Chapter 375

However, due to the financial problem, Reinhardt's initial consideration was to lay the sea train from the whiskey peak, and then build it on the upside down mountain after passing through the twin cliffs, so as to form a round-trip sea train mountain track extending in all directions, so as to realize the transportation and trade routes of the four seas. The round-trip sea trains cross the four seas and the great routes, The goods can be transported all the time.

In other words, the convenience of this sea train lies in that it can not only take the sea train directly from the North Sea to the East China Sea, but also take the sea train directly from the East China Sea to the West Sea, and it can also take the sea train directly from the great route to return to any sea area in the four seas.

However, we only transport goods, but we don't carry passengers. As for whether we will be threatened by pirates, we don't need to worry too much. With the powerful Qiwu sea and the world government as the background, even if there are occasional pirates damage, it will not affect the overall transport situation, just like the sea train on Shuizhi island.

After Reinhardt explained the details of the sea train project in detail, the old Tom was very surprised. This plan was really bold. No one ever thought about it like this, but Reinhardt was the only one who really put it into action.

From this point of view, Reinhart is really a doer.

However, although the feasibility of this plan is very high, the biggest difficulties lie in the difficulty of construction and the technical work of mountain cutting, as well as the situation of strengthening the overall track and body cushioning of the train living in the sea.

However, although these are difficult problems, with Tom Fishman's technology, there must be solutions.

The two talked for a long time, drinking and chatting for more than half an hour. When the wine that Reinhardt had brought was finished, there was a knock at the door. It seemed that it was time.

"Mr. Tom, we'll have an oral agreement." Reinhardt stood up and said with a smile that he had told the whole plan and also got Tom's verbal promise. Even if this thing is half successful, the biggest difficulty now is how to ensure that Tom can get away from the trial smoothly.

Tom yawned with his mouth wide open, then looked at Reinhart half loud, and finally said, "no problem, if you save me, I'll help you to work more years, and I can enjoy more years of life."

After a while, Reinhardt said goodbye. Tom sat down and pondered for a long time, as if he had made the decision in a muddle? But he didn't think much about it. Maybe it's good to be alive.

"Mr. Reinhardt, your weapon."

After leaving Tom's room, the guard came with a lavender and a black blade, handed the weapon to Reinhardt, and took him away.

However, just as he passed by the conference hall of the justice tower, an uninvited guest appeared in front of him. He was very arrogant and arrogant.

The guy had short purple hair, a dark nose and prominent black eyes, and a Western sword with a golden handle in his hand.

At a glance, Reinhardt knew who this arrogant guy was.

He took a few bodyguards, wearing a black suit, seemed to have a certain combat effectiveness, directly blocked the way of Reinhardt.

"Sir Spandam." Reinhardt's guards stopped when they saw someone coming. They couldn't help looking at him for a moment. Then they called respectfully. Then the two guards saluted each other.

Bispandam was the officer, and they were just the guards of the island of justice, though they were close friends of Nikolay anchar.

Spandam ignored the two guards, but spoke directly and asked arrogantly, "who are you?"

The ferocity in his eyes was directed at Reinhardt.

It's really like the rumor that no one is arrogant and arrogant, but he is also an ignorant fool. Reinhardt hopes that the more such fools there are in the world government, the better.

Reinhardt gave him a slight glance and ignored him. Such a small and insignificant person didn't need to look at him with a straight eye.

"Officer Spandam, this is..." the guard next to him just wanted to introduce Reinhart to Spandam, but before he finished, he was interrupted by Spandam: "shut up, I didn't ask you."

He reached out again and pointed to Reinhardt in front of him. "I'm asking about you."


Just as Spandam's finger came out, Reinhardt broke his finger directly. The sound of bone fracture spread in the conference hall. Spandam's index finger was covered with thick congestion, but because there was no wound, the congestion could not flow out.

This kind of pain is far more painful than a split wound.

Ah... With a shrill cry, Spandam's bodyguards immediately pointed their guns at Reinhardt, but the next second they all lay down for no reason.

"I don't like to be pointed at, let alone pointed at with a gun."

Reinhardt said a light, the tone contains a cold chill.

Spandam was struggling on the ground. When he heard the cold words, he was shocked. He felt like he was in the ice and snow and was watched by a fierce ice devil.

Who the hell is this guy? At this time, Spandam could not help muttering to himself.

Obviously, the guard had seen a big scene, and he was not weak because of the arrogance of Spandam. He looked at Spandam lying on the ground and shook his head helplessly, so he said faintly: "this is Mr. Reinhardt, the guest of honor of Lord Nicholas, the partner of the world government, and also the person who personally received Carl Emma saint in Beihai."

After the guard finished, Spandam was shocked, and his face was in a cold sweat. Carl Emma went to visit a country in the North Sea, and he didn't know about it.

"I... I thought he was Tom Fishman's accomplice..." Spandam said flurriedly, and said: "it's all those stupid people who cheated me that Tom Fishman's accomplice came to the judicial island."

No matter how arrogant and domineering Spandam is, he does not dare to be arrogant to Nicolas' distinguished guests, let alone Reinhardt, who is still a partner of the world government at this time, and there is a layer of relationship between Tianlong people behind him. Although the big scene is useless, it is still very effective to scare some small characters.

"Take Mr. Spandam to the doctor." The guard nodded and said to the other guards in the assembly hall. Soon, Spandam was taken away.

"Is he Spandam, the son of cp9 chief Spandam?" As he walked, Reinhardt said to the guard.

"Yes, Spandam is now the chief of cp5. The guards in black suits he brought are members of cp5." Answered the guard.