Chapter 265

When I left the one heart Taoist temple, the moon in the night sky was already hanging high.

But the shops in the town have been closed. With the light of the moon, Reinhardt comes to the only way to the port, outside the wall of gaozhen.

The huge city wall is more than 20 meters high. It extends far and far, and can't see the end at a glance. It divides the kingdom of Goya. Inside and outside gaozhen are two different worlds, the dividing points of poverty, disease, death and wealth, health and happiness.

At this time, under the dim wall of gaozhen, Reinhardt heard the rapid footsteps. A short boy rushed out of the gate of gaozhen. Because of his identity, the soldiers didn't stop him.

"Saab... What's the rush?" Looking at the boy running down, Reinhardt immediately opened his mouth and asked with a smile.

Hearing this sound, Saab raised his head in some surprise, and then his eyes were overjoyed. His feet stopped in a hurry. He bent down and put his hands on his knees. After a while, Saab quickly said, "Uncle Reinhardt, the noble is going to burn the garbage mountain. Ace and Luffy are still there. Go and save them."

Reinhardt was a little stunned. He didn't expect that the story of burning the garbage mountain happened tonight, which made him catch up.

"Don't worry, take me there now." Rheinha nodded and, under the leadership of Saab, immediately ran towards the garbage mountain.

After a while, the sky turned red, and huge flames covered the whole sight. Saab and Reinhardt both felt the temperature in the air getting hotter and hotter, and smelled a pungent smell of smoke mixed with the smell of garbage mountain.

"No, the fire is on." Saab, sweating, said to Reinhardt, "uncle, let's go and tell ace and Luffy to run away."

"People in this country are crazy. They dare to set fire to the garbage mountain. So many people depend on the garbage mountain to survive..."

The garbage mountain is a gathering place for the poor and refugees in the kingdom of Goya. If it is burned, the fire will surely spread to all people, and a large number of people will die.

"Are the nobles going to kill these poor people?" Reinhardt whispered, with a slight hum.

"These nobles stink. Damn it. Damn it." Saab said with tears in his eyes.

When he came to the position near the garbage mountain, Reinhardt saw from a distance that the army was maintaining order, and let the residents of gaozhen immediately stay away from the garbage mountain area of the side town. The residents soon rushed into gaozhen and met in the center street.

Reinhardt and Saab continue to run towards the garbage mountain. The deeper they go, the higher the temperature and the denser the smoke. From time to time, they can hear a lot of shouts and cruel banter.

"Wake up, everyone. There's a fire. Run away." Obviously, a large number of poor people are sleeping here.

"The flames are coming."

"Don't worry about the house. Run. If you don't run, you will be burned to death."

"Don't put it out. The fire is too big to put out."

"Don't run that way. The road on the other side of the coast is burning."

"The entrance to the forest is also a sea of fire."

"Damn, where are you going? Can you just wait here to die?"

The shrill and desperate cries of countless people came to my ears.

"Uncle Reinhardt, can you save them?" Saab asked eagerly, even though his heart at this time is most worried about ace and Luffy, but see this sad scene, also want to immediately save these people.

"I can't help it. The fire is too big."

It's true. He can't put out the fire with his sword skill, body skill and fruit ability.

"Ha ha ha, this game is so cool. Watching these rubbish fall to the ground one shot at a time, my whole body trembles comfortably."

Not far away came a piercing cry, and then Reinhardt heard a few shots.

"It's great, isn't it?"

A sudden voice rang in the man's ear. The man turned his head in amazement and saw an extremely tall man, as well as his cold and ferocious eyes.

"Who are you?" Just as he wanted to answer subconsciously, he suddenly felt that his throat was held by a pincers like palm, and there was no sound in his voice.

Click and rub... A creepy sound of bone fracture broke. The man's throat was pinched by his palm, and he died immediately without any reaction.

"Uncle Reinhardt, let's find ace and Luffy." Saab shouts to Reinhardt. Reinhardt discards his body in the nearby fire and follows Saab to walk inside.

"Burn up all the rubbish, boys. Hahaha, after this work is finished, the perennial dream will come true."

"We will get the title of the king, become nobles and live in [High Town]."

"Ha ha ha ha ha."

Reinhardt heard a harsh voice, and then found that Saab had separated from him.

Instead of paying attention to the whimsical garbage, he continued to rush into the flaming garbage mountain in search of ACE and Luffy.

Seeing the road completely covered by flames in front of him, Reinhardt stood in the same place and kept silent for a while. Then he stretched out his right palm and patted it gently close to the flame. The flame instantly changed its shape, as if it was growing up with the help of the strong wind. But the airflow was under the great pressure of the energy running through his palm, and the flame could not bear it, Straight through a long passage.

Reinhardt looked at the flame passage and immediately rushed in. With the penetration of the air energy, he finally passed through the huge flame ring, and then heard a huge roar in his ear.

"Don't touch Luffy!"

Huh? This domineering momentum... Reinhardt was slightly shocked, felt this familiar domineering atmosphere, and then immediately saw a group of people in front of him. They were pirates with guns and knives. At this time, they had gradually fallen to the ground under the pressure of this energy.

Overbearing, overbearing

Reinhardt murmured to himself that the only one standing in front of him at this time was ace, who was short and powerful, besides the leader of the pirate.

How old is he? At ten years old at most, he awakened to the tyranny. He is worthy of being born with the king's talent, which is completely inherited from Roger the pirate king.

"How dare you, you little devil." The head of the pirate jumps over, puts ace on the ground and starts kicking.

"Stop it, greenhead. Let ace go." At this time, an aunt with a cigarette in her mouth appeared. He hit the head of the pirate with his axe.

"Dadan..." Lufei not far away also called.