Chapter 455

"The combat power we can use is far less than that of the other side." After reading the information clearly, Blatter said with a little worry,

Not to mention Dorson Carter Sith, who has the demon fruit of animal phantom, his ten powerful subordinates are not what the family can deal with now.

At this time, the atmosphere was a little tense, and everyone could see that Reinhart's information showed that these people's strong strength, in addition to Blatter, Meister and Reinhart, other people had no strength to match.

In this way, how can people not be nervous.

Reinhardt's eyes looked around and felt that the family members seemed to be very heavy at this time, so he laughed and said with a little ease: "you don't have to be too nervous. It's still unknown how many members of the evil spirit pirate group can survive this war."

No wonder they have this kind of performance. After all, they are aborigines, and each other is a famous pirate in the new world. Anyone who hears the name of the evil spirit will shake three times, let alone have a war with the other party's Pirate Group.

As the tension eased, Reinhardt continued: "this time we have the navy to help us“

There is no doubt that as long as the evil spirit pirates return to the North Sea to wage war, the Navy will surely send troops.


People then remembered that evil spirits were pirates. Once they returned to the North Sea to start a war, the Navy had no reason not to stop them, but it was unknown how much power the navy was willing to exert.

"It's the biggest crisis the family has faced since it was founded, but it's also the best opportunity for us to voice our voice to the world."

Reinhardt knew very well in his heart that the family had never encountered any real difficulties in the years since its establishment. The enemy he faced in the North Sea in the past was either a much weaker Pirate Group, or a suppressed Royal aristocrat, or a mafia or other small role. He had never met such a powerful enemy.

This coming war will not only test the cohesion of the family as a whole, but also provide an opportunity for the family to break through the existing state. If the crisis is completely solved, then Reinhardt's working society will be truly formed, otherwise it will still be a mess.

Without the baptism of iron and blood, how can we gather the temperament of steel? Only when we are tempered in the fire, can we soar and soar. Only in this way can we compete with those legendary pirates in the future.

"Beihai is a small place. No matter how powerful we are in Beihai, we are doomed to fail."

Reinhardt's eyes swept slightly across the family members' faces.

"Brother, give the order. This time it's time for all members of Reinhardt to meet the enemy together."

Moselle spoke to one side. For so many years, it seems that the family has never had the opportunity to go out.

"Yes, boss, it's time to show our strength to the world."

On the other hand, gaith echoed. Then he stood up and looked at Reinhardt: "boss, eight thousand Mafia elites in the North Sea can take part in this war at any time."

Gaith is now the leader of the North sea dark world mafia. Eight thousand Mafia members are his carefully prepared forces. Although they do not play a decisive role, in this war, the more forces, the better.

At this moment, all the family members stood up and focused on Reinhardt.


Reinhardt's words were as loud as thunder.

"Let the eyes of the world turn to us, my family. Let's win this war together."

Reinhardt's simple words greatly inspired the morale. The atmosphere that was still dead and decadent just now seems to be boiling with blood.

"Understand... Boss, big brother, big brother, boss!"

They all answered in unison.

"From now on, all work will focus on the coming war, and the North Sea will enter a state of first-class preparation."

With these words, people immediately began to get busy. Each of them had different responsibilities. At this time, after the plans and tasks deployed by Reinhardt, they began to operate like machines. Not only Reinhardt working society, but also the kingdom of polkalia and the six kingdoms with branches in four directions of the North sea began to prepare for the coming war.

When the family members gradually dispersed, Reinhardt received a phone call.

"Brother, is the family meeting over?"

Among the phone bugs, Waldo Roentgen's slightly mature voice came through.

"It's just over." Reinhardt nodded. "Everyone's task has been arranged."

"What's the chance of winning this war?" After pondering for a while, roentgen asked again. The worry in his voice did not hide. Although he never doubted Reinhardt's ability, this incident involved the new world big pirates, which had six fleets and more than 10000 troops.

Especially after the cooperation with jieerma 66 Kingdom and the help of clone soldiers, the strength is bound to rise to a higher level.

Can this kind of strong man be defeated only by Reinhardt?

Roentgen could not help muttering to himself.

"If it's the whole evil spirit Pirate Group, then the success rate of this war is zero, but if it's the evil spirit pirate group that lost most of its troops after being defeated by the red hair Pirate Group, we will have a 30% chance of success."

Reinhardt thought for a while and said, but these are all conjectures after all, and they are ideal conditions. The development of things can not follow the path he imagined. Although Reinhardt showed enough confidence and ambition to win in the family meeting, he was very clear in his heart that the difficulties this time far exceeded his expectation.

At this time, Reinhardt suddenly remembered a thing. Hawkins once divined for him. In the deck analysis, he said that he would encounter difficulties affecting his life in the future, but he had a chance to survive and reverse life and death. Did the situation shown by the reverse triangle divination star array refer to the war he was facing?

He's a little skeptical.

Hawkins left long ago. Reinhardt didn't know Hawkins's phone bug information or whether he was in Beihai. Naturally, he didn't have a chance to find Hawkins to do divination for himself at present.

However, he never paid attention to Hawkins's divination results. Although Hawkins's divination has never been wrong, it's better to change everything now than to believe in this predicted fate.