Chapter 294

Kazo had reached a secret agreement with Blatter, the military Minister of the kingdom of polkalia. He deliberately transferred all the soldiers from the city gate, and the night patrol team also deliberately kept away from the palace.

In this case, he only had one mind, that is, to ensure that polkalia's army could enter the king's city quietly.

He has heard how much bolkalia has changed in the past few years when he was in power in Reinhardt. He also knows that the life of bolkalia's civilians is not the same as before. Not only that, but also the living standard of the civilians in the whole country has been improved too much at this time when Wutan is included in the territory of bolkalia.

On one point, he should never be oppressed by the nobility again, which is worth doing everything.

It can be said that the maple leaf country into the rule of polkalia, for the maple leaf country civilian class, is great good news.

He was willing to do these things because of this consideration. Although he would bear the name of a traitor, he didn't care. Instead of being oppressed by the royal family in maple leaf, it would be better for Prince Reinhardt to rule maple leaf.

At least the Duke of Reinhardt is kind to the common people, which is well known in the North Sea.

Looking at the young noble captain being killed by a knife, Kazuo didn't worry at all, but left here with the night patrol team.

Maple Leaf King's palace.

The palace is close at hand. The armored soldiers led by Blatter did not encounter any resistance all the way. It was all because of the night patrol just now. Because there was no night patrol, they were able to quickly reach the front of the maple leaf palace.

"Control the members of the royal family and kill them on the spot in case of resistance." Reinhardt's face coldly ordered, Blatter and band with two hundred soldiers immediately rushed in.

Bang Bang

Boom, boom

The huge roar suddenly sounded, and the whole palace was shocked. At this time, all the nobles were awakened. At this time, the alarm of the palace was finally sounded, but it was too late.


The nobles realized the fatal danger and began to assemble the soldiers urgently. However, the soldiers who assembled hastily had no combat effectiveness, let alone commander. Under Blatter's leadership, they were soon defeated. And band led a group of soldiers to attack the maple leaf palace and the king's palace.

That night, the residents of the Royal City heard a huge vibration. The sound from the palace was like lightning and thunder.

"I'm a nobleman in maple leaf country. It's unforgivable for you to break into the palace and kill people." One of the nobles was bound up by soldiers, and he kept shouting.

"Who on earth dares to break into the palace?" Another nobleman was also very shocked. He was still in gentle village just now, but he was about to have a catastrophe. So after seeing these situations clearly, he roared angrily: "what are those night patrols doing? They are all rubbish. They let these people in."

However, it seems that he has not made it clear that this time, it was not the invasion of thieves or pirates, but the capture of another country.

"The nobility of maple leaf?" A cold voice came, and the nobles who were subdued were all in a row.

"Tomorrow will be gone."

Seeing Blatter's figure, these nobles reflected that Blatter's identity was known to all of them. In other words, polcalia captured the maple leaf kingdom?

This is an answer without any suspense.

In the palace of the king's residence, the old king was awakened by the sound of a huge vibration. When he woke up, he was in a cold sweat.

The king cried for a long time, but there was no bodyguard. But just as the king was about to get up in person, a bodyguard with a helmet came not far away.

"Your Majesty, the Duke of Reinhardt of polcalia has occupied the maple leaf kingdom." The bodyguard whispered that there seemed to be no pressure on the king.

The king was shocked. He couldn't believe that this kind of disaster would happen in an instant. Naturally, he knew the name of Reinhardt, so he said in a hurry, "what about those subjects... Why don't they come to rescue them?"

"They can't protect themselves."

"And the soldiers have surrounded the palace, and the ministers of the kingdom are under control." The guard answered in a low voice.

The old king was stunned. Then he yelled angrily at the bodyguard: "waste, waste, all waste. It's all waste to support you at ordinary times. It's all waste at the critical moment."

The king of maple leaf had obviously lost his mind. He picked up the wine cup at the head of the bed and threw it at the guard. The guard's forehead was broken, leaving a trace of blood.

But the bodyguard didn't seem to care. He just wiped the blood on his forehead with his hand and then laughed.

"You... You're not the guard of the palace..." looking at the guard's smile, the king was shocked slightly, but the guard shook his head. "The memory of the king is too bad, but I've been on duty in your palace for more than five years. You don't know me..."

The bodyguard took the helmet off his head. The king was surprised to see the bodyguard's face.

"It's you... Why aren't you dead?"

The king saw clearly and remembered that this guy was executed together, but why did he appear here?

"How can I die before I stab the sword in your chest... Besides, I've been hiding in the royal city for several years. You aristocrats are really useless. I didn't even notice that. I've been hiding carefully. I can't eat well and sleep well."

The bodyguard said slowly, as if he was talking about the most trivial thing, but his expression was slightly ferocious, and his eyes were full of murderous intention. However, the murderous intention, the desire to swallow the king alive, was strongly restrained.

"Somebody... Somebody." After seeing his face clearly, the king immediately called for the bodyguard outside the hall, but for a long time, there was no response.

"Don't you understand? Dear king, your country has changed its master. Since then, maple leaf country will no longer exist. Ha ha ha. "

"Think of here, excited blood is about to spurt out ah."

The voice of the bodyguard became more and more low. Looking at the king's frightened eyes, he continued to say in a low voice, "if Lord Blatter hadn't told me, I would like to insert the sword into your chest here."

"Now you have only one choice to save your life, that is to go to the king's hall to meet the new king."

"OK, OK, I'll go. As long as you don't kill me, let me do anything." The king immediately got up.

In the palace, Blatter and band had controlled the whole situation, and all the maple leaf soldiers gave up their resistance.

When he came to the king's Hall of maple leaf country, Reinhardt sat on the king's seat. Beside him stood a young man with a pretty face. He didn't seem to be seventeen or eighteen years old. Although he had a tender face, he had an extraordinary temperament.

On both sides are the soldiers led by Blatter and band, and in the middle of the lower, a group of nobles shivering on their knees, as if waiting for Reinhardt to fall.