Chapter 412

Reinhardt didn't speak, but his remaining light kept looking around the room. The Mafia members in the room seemed to behave differently today.

Think of here, Reinhart in the heart of a cold smile, some understand this guy's plan.

But he still doesn't believe it. Does this guy really have the guts?

"Congratulations first." Reinhardt picked up his glass, touched a glass with elonkova and said, when he finished, he continued, "the Mafia in the North Sea are now completely under your control."

With elonkova's ambition, now that the Mafia in the North Sea is completely under his control, there is no reason not to plan for the next step.

Human ambition will collide with the development of strength and influence. Therefore, elonkova's further expansion of ambition is bound to seize more and larger territory in the dark world of the North Sea.

Although Reinhart has not fully controlled the dark world in the North Sea, it is not far away from full control, especially after he killed several people who dare to oppose with great strength, basically no one dares to oppose.

But there are still a lot of undercurrents in private, which makes Reinhart's progress in the dark world slow.

One of the main reasons for his slow progress in the dark world is that there are no forces of his own in the dark world, such as the Mafia. Although Malin has his own people, he can no longer help himself. Therefore, his first step in ruling the North Sea is to take full control of Malin, the Mafia.

After entering the island, through the dialogue of Mafia members and the abnormality they showed, Reinhardt knew very well that this was a grand banquet, but she was more puzzled about what kind of confidence McLean elonkova had in his understanding of himself made him have such a mind.

Reinhardt remained silent and continued to drink.

"My friend, I want to go one step further in the dark world." Elonkova was silent for a moment and said that what he said went further. Reinhart naturally understood that he wanted to be the king of the dark world in the North Sea.

Hearing this, Reinhardt secretly laughed and looked at elonkova: "are you serious?"

Elonkova's heart was startled. On his smiling face, he seemed to feel a chill.

He is not unaware of the changes Reinhardt brought about in the North Sea, nor of Reinhardt's idea of ruling the dark world in the North Sea. However, elonkova still spoke out, proving elonkova's attitude and confidence this time.

"Yes, I want to be the trump card in the dark world of the North Sea." Elonkova said slowly that in the past few years of destroying decibels and hidden reefs, elonkova's ambition has been expanding, and the leader of the North Sea mafia has been unable to satisfy him.

"So what do you want me to do?" Reinhardt didn't have any anger. Instead, he asked elonkova with a smile. This made elonkova unresponsive for a moment.

"I... Want you to give up control of the dark world." Elonkova suddenly stood up, and several Mafia leaders behind him also looked at Reinhart.

"Is that why you invited me to the celebration banquet?"

Reinhart didn't care about elonkova's Mafia leader. He took a drink and said slowly.

Elonkova is fully prepared to kill Reinhart at this celebration banquet, but as the boss of the Mafia, he is still so naive.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

All of a sudden, the Mafia leaders directly took out their weapons and aimed at Reinhart. Anubi, who had been standing beside Reinhart, saw this behind the scenes without any nervousness. He just took a step to the side and blocked the gunpoint of the Mafia leader.

"Boss, it seems that the Mafia want to resist." Anubi said with a smile, in its view, the Mafia are all rubbish. Even if Reinhart doesn't do it, he can solve all the people here effortlessly by himself.

"It seems that these people have not yet understood that the real power is not these ridiculous firearms toys."

"It seems so." Reinhardt nodded and then stood up. "Anubi, get out of the way."

Anubi nodded and stepped back.

Reinhart looked at elonkova with a flat look: "are you going to kill me here?"

"Yes." Elonkova said in a deep voice, "as long as I have you in one day, I can't really control the dark world in the North Sea."

"I don't understand."

Elonkova is slightly stunned: "what don't you understand?"

"Who gave you the courage to try to attack me? Have you forgotten how powerful I am?"

Reinhardt stepped forward, and a strong momentum was born in the whole room. After that, elonkova's heart seemed to be hit hard, and his body gradually had a huge tremor, which was a direct pressure on his heart.

In this strong atmosphere of oppression, several Mafia leaders behind elonkova immediately fainted. However, Reinhardt was very surprised that there was no change in the 20 Mafia members standing around. It seemed that this kind of domineering spirit did not work at all.

But judging from the performance of elonkova and several Mafia leaders behind him, there is no reason why those Mafia groups should not be influenced by hegemonism.

Looking at elonkova's trembling breathing, Reinhart cast his eyes back on the Mafia around him. He was suddenly stunned and found that the Mafia members had no light in their eyes and showed a fierce temperament.

These people are not Mafia. They are like a powerful creature. They don't seem to belong to human beings at all.

Elonkova was shocked. The invisible pressure just now seemed irresistible.

Bang bang!

He subconsciously took out his pistol and shot at Reinhart. The clear sound of the gun was like a bell, but Reinhart was able to avoid it.

"Don't you understand?" Reinhart sneered, "the toy like thing in your hand is just a joke."

Elonkova gasped in surprise, and immediately yelled at the Mafia around: "kill him."

As soon as the voice fell, the Mafia, no, the soldiers immediately changed, their bodies nearly doubled, their black suits became some kind of transparent device, and their muscles swelled violently.

The men, armed with spears, rushed straight at Reinhart.

Anubi didn't know what had happened to the Mafia. He rushed up and punched one of the soldiers. At this moment, anubi felt as if his fist had hit a thick stone slab, which was very hard.