Chapter 347

This side of the matter with the paragraph behind, Reinhart returned to the residence, then took out the phone bug began to dial up.

Then there was a slightly magnetic voice from the phone bug: "Your Highness."

"In private, you'd better call it what you used to call it." After hearing the voice, Reinhardt gave a little smile and the phone bug called "boss".

"What is the financial situation of the Kingdom now?" Reinhardt asked, since he unified the waters of Katan Island, he has not been involved in the financial affairs of the kingdom. On the one hand, he completely believes that sake, as a financial officer, can handle these things well, on the other hand, he really can't spare time.

"In the first half of this year, the finance of the Kingdom has basically stabilized, and various taxes have been collected one after another, especially for the nobles and the rich businessmen, whose taxes on the rich account for one third of the total taxes." The financial officer on the other side of the telephone bug said in an orderly way, "however, due to the fact that the territory of maple leaf country has been brought into the control of polkalia this year, there are some imbalances in the tax revenue and revenue and expenditure situation in various aspects, but these are all in the short term. I am confident that these situations will be dealt with thoroughly by the end of the year."

At this point, he seemed a little nervous, for fear that Reinhart would be angry.

"Sake, you don't have to worry." Reinhardt naturally felt the tension in his words, so he said with a smile, "I'm not the kind of person who can't distinguish right from wrong and can only be incompetent and furious. I see everything you do in my eyes, but I have absolute trust in you."

"Yes, boss!" Sake gave a slight shock and immediately gave a respectful cry. Then he began to report the revenue and expenditure, profits and dividends of Reinhart's various industries. If sake reported these contents word by word, it would be impossible to finish in three days and three nights. So Reinhart asked him to make a long story short and finish the report in just ten minutes.

Reinhart hasn't been involved in this series of financial situations for a long time. After hearing this, he was really surprised. He didn't expect that the annual profit of Reinhart brewery alone would exceed 100 billion Bailey, not to mention that there are many other businesses under his command, legal and illegal. Besides pornography, gambling and drugs, he is involved in all of them.

"Can we allocate 200 billion Bailey's working capital in the next year?" Reinhardt began to ask after hearing the reward of sake.

"Boss, after you re promulgated the royal decree, all kinds of development have achieved initial results. It seems that we are about to reach the development node of the next step plan..."

At this point, sake pauses a little. He is not only the financial officer of the kingdom of polkalia, but also the financial officer of all Reinhart's industries. Therefore, he is very clear about the development nodes of each step of the plan, because a lot of money is needed.

Although at present, Reinhart is not short of money, but to get 200 billion Bailey's liquidity, it is still very difficult.

So after the pause, sake continued: "at present, the entertainment city of svaro island also needs to invest more money. In addition, the annual military expenditure, R & D expenditure, support for the Navy and so on are estimated to be... May not be able to get 200 billion Bailey."

Although he hesitated, he reported the situation.

"How much money can be put out of the Kingdom's finance?" Reinhart was silent for a moment. It seemed that he had to find a way out of the Kingdom's finance.

"It shouldn't be a problem for the Royal finance to make up 200 billion Bailey, but the Royal finance and your boss's industry have never been linked in financial funds." Sake asked with some doubts.

"In the special period, we should stick to the rules and regulations, but we can't keep them unchanged. We should boldly change everything that is beneficial to our development."

"There will be a new project coming in in the future, and you are well prepared for the funds." At this point, Reinhart stopped for a moment, and then said, "the financial management of this project is no less difficult than that of the Kingdom, and you will be responsible for it in the future."

"After all, finance is one of my core, I only believe in your financial ability and loyalty."

Sake immediately replied, "I understand, boss, but can you tell me what it is?"

"Sihai train erection project."

Sake was shocked. I didn't expect that it was such a huge project. No wonder the boss said that it was Bailey 200 billion. With his understanding of the sea train, I'm afraid that the 200 billion fund is only a small part of it. In the future, more funds may be needed.

Thinking of this, sake admires Reinhart even more. In those years, it was obviously very correct for sake to choose to join Reinhart brewery. Although it only started from a small financial officer of the brewery, it also had the experience of being a financial officer of the Kingdom, so it quickly stood out.

What's more, he witnessed Reinhart's rise step by step, especially the changes in the past two years. It seems that the whole world is a new one. The island of Jiadan is developing all the time. All the civilians seem to be united by Reinhart in a way that he doesn't know.

No one has ever done this in sake's consistent cognition. Although many of Reinhardt's ideas and thoughts are strange, they are also unconstrained. Although the decrees are difficult to implement in the early stage, they have achieved great results after three years.

If we only look at katan island and not the outside world, we will really think that the whole world is changing as fast as katan island.

Sake nodded and said, "I see, boss."

Reinhardt hung up and lay down to sleep.

In the next few days, he stayed at shuizhidao and didn't leave. During this period, he had a thorough understanding of the sea area of shuizhidao. This is one of the channels leading to shambaldi islands and entering the new world. Since the era of big pirates came, there have been a lot of Pirates gathering here every day.

In just a few days, Reinhardt has seen several pirates offering a reward of about 50 million Bailey, but he has never seen a pirate offering a reward of more than 100 million Bailey, let alone a pirate offering a reward of 220 million Bailey or 380 million Bailey to the captain and vice captain of top Pirate Group.

One afternoon, the golden dusk fell on the West Sea, the sea breeze with a strong salty smell, the houses on the water island are full of high concentration of sea salt, which is shining in the golden light of dusk.

This year, the tsunami hit the water island earlier. However, the residents on the water island are used to it, and they are already familiar with disaster prevention. Therefore, once the tsunami passes, there will be so much high concentration of sea salt left on the houses.