Chapter 415

Reinhart didn't give clear instructions on how to command [Merrill] to Gus. On the one hand, Reinhart fully trusted him. On the other hand, because Gus was a member of the Mafia, how to deal with the death of elonkova and how to command [Merrill] in the future. Naturally, as Gus, born in the Mafia, knows better than anyone.

The components of the dark world in the North Sea are complex. In addition to the three Mafia organizations, there are also pirate forces, marine merchants, underground black market and other forces. Now the Mafia is completely controlled by Reinhart, which indicates that his ruling position in the dark world in the North Sea is not far away.

Since Alfred left the North Sea, Reinhardt has joined the conference of the dark world in the North Sea. Most of the members of the conference have been uprooted or accepted by Reinhardt. Today, only the three big pirate groups in the North Sea and the secret leader of the reef intelligence agency are left.

However, through the analysis of today's elonkova incident, it seems that the jerma 66 family has fully realized their threat to them. This time, it is likely to be just a trial, and next time, it will be serious.

In fact, from the beginning, when he aimed at ruling the North Sea, the antagonistic relationship between Reinhardt working society and jerma 66 family was established, and it was absolutely irreconcilable.

Reinhardt's goal is to completely rule the North Sea, and let the banner of Reinhardt's working group be planted on every island in the North Sea. The goal of gemma 66 family is the same as that of Reinhardt. Vince gage wants to follow his predecessors and rule the North sea again with powerful force.

In this way, both of them become obstacles to each other. Only by removing one side can the other have this opportunity.

But what surprised Reinhart was that he didn't expect the jerma 66 family to move so fast. He thought that the intensification of conflicts with the jerma 66 family should be in the future two years later, but he didn't expect that Vince gage realized his great threat very early.

He didn't know that because Reinhardt and his family's rapid expansion in the past three years had made Vince gage feel terrible, so he chose to test first.

"Jerma 66 family..." standing on the deck, Reinhardt looked into the distance. The sea around him was blue, and the calm lake covered the bottom of the sea.

"Boss, we have little information about the jerma 66 family." Anubi, who was next to him, said that no one who was born in Beihai didn't know the word "jerma 66". This is an evil organization famous in every corner of Beihai. It is a military organization with "evil army" and "war experts". Because of the strong scientific and technological strength of jerma 66 family, it is also called scientific combat force.

"Well." Reinha nodded. "We need to build a temporary team for jerma 66 as soon as possible."

At this time, Reinhardt suddenly thought of a person. He was definitely the most suitable person. He not only knew the jerma 66 family well, but also controlled a lot of science and technology of the jerma 66 family, but he might not help himself.

"Go back and call a family meeting." Leinha nodded, looked at the sea and said in a low voice. At present, the threat of jerma 66 has been directly approaching. Without taking active measures, it may be extremely passive.

"Return to katan!" After hearing these words, anubi nodded and then yelled. Soon, the sailboat set sail and pulled back anchor, heading for the deep sea.

But not long after the sailing boat started, the telephone bug on Reinhart suddenly rang, Blu

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

As soon as the phone bug was connected, Reinhart heard a familiar laugh, which was as arrogant and domineering as ever.

"Brother Ming, it must be a great event that you can call me on your own initiative?" Reinhardt also laughed at the phone bug after hearing the laughter of Alfred Domingo, but his laughter was much more normal than that of Alfred Domingo.

"You are really a smart guy, Reinhardt. I'm going to contact you on my own initiative this time to give you a big gift," he continued with a smile

"Big gift?" Reinhardt was stunned. Is this guy so kind?

"Is it?"

"I don't remember when you became so warm-hearted, Alfred?" Reinhart laughs sarcastically.

"Son of a bitch, how dare you say that to Dover." Reinhart heard the angry voice of the slug torrepol from the phone bug.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Reinhardt frowned. It seemed that what dorfmingo said was not small.

"Go ahead, Alfred, I'm listening." Reinhardt's brows wrinkled as well.

"Reinhart, this is about the new world pirate, the captain of the evil spirit Pirate Group." The tone of Alfred Domingo was obviously a little dignified.

"What's the matter with me about the evil spirit Pirate Group?" Reinhardt asked suspiciously. Reinhardt is no stranger to the evil spirit Pirate Group. Although this pirate group did not appear in the original cartoon, he still knew something about it through the world economic journal during his years in Beihai.

The evil spirit Pirate Group is a new world Pirate Group with powerful strength and numerous crew members. It is one of the few strong men who have had direct conflicts with the red hair Pirate Group for many times but can retreat completely. However, Reinhart's understanding of the evil spirit Pirate Group is limited to the name of the captain of the evil spirit Pirate Group and the name of the devil fruit. As for his men and the strength of his men, Reinhart knew nothing.

So Reinhardt was very strange. What's the connection between the powerful Pirate Group in the new world and himself?

"Yes." Do franmingo laugh, "evil spirit Pirate Group really has nothing to do with you, but Gemma 66 family should have something to do with you?"

Gemma 66 family... The powerful evil spirit Pirate Group in the new world, can these two be linked together?

Is it

"They joined hands?" Reinhart was very surprised. If so, it would have a very big relationship with him. But... Why does the jerma 66 family join hands with the evil spirit Pirate Group? Why does the evil spirit pirate group choose to join hands with the jerma 66 family? This is not a family game. Just choose an ally. Even a business alliance needs to choose the right one, What's more, this kind of cooperation.