Chapter 181

Looking at dorag's calm face and Ivankov's funny and absurd smile, we can feel a different contrast at dawn. The revolutionary army is really a monster, especially the cadres, without a normal person.

Thinking of this, dawn just took out the phone bug and dialed it. After a while, when the phone bug was connected, dawn directly said to the phone bug, "sake, calculate the financial status of the distillery as of this month, and report to my office."

Phone bug there came a loud voice: "I know boss, I'll come right away."

Fifty LAN sake was recruited through the advertisement of the Beihai branch of the world economic journal. His last job was as the financial officer of a kingdom in the South China Sea. When the kingdom was destroyed by pirates, sake escaped by chance and followed a merchant ship to bleach to the North China Sea. Finally, he was attracted by the recruitment information of Reinhardt winery published by the Beihai branch of the world economic journal.

After a lot of screening and assessment, he finally became the CFO of Reinhardt brewery. He was responsible for the operation of all the financial affairs of the factory, detailed the operation of all the funds, and made oral and financial reports to dawn regularly.

"My CFO is clearing the detailed financial position of the plant this year." After hanging up at dawn, he said to dorage, and then asked, "Mr. dorage, you should know something about next year's world conference reported during this period of time?"

Before dorage spoke, Ivankov, who was next to him, answered directly: "boy, do you know that half of the reasons for this world conference are for our revolutionary army, especially dorage."

"The world government is going to concentrate on strangling the revolutionary army in the bud this time, so the topic of this time is to tell the kings of all Member States to search for the news of the revolutionary army and report to the world government as soon as there is any news." Dorage's voice was a little low, obviously worried about this.

"In fact, don't worry too much. Although the revolutionary army is known as the most vicious criminal organization in the world, the world government will not really realize the threat of the revolutionary army at present, so you should try your best to hide and accumulate strength."

Talking at dawn, as if back to the previous life that time and friends drinking bragging short and happy time.

"Next, you are going to carry out revolutionary activities, and you are also going to focus on mobile warfare. Do not contact the enemy directly, break the whole into parts every time, and incite a large number of suffering civilians secretly, especially those refugees who have been oppressed by the nobles. You need to make careful planning and use some obscure means to incite, which will surely achieve extraordinary results."

He mentioned the words "can't see light" and "fan".

At first, dorag heard what he said, and felt nothing special. But then Reinhardt's words brightened his eyes slightly. When it comes to incitement, Reinhardt may be the best at it.

But when he heard the words mentioned by dawn, he frowned slightly.

"Can you be specific?" Dorag wants to hear Reinhardt's ideas, but he doesn't listen to them. Anyway, this guy has a lot of ghost ideas. Since he doesn't want to join the revolutionary army, let him come up with a few more ideas for free.

"Raise the flag and shout slogans." At dawn, he said whatever he thought. He had no scruples in the face of dorag. As for what was good for the revolutionary army and what was bad for the revolutionary army, he did not have time to study deeply. In any case, according to the normal development of history, the revolutionary army will survive for 12 years.

What are you doing with all your heart... Dawn can't help thinking like this, and then continues to say: "you've set up the flag, and now it's time to shout slogans."

"The slogan must be loud and direct to the hearts of the common people. The bigger the better, and it must be extremely correct, but it is extremely difficult to achieve."

"Shouting slogans is not to be cool or loud, but to let all civilians know that your revolutionary army is standing with the civilian class and fighting and sacrificing for the interests of the civilians."

Dawn looked at dorage's stunned expression and asked casually, "does the revolutionary army have a slogan?"

Dorag shook his head, then some doubts: "shouting those big slogans, as well as the means you said that can't see the light and the way of fanning, isn't that deceiving civilians?"

After hearing this, dawn was dumbfounded and said, "slogans are just a means to rally people's minds. As for verbal deception, it's unnecessary to care. The revolutionary army will do everything in the future, and who will care about that at that time. Besides, revolution is not a dinner party, nor does it depend on naivety and frankness, I know how to choose. "

"Just like the slogan I chanted when I resisted the Tianjin uprising that day, do you think I really wanted to help them resist the Tianjin uprising and the tyranny of the king?" Speaking of this, dawn shook his head: "I just use that opportunity to seek greater benefits for myself."

"Not to mention the motive, it depends on the behavior. You see, after I seized the power of polkaya, I brought a new life to the civilians of polkaya. That's the most important thing."

"In order to make a revolution, we should take the point to the area, from the line to the piece, dissect layer upon layer, gradually take shape, and gather the living forces of the masses. When the ocean falls, it will be a day of change."

Dorag was stunned by his subversive words at this time, and he couldn't help standing still for a long time.

Looking at dorage's more and more dull expression, dawn continued to say, as if he were talking to himself: "just as the so-called single spark can start a prairie fire, if the single spark can be gathered into stars, where can the whole world not burn?"

Good guy, Reinhardt not only has many ghost ideas, but also has great ambition. In particular, the ideas he provides in his words make the already confused ideas of dorag clear again.

It was only a short time before she said so many shocking words, especially the shocking sentence that a single spark can start a prairie fire. Unexpectedly, she felt a kind of uninhibited, vast momentum and unswerving faith.

Ivankov couldn't help thinking.


Dorage suddenly put out his hand to stop daybreak to continue to say, his eyes are still a little dazed: "you let me digest, you say these words I have never heard."

"Ha ha, it's OK. Take your time." Dawn took the wine to drink.

Dorag recalled what dawning said in his mind. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that what he said was really reasonable. In particular, the gathering of civilian forces coincided with his previous ideas.
