went out, katakuli would bring someone to kill him.

This worry is absolutely necessary. Big · mom in my impression is a man of revenge.

"When I'm away, leighting's got Meister in charge."

Reinhardt told several people that they had no doubt that Meister was king reading, and he was a smart man, so he was very relieved to give it to Meister.

The next day, Reinhardt set out on his way to the holy land of marjoria.

It's not too far from the kingdom of reading in the new world to the Holy Land marjoria. With the normal sailing speed of the three masted sailboat, it will take about six or seven days to arrive. However, in order to avoid accidents in the middle of the journey, Reinhardt still asked the helmsman to sail as fast as possible, so as not to miss the meeting in Qiwu sea.

This is the first meeting of the seven qiwuhai people, and it is mandatory by the world government. I believe no one will be absent this time. I just don't know whether it will be the world government officials or the Navy Marshal fo Zhi Warring States who will preside over this meeting.

This time, in addition to a few bodyguards and boatman helmsman, the only one who followed Reinhart to marjoria was the sailor wes. So far, Reinhart has not found a more suitable sailor, so he must take Wes with him every time he goes to sea.

Seven days later, the port of Holy Land marjoria. At this time, there were more than a dozen huge sailing boats in the port. It's not difficult to see the pirate flag. They are the warships of Alfred Domingo, krocdal, moonlight molya, Boya Hankuk, Hankuk and others.

Just as Reinhardt approached port marjoria, he heard a distant broadcast.

The Navy headquarters conveyed Marie Qiao Ya Gang, Wang Xia seven Wu Hai, Mr. Tangicd Doflamingo has arrived.

Not long after that, the radio rang again.

The Navy headquarters communicated that port marjoria, Ms. Wang xiaqiwu, Ms. Boya hancook, Mr. moonlight molya and Mr. Shi Ping had arrived.

The Navy headquarters communicated that the port of marjoria, Mr. jorakul mihok and Mr. Sha klockdar had arrived.

Have they all arrived yet? Reinhardt murmured. As expected, no one was absent this time. It seems that the other six people also attach great importance to the qiwuhai rally.

Thinking of this, Reinhardt laughed and said to his subordinates, "don't get off the boat. Just wait here."

After all, marychia is the place where Tianlong people live. It's better for the weak people like them not to get off the boat, or they may lose their lives here due to bad luck.

After that, Reinhart got off the sailboat and headed for port marjoria.

He also came to marjoria for the first time. He was very interested in the highest power center of the world government, so he boarded the port and looked at it in the distance. A huge white building appeared in front of him. The tall buildings were connected with each other, and the patterns on the walls were exquisite. It seemed that there was white fog all the time around the huge building, which looked like a temple.

Sure enough, it's the place where Tianlong people live. Just from the appearance, it's already so magnificent. The interior must be more magnificent.

Looking back, Reinhardt tightened his double knives at his left waist and went straight to marjoria. On both sides of the Harbor Road, there were countless naval officers in white coats. The word justice was written on the back of their coats. It can be seen that the naval officers on guard in marjoria were at least school level officers.

A cold wind blew by and Reinhardt's black dress grinned. At this time, the crisp female voice on the radio rang again.

The Navy's headquarters has conveyed the arrival of Mr. Reinhart dawning polkin at marjoria harbor.