Chapter 511

Fierce long roar, the earth cracked, miserable white air whistling.

It's like a never seen scene of the yellow spring.

Reinhardt was suddenly surprised, and the evil spirit that turned into a huge skeleton disappeared in the same place.

The next second, Reinhardt felt a heartbreaking pain on his shoulder, and then his arched body couldn't help being blown away.

A large amount of blood covered Reinhardt's body. Five claw wounds on his shoulder were bleeding. The attack on the evil spirit's left claw just now didn't respond at all.

After turning into the form of evil spirit, Dawson's strength has obviously risen to a new level, and the degree of ferocity has also doubled. If the evil spirit just now has a lot of humanity, then the evil spirit now is a dead spirit with unlimited killing and no humanity.

Poof... Reinhardt kept spitting blood, and suffered serious injuries to his chest, shoulders and thighs.

Bang... Boom!

The evil spirit turned into a huge skeleton rushed over again. With his bone claws and long sword, he attacked Reinhardt one after another like a storm. Reinhardt was like a boat swaying in the tsunami, constantly overturned by the waves, and could be buried in the tsunami at any time.

Now on the scene, Reinhardt is once again in a passive situation. Fortunately, he has laid a solid foundation in his physical skills, and his strength has soared rapidly in recent years. Although Reinhardt is in a passive situation, you will not completely lose your fighting ability in a short time.

The most important thing is that his body surface is protected by comet energy. Many seemingly powerful attacks do not cause too much damage to Reinhardt's body. However, if he continues to do so, even if he is consumed, he will be killed.


Reinhardt's body nearly three meters tall was shaken out again. In front of the evil spirit more than six meters tall, three meters tall was like a dwarf.

"That's how I fight with all my strength... I didn't disappoint you, Reinhardt!"

The fierce roar rang again, and the huge body of the evil spirit ran through the sky and hit Reinhardt's stomach with one elbow.

Bang Bang... Reinhardt's body kept falling. When it hit the ground, the whole clock Harbor was shaking violently. At this time, a small half of the clock harbor had been destroyed. Most of the reasons for this came from the massive battle between Reinhardt and the evil spirits.

Reinhardt felt that his whole sight was shaking violently. Just now, he felt that every bone in his body seemed to have been knocked, and the fierce pain was transmitted in the bone.

Hehe... The big pirates in the new world are really terrible... But they can't be beaten passively like this.

Thinking of this, Reinhardt, lying on the ground, took a deep breath, and then an ordinary dial appeared in his eyes. There were three hands in the dial. After that, the hands quickly rotated.

It seems that I can only do my best

There was a crisp rattle, and a crisp vibration between Reinhardt's thumb and middle finger.

Calendar dial... Command system!

Command switch!

Fire... All on!

In a flash, the power in Reinhardt's body was surging wildly. In all directions of the pit, there were violent air fluctuations, and then a great domineering momentum spread away.

In this moment, his body seems to have been turned on like a certain switch, and he has gained powerful attention. The vein of his body is also like a flood discharge dam, with great power rushing wildly.

This command and switch is the ability that he finally developed recently. He can store the body's strength, and when it is used, he can immediately obtain this powerful force by using the switch command. This is an ability that Reinhardt finally figured out after pondering for many days and nights.

It can not only replenish itself when it consumes too much physical energy, but also have the power to surpass its own limit in a short time. This is an extremely powerful command ability, which is the ability to set explosion and endurance as a whole.

Reinhardt has been eating the fruit of the clock for six years, but the use of fruit ability has not been particularly powerful. However, in the past two years, he has made rapid progress in the development of fruit ability, which is one of the reasons for his rapid development in the past two years.

The clock fruit has evolved into two dials and three systems after being developed and studied by Reinhardt for many times.

The two dials are calendar dial and celestial dial.

The three systems are command system, daylight system and comet system.

Command system and daylight system belong to the ability of calendar dial. The ability of command system is to use the pointer rotation in calendar dial to obtain special ability. Each kind of command corresponds to the time point pointed by the pointer. The command, such as command, bell ringing, command, hypnosis, command, healing acceleration, command, pointer backtracking, etc. come from this.

The ability of the daylight system also uses the pointer to control the diffuse energy in the sky in the daytime to attack the enemy. However, after the ability of the comet on the dial of the Reinhardt celestial body came out, the ability of the daylight system gradually lost its use. Compared with the power of the comet, the daylight system is far less powerful.

Therefore, the old sword moves of daylight, double-edged star and daylight, ten edged star are rarely used now.

Reinhardt's future development direction of clock fruit has been determined. It is based on the calendar dial and celestial dial, which respectively carry the powerful capabilities of command system and comet system. The calendar dial mainly develops the command system capabilities to make the command system capabilities more concise and powerful. The capabilities don't need much, but they must play a big role, For example, the powerful card of command pointer backtracking, and the practical ability of command healing acceleration.

The astrometer mainly develops the comet ability to show this powerful celestial body in different ways. Although all of them are blue flashes, their forms of expression are quite different. For example, the blue flash is integrated into chopping strike to enhance attack, the blue flash is covered on the body surface to enhance its own defense, and the blue flash and domineering are integrated, Become a powerful body and sword move. For example, attack directly with blue flash.

These are the comet abilities in the astrolabe, which can show its powerful attack or defense ability in a variety of changeable forms. However, he has studied for nearly two years, but he has been unable to obtain further powerful abilities.

He once conceived through the template of room ability in the fruits of surgery eaten by Trafalgar Rowe. Up to now, although it has not been thoroughly studied, the overall thinking and expression of this ability have been conceived for a long time.

This move will be the basis of all the abilities in the astrolabe, and also the source of incredible power in the future.