Chapter 210

One morning, the sea area of Jiadan.

At this time, the sea was calm, and a huge navy warship appeared on the endless sea level. The warship was sailing rapidly, and the huge white sail was flying in the wind.

On the deck of the warship stood dozens of navies. At this time, the highest officer on the warship was the lieutenant commander of the Jiadan branch. Besides, beside him stood a navy who was nearly two meters tall.

This time, they were ordered to go out to sea to destroy a small group of Pirates near the Jiadan sea area, so they dispatched part of the branch Navy. On the other hand, in order to let the recruits get more training, they were equipped with some elite navy soldiers.

Originally, according to urma's idea, Vic Blatter was still asked to take the Kingdom soldiers with him to help eliminate the pirates and protect the recruits. However, this time, he was rejected by the commander of the Navy. In his opinion, it is the Navy's bounden duty to eliminate the pirates. How can this kind of thing be handled by others.

In addition, it is absolutely a fatal blow to the overall combat effectiveness and morale of the navy of the Jiadan branch. Although it is reported that the navy of the Jiadan branch exterminated these pirates, all the navies of the branch are aware of the real situation, but no naval force with a little ambition will accept this almost humiliating "gift" with peace of mind.

So this time, he advocated taking advantage of this opportunity to train new naval recruits and develop their ability to lead the team alone.

"Line up." The lieutenant commander looked at the soldiers on the deck and yelled. Then he took a telescope and looked at the distant sea for a while. Finally he turned to see that the navy soldiers were in line.

After a while, two relatively small pirate ships appeared on the sea.

"Muskets, artillery units are in combat readiness, the rest are on standby." After observing on the sea, the lieutenant commander immediately gave an order that the two sailboats in the telescope were much smaller than the naval ships.

After the lieutenant commander finished, there were still 30 navy soldiers on the deck. In addition to the veterans, there were more than a dozen recruits. They just took this opportunity to fight against the relatively weak Pirate Group to teach the recruits the first lesson: familiar with death.

"It's supposed to be the pirates... It looks like they're going to fight." Among the navy soldiers, a slightly immature voice rang out, "Hey, old Marines, are you afraid? I heard that the pirates are very fierce."

"Shut up, kid." The old soldier, who was called old marine by him, gave a low scold. Then he gave a fierce look at the boy next to him. He didn't make a sound at this time. He also glanced at the rank of lieutenant commander and his immediate commander in front of him

X. Drake, then warned him with a slightly angry tone: "fool, if you don't want to be killed by the pirates, close your stinking lips, stop talking like a grumpy woman, and focus on fighting the pirates, or I promise you won't see the sun rise tomorrow."

He is an old marine. Naturally, he knows how terrible a recruit who has just been trained for three months will be when he meets a ferocious pirate. He is especially disgusted by such a new recruit who keeps talking like a fly. However, he still reminds the recruits that blood is fatal, especially when they see their companions and enemies falling down one after another, That kind of psychological pressure ordinary people can't bear.

After listening to these words, Coty's face was very blue, but he finally shut up. He saw the bloody smell of life and death from the eyes of the veteran soldiers, and the eyes that seemed to kill people. It was very frightening to see them.

"Roentgen, I'll fight next to you." Cody whispered to another teenage companion.

Standing among the masses of soldiers, lunqin is tall and straight, and his eyes are firm. When he joined the Navy for half a year, his height has exceeded 2.2 meters. Especially during this period, he frequently participated in the encirclement and suppression of the pirates in the Jiadan sea area. After the life and death struggle and blood, the whole person's air quality has changed greatly. In the past, he looked rather elegant, At this time, there was also a fierce spirit of killing.

The biggest change is his eyes, which used to be timid and hesitant, but now they look mature and sharp, as if they grew up overnight.

"Coty, since you choose to be a glorious Navy, you should always be ready to fight with the pirates." Roentgen glanced at his familiar companion. His voice was a little low. He seemed to blame him for his unswerving will as a navy.

Curty looked at lunqin beside him and sighed. How could there be such a big gap between people? He and lunqin were new recruits who joined the Jiadan branch in the same period. However, although their strength has improved in the past six months, compared with the guy next to them, they are quite different.

Roentgen's fighting talent, exaggerated cultivation intensity and the speed of strength improvement can not be described too much by the word "monster".

Especially after fighting with the pirates for many times, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds like a rocket.

At present, Waldo roentgen and X. Drake have been called the naval double stars in the whole naval branch of Gadan, which means that he has a bright future.

"I know, but I always feel my legs shaking." Curty sighed, then shook his head: "it seems that willpower is not spoken by mouth. I've thought about training hard to overcome fear, but I can't help but be afraid when I see those fierce pirates."

Is that the reason why he would take part in the fight against the pirates? After all, as a navy, he always needs to go through the battle. Even if he is a civilian, he can't stay in the branch all the time.

"Then follow me closely." After looking at him, roentgen nodded and looked at the pirate ship in the distance. "But don't worry. The two opposite pirate ships are very small. Maybe we don't need to fight at all."

Maybe big brother is right. Everyone's growing up in different environments in the world will lead to different personalities. There is no need to force a person to do what he is not good at. Maybe fighting with pirates is the worst thing for Cody. Even after the most rigorous training, he can't overcome the weakness of his personality: his natural fear of pirates.

Thinking of this, roentgen did not mean to blame the boy next to him any more. Maybe he should not be allowed to participate in this battle.

"Waldo Just then, the lieutenant commander standing in front of the soldiers suddenly called out.

"Commander, please give instructions!" Roentgen immediately crossed the group of soldiers, and then saluted with his right hand on the side of the Navy cap.

"Take your team and get ready for the collision!"

"I understand!" Roentgen yelled in response to the commander's order. Although he is only the rank of sergeant now, because of his outstanding performance in fighting with the pirates, he is specially authorized to lead a Navy team of no more than ten people.