Chapter 310

At this moment, taking the standing position of Tianlong people as the center, I suddenly felt an invisible momentum spreading around, but it was only a breath away.

This is Reinhardt's powerful and bold ability to put out, and it is a way of expression in the domineering color. It is not a shock, but a shock emotion from the heart, and then through the command and hypnosis ability, it can control the target partially.

CARMA Elson was shocked, but before his consciousness could react, a strong sense of sleepiness came to his head.

It's a kind of torment that can only be relieved if you go to sleep quickly.

"You are tired. You should rest." At the end of the sentence, all of Reinhardt's spirit disappeared, and her eyes returned to gentleness.

Reinhardt's left hand had already unconsciously grasped the maple cut, and the tendons on the back of his hand and arm were surging. However, the magic knife, which had just been obtained, seemed to be shaking slightly. I don't know whether it was caused by his forceful holding or his desire for blood.

However, these were well covered up by him, and officials of Tianlong people and the world government did not find any clues.

CARMA Elson nodded and said, "yes, I feel very sleepy and want to sleep."

The officials nearby looked a little strange, but they didn't notice the abnormal situation caused by Reinhardt.

"My Lord, CAMA El Saint needs a rest. I have prepared the best residence to provide a rest place for CAMA El saint."

In Tianlong people express the order that they want to have a rest immediately, Reinhardt says to the government officials nearby, and then tells polkalia's bodyguard to take them to the arranged residence.

The government official nodded and led the soldiers to the residence like a dull CAMA El saint.

Reinhardt watched the Dragon man leave. He held the blade's left hand, and the lavender blade seemed to stop shaking.

Although he is willing to kill, he can also feel Feng Che's desire to see blood again, but he endures it after all. Killing Tianlong people is not what he can do at present, but one day, he must do it. It's obsession, which has been branded in his soul.

"Thank you... Thank you, Duchess!" The young man fell to the ground before sobbing with joy and almost died. Fortunately, Prince Reinhart, known as the patron saint of polkaria, blocked the bullet for him.

"Forget it, don't have psychological burden, you are the legal citizen of polcalia, no one can make you under illegal oppression." Said Reinhart slowly.

However, his words made the cheers of the civilians around even louder, especially his name, constantly ringing among the civilians.

Fortunately, it's just an accident, not a reef behavior, but even so, the process is still dangerous and dangerous. Fortunately, the command hypnosis ability has been developed to such a degree that it can cooperate with the domineering power to control some behaviors of weak willed people, so this crisis has been completely resolved.

However, this is not entirely a bad thing. At least after today's incident, his dominant position in polkalia has been strengthened once again. No matter what happens in the future, no one can shake him in polkalia, unless the world government sends out an order to kill demons.

Three days later, the inspection of Kama elsheng, a Tianlong man, came to an end. When he left, Reinhardt prepared nearly a year's sailing gift for him. In addition to the sky's Gold Blue God and maple leaf products, there were also a lot of gold, silver and jewelry. Tianlong people were very satisfied with this.

Among the world government officials who came with Tianlong people, Reinhardt also secretly gave many gifts. After Tianlong people left, Reinhardt was completely relieved.

The Tianlong people's visit has settled the legitimacy of the new polkalia kingdom. Its territory includes the former kingdom of uthan and maple leaf. Moreover, Reinhardt also mentioned to CAMA Elson about being invited by the world government to participate in the world conference.

Cama Elson did not answer him directly, but there are still two years to go before the next World Conference, which is enough time for him to think of a way.

Early in the morning after the tianlongren left, all the newspapers in Beihai reported on the incident, all of which were front page headlines.

However, compared with the high profile and exaggeration of the local media, the coverage of the world section of the world economic journal is much more low-key, and the length is not too large, which is understandable. After all, it is not easy for a newspaper with world-wide hair style to report.

Reinhardt looked at the world economic news - World section in his hand, and there was a place near the bottom, which reported the inspection of Kama elsheng, a Tianlong man, to the kingdom of polkalia in the North Sea. The information also mentioned that Reinhardt, the black Duke of the Kingdom, was in charge of the reception.

This is Reinhardt's rebirth, so far, for the first time in a world newspaper.

At this time, in a huge conference room on an island in a certain sea area, several tall people were reading newspapers.

The leader is wearing a dark green coat. He is dorag, who is currently engaged in revolutionary activities in Tibet.

"It seems that our partners are so powerful that even Tianlong people can be invited." A tall man with a Bible in his hand said slowly that he was as tall and strong as a black bear standing all the time.

He is basoromi bear, known as the tyrant later on.

"Dorage's chosen collaborators can't be too bad." The woman next to her is naturally the demon king. After a hip-hop smile, she continued, "besides, Reinhardt boy is a smart man."

"Well... It seems that the progress is much faster than expected." At this time, dorag said, "it seems to be a step closer to ruling the North Sea."

"Hey, dorage, do you really believe he can unify the North Sea?" The human demon king was a little shocked.

Dorage laughed: "I don't know, but the spirit of this man is worth trusting him. Let's wait and see."

After that, dorag turned over the newspaper in his hand again. Basoromi bear sat aside with his Bible in his hand, and several other cadres of the revolutionary army sat in their respective positions.

On the other side, marinfando, the Navy headquarters, is in the office of the chief of staff.

Dong Dong, the door of the office rang. After the door opened, a man with a figure of more than two meters came in. He was wearing a white navy coat and a long samurai sword was hanging on his right waist.

"Crane adviser..." the man came in and quickly called.

Crane looked at him: "what's the matter, flying squirrel, so anxious?"

Wearing a tie, Mohican's head, beard and samurai sword, this is the flying squirrel in the Navy headquarters. He took out the newspaper in his hand: "you've made something happen to the young kid I've been paying attention to."