Chapter 362

In the waters of Shuizhi Island, a sailboat is sailing fast, and its destination is judicial island.

"Wes, how far is justice island?" Hainhart, who was standing on the deck and looking around the sea, asked. Wes, the navigator, was watching with a telescope.

At present, the sea is calm. Although the sea kings around have appeared for a long time, they have not caused any damage to the sailboat. On the way, the pirates who met the attack were directly killed by Reinhart.

"The weather on the great route is too chaotic to predict." Hearing Reinhardt's words, Wes shook his head and sighed that although he was a navigator, he didn't have much talent. His navigation skills were barely enough in the four seas, but long-time navigation on the great sea route was dwarfed. Especially the changeable sea surface and the storm that might come at any time were the biggest difficulties in navigation.

After listening to this sentence, Reinhardt can't ask too much. After all, Wes knows his limited navigation skills. However, after this incident, Reinhardt still sighs in his heart. It seems that he must find a skilled navigator in the future, otherwise, it will be even more difficult to move in the new world.

The environment of the new world is ten times worse than that of the first half of the great air route.

The voyage continued. After more than a day, the sea surface gradually changed. The storm came one after another, and the sailboat might be submerged at any time.

Just as Reinhardt and others rushed out of the storm, they suddenly saw a strange island on the sea far ahead.

No, it's not an island. It's a huge ship like an island, and it's moving slowly all the time.

"The devil's sea... The ship of terror..." seeing this behind the scenes, Reinhart immediately reacted, and Weiss was also very shocked at this time, because there was no reaction on the permanent pointer.

"What... What's going on, why the permanent pointer doesn't respond." Cried Wes, sweating.

Reinhardt naturally knew what was going on, so he calmed him down: "don't worry, this island is floating from the West Sea, it doesn't belong to the great route, it has no magnetic field, so the permanent pointer will be invalid."

"The West... The west sea?" People were shocked, "can the island still float from the four seas to the great sea route?"

Wes was also very surprised.

"This is a ship."

"The boat?"

"Yes, it's called the frightful sloop."

Speaking of this, Reinhardt laughs. It seems that moonlight Moria has come to the devil's sea to hide at this time, but what does it have to do with him? This time, he is going to the judicial island. If he passes through the devil's sea by chance, at least it proves that he is very close to the judicial island.

"Turn around, we're heading for justice island." Reinhart continued.

Weiss re observed on the sea, the helmsman began to turn direction, but at this time, a bigger storm hit again, had to increase the sailing speed of the sailboat, trying to avoid the storm, after the storm, people found that the sailboat has been completely close to the mysterious ghost island.

"It seems destined to let me go on this island." Reinhardt said with a smile, and then told the mariners, helmsman, boatman and bodyguards, "stay on the boat. Don't follow me. This island is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will lose your life."

Seeing that Reinhart said the island was so terrible, they all nodded in horror. When they saw the island, they had an ominous premonition that they would not set foot on the island again.

The sailboat stopped hundreds of meters away from the island, and then Reinhart jumped off the sailboat with a knife. He stepped on the moon step with both feet, and ran fast on the sea. Every step on the sea would make the calm sea produce huge waves. Stepping on the waves is like walking on the waves.

The frightful three masted sailboat... Moonlight Moria, his subordinates, and Perona, the ghost fruit that will be defeated even if they are strong.

He doesn't want to challenge or confirm whether the ghost fruit is like the pervert in the rumor. It's not worth taking risks in this kind of thing, but... Today's molya Pirate Group may not have Perona. After all, Perona is only 15 years old.

Thinking of this, Reinhart walked inside alone.

At this time, Reinhart suddenly stopped, feeling like a person behind him, but he didn't find the other person's trace. The trace kept a distance from himself and didn't seem too close.

Thinking of this, Reinhardt instantly understood that the mysterious guy he had been following since he entered the island must be Abu Salome, one of the three weirdos in molya's hands. From this point of view, the transparent fruit has been eaten by Abu Salome.

It's a coincidence... Reinhart laughs at himself. Three years ago, Reinhart personally killed shavin, the North Sea swordsman who ate the transparent fruit. He didn't expect that the demon fruit would be eaten again. Then he thought that the demon fruit would be eaten by others in the future. He was not surprised and sighed that a demon fruit would be eaten by others in a short period of more than ten years, There are three masters.

Abu Salome used transparent fruit to follow Reinhardt all the time. He seemed to have some fear in his heart. Because the breath from him was very similar to that of captain Moria when he was angry, he had been watching secretly from a distance. But when Reinhardt turned his head to look at himself, Abu Salome was extremely frightened, I really think I'm completely exposed.

Fortunately, Reinhart didn't show too much. Abu Salome was relieved and ran to the ancient castle in the distance.

In the middle of the huge castle, a huge, fiery haircut, head to neck with cross stitches similar to stitching wounds, wearing a bat collar shirt and Gothic costume, sits on a chair and laughs.

When he saw Abu Salome's panic expression, he asked, "Abu Salome, what's so panic?"

"Master, there's a dangerous man out there." Said Abu Salome.

"Dangerous man?" The huge weirdo was stunned for a moment, and then made a strange sound of "hee hee hee".

"Since someone dares to break into the frightful schooner, I'll cut off his shadow and let him live in the dark forever."

The weirdo laughed, and then the people in the room started to laugh.