Chapter 322

After the door of Tom's shipbuilding company was closed, Frankie looked at the iceberg in doubt, and finally asked the question in his heart: "brother iceberg, why don't you ask this guy what he said?"

It's the most important thing for Frankie to talk about Mr. Tom. However, the secrets that iceberg knows and the things that Tom has entrusted make it impossible for him to continue to talk with Reinhardt. If he continues to talk, he will make the other party guess.

"I always feel extremely dangerous to that guy, and the thing he told me just now that the world government was afraid of, the teacher once told me not to disclose it to anyone." Iceberg thought for a while and said that this secret can't be said to Frankie at present. "If it's revealed, not only teachers, but also our lives will be in danger."

Seeing iceberg's serious expression, Frankie was shocked and never asked about it again.

It seems that that thing is really terrible.

Looking at Frankie's back, iceberg's face hesitated, and there was a bad feeling in his heart.

On the other hand, when Reinhardt got out of Tom shipbuilding company, he answered the phone bug. The phone bug came with a sharp laugh of "whoosh, whoosh, whoosh". He was presumptuous and arrogant. Needless to say, he knew who it was.

After laughing, dorfermingo said immediately, "Reinhardt, how are you doing over there?"

"I've just arrived at shuizhidao, not long ago." Reinhardt knew what he was going to ask, because the world government officials were able to come to Shuizhi Island specially to negotiate with him. Alfred Domingo made a lot of efforts, but he should, because the sea train plan also has his share.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa... You're a slow guy." Dorfermingo continued to sneer, then continued to say with a smile, "have you found that bastard Langer?"

"Yes, the guy will arrange these trivial things." Reinhart replied, walking with the phone bug.

"I'll give you some information in this negotiation. After the completion of the construction of the sea train, the world government may account for nearly 30% of the total operating income. In addition, the construction funds of the sea train will be borne by you alone."

Reinhardt can't help sneering at the words of Alfred Domingo. The world government has made a good calculation, and 30% of the total operating income... They bear all the funds for the construction of the sea train alone. Do they really think I'm a big loser?

Reinhardt couldn't help cursing in his heart, and then he said coldly, "do you think I will agree to such a unilateral treaty?"

"I knew you wouldn't agree easily, so these are just words I got from government officials all over the world. Although the lion opened his mouth, there is still something to talk about."

After all, if the construction of the sea train of reversing mountain and the four seas is completed, then he will take the goods from Reinhart in the future, and all the transportation costs will be reduced by more than ten times.

More than that, as the largest intermediary in the underground world, he has business all over the world. If the four seas transportation channel can be opened, it will be a great benefit to him.

"What do you mean by operating profit?" Reinhardt thought about it carefully, but he still had to make it clear. Otherwise, it would be nonsense for the world government to ask him to transport 30% of the profits of the hero white every time.

"All people need to charge for sea train transportation, including you and me, any other organization and even the world government. They all charge prices according to different transportation standards, and the annual income is settled uniformly, and then distributed in proportion."

"Do you agree? Mingge, if you agree, I don't have any opinions, because I will increase the price of the hero white for you by 30% at that time, and I can earn back the profits I lost. " Reinhart laughs and wants to pass on the cost to himself? It's ridiculous.

The world government doesn't have any products to deliver, so the end result of every year is to enjoy it.

And dorfermingo will not be affected too much, because the ex factory price of the hero white he took from Reinhart is very low, and there is enough profit margin in the middle.

"The world government thinks I'm a fool, but do you think I'm a fool, too?" Reinhardt sneered. "After three years of cooperation, have you ever seen me so dazed?"

After being questioned by Reinhart's two cold words, dorfermingo didn't speak for a long time, but Reinhart's questioning and toughness seemed to be in his expectation.

After a while.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Since leaving the North Sea, Alfred Domingo and Reinhart have not met each other. Although they have not met, there are many conversations in the phone bug, and we can learn about Reinhart's development in the North Sea through newspapers or other channels.

It seems that the powerful dark world and chaotic sea environment in the North Sea did not smooth Reinhardt's sharp and stubborn personality, but further showed it.

The heroic spirit can't be suppressed... At this time, he suddenly thought of this sentence said by a big pirate in the new world.

"It seems that your development in Beihai is unexpectedly smooth. Maybe soon, we will be able to open a banquet in the new world." Dorfermingo continued to laugh, as if he attached great importance to this partner who was extremely weak in his eyes.

"I've been looking forward to this day."

Among other things, the vision and acuity of Alfred Domingo are absolutely extraordinary. His broad mind is worthy of the name of sea thief tianyecha.

"I don't want to waste words on these boring topics." Reinhart shook his head. As an equal partner, he didn't need to be grateful or respectful to Alfred.

"I'm going to pay for the construction of the sea train, but the mode needs to be changed."

"What kind of model?"

"Every year, I will pay a huge sum of money to the world government, which will be regarded as the operating license fee for the connection of the four seas. Moreover, for the benefit of the world government, this fee will increase year by year. Of course, the increase proportion should not be too high." Reinhardt thought about it and said.

If Reinhardt pays the construction cost himself, and then the world government also shares this huge profit, then his loss will be too big.

"You little devil." "Don't you dare to say that?" he sneered

"There's nothing I dare to do. I can give up part of my profits, but I won't let others squeeze them at will."

The proposal put forward by Alfred Domingo just now is obviously squeezing.