Chapter 393

Enilu has never moved in his original position, because the man in front of him makes him feel a strong sense of oppression. Even if he is in a strong [heart net] ability, he still has an invincible feeling.

However, it is impossible for him to admit defeat in this way.

"Are those waste firewood your men?" After the scene calmed down, Reinhart came to the opposite side of Aini Road, sat down, and then said with a smile, "Aini road."

Ai Ni road is slightly a Leng, don't understand in front of this guy is how to know his name, so frowned, eyes some doubt: "who are you?"

He doesn't look like an empty Islander at all.

"I'm the one who's going to rule the empty Island, including bica." Reinhardt took a sip of the wine and said with a smile, "the villagers of bica commissioned me to kill you, the criminal."

Enilu was stunned for a moment, and then like a sudden realization, he stood up on the table and said, "I knew it."

"Stupid outsider, mind our empty island."

After that, enilu took out a two meter long gold stick and waved it to Reinhardt.

In the face of Reinhardt's oppression, he at least has the courage to take the lead.

Reinhardt slightly side head, to avoid the attack of this stick, gold stick hit on the table, food and wine scattered on the ground.

"Your strength... Is too weak." Reinhardt said slowly. Then his right index finger stretched out and gently pointed toward Aini road. The light source condensed at his fingertips like a candle burning. Then the light source suddenly expanded and shot toward Aini road.

Ainilu's heart thumped. He felt that the momentum was much bigger than just now. However, he forced down the pressure in his heart and looked at the light source of Reinhardt's fingertips with solemn eyes.

Whoosh, the light source suddenly passed through, but unexpectedly failed.

Reinhardt watched the scene with great interest, and then remembered enilu's ability of heart net.

After thinking for a while, Reinhardt asked, "is this the heart net?"

Enilu looked at him in surprise, did not expect that he even knew this: "it seems that you inquire very clearly, yes, this is the ability of heartnet, as long as you take the hand, I can predict your attack trajectory."

"Then I'll try." Reinhardt said with a smile that he didn't care. He wanted to see how enilu's heart net ability is now. Even if it's a kind of seeing and hearing, the direction should be different.

Whoosh, whoosh!

Reinhardt's fingertips are moving, and the daylight rays condensed by the transparent light source are just like lasers, which are directly fired in three different directions.

With extraordinary heat and powerful penetrating power, daylight directly penetrated the house and flew to the white sea. Enilu was not surprised to avoid the three attacks.

"Ah ha ha ha, useless Qinghai people, you never know how powerful the ability of Xinwang is. As long as I use Xinwang, you can't hit me." Enilu laughed arrogantly.

"Is it?"

Reinhardt took a look at him, and it seemed that enilu, who did not eat the fruits of Xianglei, was not good for nothing. Even if he only had the ability of heart net, he was far more powerful than ordinary people.

Just now, Reinhardt didn't turn on the power of seeing and hearing, just to test the strength of enilu's heart net. After the test, Reinhardt didn't disappoint him. Enilu's only praiseworthy place is the heart net.

Reinhardt bowed his head to ponder, not noticing that enilu had rushed over with a golden stick.

Enilu laughs with pride and waves the gold stick to Reinhardt. The first one fails, the second one fails, the third one fails, the fourth one fails

Enilu didn't know how many times he continued to wave, but he couldn't even touch Reinhardt's clothes every time. On the contrary, too much physical strength was consumed in the process of waving, which made him pant.

He did not put his eyes on himself. Why did he avoid his attack so easily?

Enilu was a bit incredible, but he didn't think that Reinhardt also had the ability of heart net.

"Why can you avoid my attack without looking at me?" Ainilu took a quick breath and asked in surprise. After such a short time, ainilu was so tired. You can imagine how weak his body skill is.

Hearing enilu's question, Reinhardt raised his head, grinned at enilu and said, "that's because... I'm also a user of heartnet."

Aini road was shocked, but he didn't believe: "impossible, how can you, an outsider from Qinghai, use the heart net?"

"You are really a frog in the bottom of a well. You don't know how big the world is or how broad the sea is." Reinhardt sneered sarcastically, and then went on to say, "heartnet is just what you empty islanders call it. In our place, it's called seeing, hearing, lusting and domineering. It's more comprehensive and powerful than what you call heartnet."

"It can sharpen people's five senses, detect the breath and emotional changes of surrounding creatures, and also be used to predict and avoid danger. What's more, it can also listen to the voice of all things, predict the future, hear the inner voice of others, and convey its own consciousness to others, so as to achieve a series of results of influencing others' character and behavior."

The more he heard, the more surprised ainilu was. His innate ability of heart net has always been his most proud ability. However, what this guy said in front of him is just a common ability in seeing, hearing and being domineering.

"You said so much just to make me lose confidence in my heart net. I won't be fooled." Enilu was livid and pointed at him.

"It seems you won't believe it just by saying it." Reinhardt shook his head helplessly, then raised his right index finger, the light source of fingertip condensed again, "then you're trying to avoid it."

"I can't hide this time, but I will die." Reinhardt laughs jokingly. The next second, the laser light condensing in the daylight penetrates. Enilu's pupil shrinks. He feels that this attack has an illusion that he can't avoid no matter how hard he tries to avoid it.

"No way!" Enilu's subconscious roar made his heart open to the limit, but the light beam in front of him suddenly flashed and passed through his shoulder.


The daylight, which passed through the shoulder of Aini Road, also fell on the wall, and then the ten meter high buildings trembled violently. Soon, the buildings began to crack, and countless pieces of gravel, tiles and wood fell down.

A fragile house.

Looking at the rapidly disintegrating house, Reinhardt said to himself, then waved his hand, and all the debris falling from his head were lifted away by a strong airflow.