Chapter 258

"Now that you understand this, why do you come to me for advice“ Gengshiro looked at him with a gentle smile on his face. Under his transparent glasses, his eyes were always squinting. He couldn't see any emotion, but only mild.

Reinhardt went to the bottom of the wooden platform and placed several prototypes of cushions under it. Reinhardt untied his Sabre and put it on the ground, then sat down.

The teenagers behind all looked at Reinhardt in astonishment. They seemed to be very surprised at Reinhardt's swordsmanship.

Especially guyna, always feel this guy is not good, there is a very frightening existence.

However, it was at this time that Solon and guyna suddenly felt relaxed. After that guy sat down, he seemed to restrain all his oppression and domineering momentum. Even if he stood near him, he could not feel half a strong breath.

Solon felt like a mountain climber. Reinhardt, who was standing in front of him, was a mountain that he could not surmount in ten years. But as soon as Reinhardt sat down, the insurmountable mountain suddenly disappeared. What kind of strong breath, what kind of fierce sword power, It's all gone.

At this moment, Solon clearly understood that the man in front of him was far from the strong one he could rival. It turns out that adults are very different from adults. Just like those peers of the same age in Daochang, everyone's strength is very different. The weak are very weak, and the strong are very strong.

But he was not discouraged, but more aggressive. For him, constantly surpassing the strong is the most interesting thing.

"It's not necessarily possible to understand“ Reinhardt was silent for a moment, and then replied with a smile. His eyes were fixed on gengshiro on the wooden platform. At this time, it seemed that gengshiro didn't feel like a strong swordsman. He didn't look much different from ordinary farmers.

Although he is the master of the Taoist school, he does not show up.

"I can tell the correct development law of everything in the world, but I can't develop like things at all. Even if it belongs to the category that human beings can do, I may not be able to restore the development principle of that kind of things when I understand all the reasons“

Reinhardt went on to say that this level of dialogue may be too abstruse for the indigenous people in the world, but he thought it was not difficult for Geng Siro, who could say that "there are swordsmen who cut everything in the world, but they can cut steel.".

"In short, it's easy to know but difficult to do“

"Ha ha“ Gengshiro pushed his transparent glasses, showing a smile, "what a good one [easy to understand, difficult to do], seemingly simple and easy to understand, but deep in Dali“

"But I admire you for your mind in kendo. Besides you, I can only find three swordsmen who can recognize and say such words“


Reinhardt was a little surprised. Are you gengshiro, Hawkeye mikhok... Who else is there?

"However, your Kendo has been branded with your own strong will, which means that you are brave and progressive, stubborn and crazy. This kind of strength does not need to be strengthened“ Gengshiro looked at Reinhardt sitting on the cushion and said softly.

"The so-called" strong "has not been able to cut iron, steel or even all things in the world“ Reinhardt shook his head. He had only two purposes when he came to Yixin Daochang. First, he wanted to learn from the swordsmanship of gengshiro to understand the swordsmanship of cutting everything but steel.

The second is to meet gengshiro as a swordsman to see if this guy is really extraordinary.

"The strong is not the strong that can cut everything“ Gengshiro shook his head.

After hearing this, Reinhardt was silent for a long time. He began to think that one of the tenets of sword cultivation in the past year was to be brave and progressive. Anyway, the blade in his hand must be invincible and unfavourable. It seems to be in line with Geng Siro's words, "the strength of strength". This is not a mistake, It's about the size... And the inflection point on the Kendo road.

After a long time, Reinhardt raised his head, looked at gengshiro and said, "in my hometown, there is a saying," if the moon is full, the moon will be full; if the water is full, the moon will be full. "

"When the moon is full, the moon will be full, and the water will overflow..." Geng Si Lang was a little surprised after hearing these eight words, so he repeated these words and asked, "when the water is full, the moon will overflow. I understand, but why is the moon full and the moon will overflow?"

"That is to say, when the moon is full, it begins to change to defect, which means that things will decline when they are full." Reinhardt explains.

"It turns out that it is very similar to [the strength of strength]." Geng Si Lang nodded and continued to say, "but all things always have their own thinking consciousness, just like this sea, it also has its own rules. Look at this leaf“

Gengshiro said slowly, then stood up and pointed to a leaf not far away.

"Listen... They breathe“

"Feel the wind in my ear, how gentle and gentle“

"Listen to their breath“

Gengshiro continued, "Feng also has will“

"This will can become the most lethal weapon in the world, and it can also become the most gentle thing“

The breath from Geng Si Lang's mouth shocked Reinhardt extremely. Although it was not the first time he heard this kind of saying, he jumped out of the world and listened as an outsider. At this time, he stood opposite him when he said these words.

This can be said to be a very high level of swordsman. It is definitely not just a simple intention of cutting iron. The breath of all things is obviously a kind of Qi. People who can feel this kind of Qi are awakened by seeing and hearing the color and domineering spirit.

The so-called pre learning condition of chopping iron is one of the domineering ways of seeing and hearing, which Reinhardt also understood.

"What breath, what will... Mr. gengshiro, what are you talking about“ At this time, under the wooden platform, there were many teenagers who were puzzled. Even Solon and guyna could not understand the meaning of his words.

Geng Si Lang put his eyes on the apprentice under the Taoist platform, then said with a smile, "it's still difficult for you to understand these words. You have to wait until you grow up to have a chance to understand them“