Chapter 280

Blue light?

A huge blue light beam was ejected from the largest pointer. The blue light passed through the air and rushed directly to a clock tower ten meters short.

When the clock tower came into contact with the beam, it seemed to receive some signal or instruction. The whole tower was suddenly lit up, emitting a huge blue light, and then the clock installed on the top of the tower began to rotate.

After the blue light broke out, the light beam refracted again, and in the same way, it surrounded the bustling coastal city.

In addition to the largest clock tower with a height of 30 meters, eight ordinary clock towers with a height of 20 meters have been built in this town. Four of them are located in the coastal port, and the other four are located in the southeast, northwest and four directions. The largest clock tower, the celestial clock, is located in the center of the town.

All the clock towers, one big and eight small, are in operation. From the sky, they are like nine huge blue apertures with endless energy. The blue light beams folding in the town are like orbits in the starry sky, transparent and beautiful.

At this time, from the clock tower burst out a larger, comet like blue beam, straight up into the sky.

At this time, the golden sunset pierced the tranquil Phnom Penh, and the whole sky seemed to merge with a huge group of blue lights. In the distant sky, it seemed that the spark of starlight was completely ignited. All the blue lights burst into the sky, and then split into tens of thousands of beams, just like blue fireworks with unified color.

The blue light, like the light rain from the sky, is amazing.

All the people on this island have witnessed this scene. The blue light beam in the sky is as beautiful as the river of stars in the sky.

"Is this Chengfang town?" On the coast of the harbor, a middle-aged man looked at the sky in great shock and marveled.

"The name of the city defense town has long been changed. Now it's called clock harbor." A slightly younger man turned his lips, as if to mock that he had never seen the world.

"As a citizen of polcalia, you don't even know about it." Then he shook his head and said.

"Ha ha, I came to polkalia recently."

"Fleeing people of maple leaf country?" The young man was a little surprised. He had heard that many residents of maple leaf had risked their lives to break through the national boundaries in the past two years. He did not expect to see them here.

The middle-aged man nodded, then looked at the young man's strange clothes, which didn't seem to be the traditional dress of polkalia, so he asked in a low voice, "you are not a native of polkalia, are you“

"I'm from uthan, and since the Duke of Reinhardt removed uthan's nobles, uthan has completely merged into the territory of polcalia“ The young man gave a smile.

The middle-aged man was shocked. Of course, he knew the famous Duke of Reinhardt, a young man with multiple identities and legends. He once saw Reinhardt from a distance, so he was particularly impressed by Reinhardt, especially the eyes that seemed to penetrate people's hearts.

"This is... What are you doing“ The middle-aged man nodded, then some doubts, pointing to the blue beam group in the sky.

"This is the opening ceremony of the liquor fair. Today, many dignitaries from Beihai will come“ The young man shook his head. "You don't understand“

The middle-aged man is speechless. He is a resident of maple leaf. He escaped to polkalia after dying from the border line. Although he is not a citizen of polkalia, polkalia has never been to many places. After all, very few people can break through the border line.

Wine club... Big man

Are they the people of the underground world in the North Sea?

"This place is really prosperous..." the middle-aged man can't help sighing. He keeps scanning the clock port. There are docks, waterways, village bridges, highways, warehouses, restaurants, entertainment facilities, and four 20 meter high clock towers in the coastal port.

Near the center of the clock port, the most prominent building is the celestial clock. A large number of high-rise buildings and clean and gorgeous streets are built nearby. There are four 20 meter high clock towers in the four directions of the clock port.

Behind the clock port is the famous winery in Beihai.

"I didn't expect that in just three years, this place has completely changed." At this time, the tourists who come to the port look at everything in front of them in amazement. They come partly because of the entertainment facilities of clock port, and partly to visit the annual liquor fair.

Some tourists came here three years ago. At that time, it was just a small town in ruins. For a long time, it was attacked by pirates in the surrounding waters, and the residents of the town were threatened by the safety of their property and life.

But since the guy named Reinhardt came to polcalia, all this has been completely changed. The guy worked hard and used ruthless means. He didn't know how many opposition voices he killed before he was able to achieve this step.

What has changed in these two short three years is not just clock harbor.

However, just at this time, a huge pirate ship appeared in the coastal port. On the pirate flag, there was a huge skeleton pattern. In the pattern, two axes crossed. On the deck, there were a large number of pirates, led by a man who was nearly four meters tall.

Looks like their captain.

Behind the pirate ship, three smaller sailboats were approaching the harbor. The pirates were shouting with weapons in their hands.

"Little ones, rush to the shore, seize clock harbor, take the kingdom of polkalia and kill Reinhardt“ The captain of the pirate made a huge roar, and his men all responded and cheered.

But then, a dense blue light came from the distant sky and rushed towards the pirate fleet.

All the pirates were shocked.

"Captain, what's that“ One of his men exclaimed that the blue light was like a sword more than 40 meters long, penetrating the pirate fleet directly.

Hiss, hiss, hiss

The dense blue light group rushed into the pirate fleet. The pirate fleet was split in an instant, and the sea was also surging up. The roaring waves completely submerged all the sailboats.

In full view of the public, the pirate fleet completely sank to the bottom of the sea.

"Is there any stupid pirate who dares to come to clock harbor?"

"I don't know how to die."

A young man in a black windbreaker with a cigar in his mouth saw this behind the scenes and gave a sneer. He was followed by ten men in suits, which looked like a Mafia.

"Boss Gus." His subordinates called him, and he shook his hand impatiently: "you take people to send the gifts directly to the palace. I'm going to meet eldest elonkova."

He is the member of Malin whom Reinhardt secretly courted two years ago. He took over the post of a Bao after his death. Up to now, his position in Malin is second only to elonkova and the third person after his deputy.

The cooperation between elonkova and Reinhardt has also achieved the expected results. Except for reef intermediaries, all the three gangs in the North Sea have been removed by him and Reinhardt.